2015年新人教版PEP6上【英语】PPTUnit3 My weekend plan第六课时

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1、Unit 3 My Weekend Plan,B lets talk,海量PPT模板免费下载,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Lets try,John is on his way home. He sees Amy. Listen and answer.,Check your answers,What is Amy going to do?2.Is the ice cream for John?,She is going to buy some fruit.,No,its for his cousin Jack.,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小

2、学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Lets talk,Travel to Mars,火星之旅讲述的是一个火星探险的美苏两国曾联手秘密打造火星计划,斥巨资建造宇宙飞船“玛丽号”,这时发生席卷全球的经济危机,两国政府的财政陷入困境,计划被迫中止,飞船被尘封于核废墟地带下的某一秘密轨道上.,What kind of film are they going to see? 喜剧/Comedy 冒险/Adventure 幻想/Fantasy 悬念/Mystery 惊悚/Thriller 记录/Document

3、ary 战争/War 西部/Western 爱情/Romance 剧情/Drama 恐怖/Horror 动作/Action2.Whats your favourite film? The Lion King,Kung Fu Panda,WHY NOT,Why not 为何不(用来提建议)Why not go on Tuesday? Why not go to the cinema? Why not go swimming?,绿色圃中小学教育网,在我国许多电影院周二部分时段或全天电影票价为半价。周二半价的活动始于2005年,为了吸引更多的观众进影院看电影,广州部分影院开始试行半价制度。半价活动一

4、试行就吸引了大量的观众。后来,中国电影放映协会向全国影院发起每周二定位电影票半价日的倡议。不过,周二半价日并不强制执行,影院可以自愿响应,也可以降半价日定在其他日期。在中国,许多影院还是将半价日定在了周二,并一直延续下来。,周二半价?why?,Fill in the blanks:where what where,Where what how,Talk about your and your friends weekend plan.,Summary,What have we learned today? 1.Where are you going 2.What are you going to do? 3.When are you going? 4.Why not,



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