2015届高考英语(重大版)一轮复习配套文档:book 5 unit 3 living planet

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1、 .重点单词识记1shrink /rIk/ vi./vt.收缩;(使)皱缩;缩短2rise /raIz/ n上升3beneath /bIni/ prep.在下面4conference /knfrns/ n(正式)会议5urgent /dnt/ adj.紧急的;急迫的6specific /spsIfIk/ adj.特定的;具体的7decrease /dIkris/ vt.减小;减少8release /rIlis/ vt.释放9exist /IzIst/ vi.存在;生存existence n存在;生存existing adj.现存的;目前的10relatively /reltIvlI/ adv.

2、相对地relative adj.相对的11engaged /IngeIdd/ adj.忙的;忙碌的engage vi./vt.使忙碌;从事;参加12affect /fekt/ vt.影响;感动;感染affection n喜爱;感情;影响;感染effect n影响;效果;作用13extremely /IkstrImlI/ adv.极端地;非常地extreme adj.极度的;极端的14eruption /Irpn/ n爆发erupt vi.(火山等)喷发15reduction /rIdkn/ n减少;降低reduce vt.减少;缩小.重点短语识记1at least 至少2compared wi

3、th 与相比3make up 形成、构成或组成某物4play a role in.在方面起作用5in terms of 就而言6keep.from.阻止;抑制7block out 遮住;挡住8. have an effect on 对有影响.经典原句默写与背诵1The earth,the planet on which we are living,is the third planet from the sun.我们所居住的地球是靠近太阳的第三颗行星。2The flattening and swelling are too small to see.扁平和鼓起太小了以致于看不见。3This i

4、s a very small rise when compared with the size of the whole earth.与整个地球的大小相比时,这是一次非常小的上升。1No one knows when such a custom first came into existence.(exist)2Id appreciate it if you would reply soon.(appreciation)3She was deeply affected by his sad story.(affect)4The price of wheat has been decreased

5、 by 15%.(decrease)5Now,many films are released at the same time around the world.(release)6The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution.(extremely)7Women usually live longer than men.(unusually)8There has been some reduction in unemployment.(reduce)1 rise v.升起;上涨;提

6、高;n.上升rise to ones feet 站起来on the rise 在上涨;在增长give rise to 引起;导致Spray rose up from the surface of the water.水面溅起水花。He will get a pay rise of nearly 4,000.他的工资将会上涨将近 4 000 英镑。图解助记夯实基础用含有 rise 的短语填空(1)Delays could give rise to further problems.(2)Serious crime is once again on the rise.(3)Pushing back

7、 her chair she rose to her feet.2 affect v.影响influence;打动;侵袭,使感染attackbe affected with high fever 发高烧affect sb.to tears 把某人感动得流泪have an effect on 对有影响She was deeply affected by the news of his death.他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。词义辨析 effect,affect(1)effect 用作名词时,意为“影响,效果” ,常用于 have an effect on 结构中;用作动词时,表示“引起,使发生”

8、。(2)affect 用作动词,意为“影响” ,常表示消极的影响。夯实基础用 effect,affect 的适当形式填空(1)The drug didnt affect his health;in fact,it seemed to have no effect at all.(2)With the governments aid,those affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.单项填空1The number of the unemployed is owing to the financial crisis

9、.Aon the rise Bon the wayCon the raise Don the decline答案 A解析 句意为:由于经济危机失业人数在上涨。根据句意,只有 A 项符合。2The elderly population in China will have a great on the whole society.Aadvantage BdifficultyCeffect Daffect答案 C解析 句意为:中国的老年人口将会对整个社会有着很大的影响。have a great effect on 对有很大影响。3What is the price of petrol these

10、days?Oh,it sharply since last month.Ais raised Bhas risenChas raised Dis increased答案 B解析 由句意知应用现在完成时,raise 为及物动词,后应跟宾语;rise 为不及物动词,意为“上升” ,故选 B 项。4How do you find the football match between England and Italy?There is nothing specialit is only .Aaverage BusualCcommon Dnormal答案 A解析 答语句意为:没什么特别的只是一般水平。

11、average 一般的,平常的,指水平,符合题意。usual 通常的;common 普通的,常见的;normal 正常的。5Broadly speaking,I would agree with Tom,though not .Aextremely BentirelyCheavily Dgradually答案 B解析 句意为:我大体上同意汤姆的观点,虽然不完全同意。extremely 极端地;entirely 完全地;heavily 沉重地;gradually 渐渐地。.汉译英1然后将举行一场讨论会,讨论诸如学校生活、文化差异的话题,旨在促进相互了解。(cover) (2011天津书面表达)T

12、hen a discussion will be held,which may cover such topics as school life,cultural differences,aiming to improve mutual understanding.2大约 5 亿 4 千万人受二手烟的影响,每年引起 10 万人死亡。(affect)(2010广东基础写作)Around 540 million people are affected by secondhand smoke,which causes 100,000 deaths per year.far away,in terms

13、 of,at least,keep.from,make up1Women make up only 30% of the workforce.2Can you at least tell me what youre building?3It will keep him from being hurt.4But if I leave I want something new and far away.5It is a small country both in terms of size and population.1 make up组成;编造;化妆;补上;凑数;和好;占be made up

14、of 由组成/构成make up for 弥补;补偿be made of/from 由制成be made into 把制成be made out of 由制成make it 获得成功;约定时间Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force.女警占警力的 13%。Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.失去一个孩子是任何东西都无法弥补的。特别提醒make up 和 make up for 都可作“弥补”解,但是 make up 的宾语是直接可以补的东西,如耽误了一节课可以把这节课补上,而

15、make up for 的宾语是不能直接弥补的东西,只能通过另一种形式弥补,比如丢失的时间。夯实基础写出下列句子中 make up 的汉语意思(1)North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.组成,构成(2)I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him.编造(3)She spent too much time making herself up.化妆(4)Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?补上2 keep.from.阻止forbidkeep.free from/of 使不受影响;使不含(有害物)be free from/of 不受影响;不含(有害物)keep (sb.) away from/keep (sb.) off(使)远离;使不接近keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事keep (oneself) from doing sth.忍住/克制住自己不做某事Keep away fro



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