2015届高考英语(重大版)一轮复习配套文档:book 3 unit 3 dreams and dreamers

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1、 .重点单词识记1interrupt /Intrpt/ vt./vi.打断2senior /sinI(r)/ n(中学或大学的)毕业班学生;adj.较年长的;年资较深的3camp /kmp/ vi.露营,宿营4goods /dz/ n货物;物资5intention /Intenn/ n目的;意图6major /meId(r)/ adj.重要的,主要的,大的7income /Inkm/ n收入8position /pzIn/ n职位9former /fm(r)/ adj.在前的,以前的10tough /tf/ adj.艰苦的;困难的11incredible /Inkredbl/ adj.了不起的

2、,令人惊异的12continue /kntInju/ vt./vi.继续;连续continual adj.不断的;连续的continually adv.不停地,一再地13describe /dIskraIb/ vt.描述,描写description n描述,描写14consider /knsId(r)/ vt.考虑reconsider vt.重新考虑15motivate /mtIveIt/ vt.激发(某人)的兴趣motivation n动力;动机motivational adj.激励信心的,激发兴趣的.重点短语识记1in_great_detail 非常详细地2put_ones_heart_i

3、nto 用心于;在上花心血3a_great_deal_of 许多;大量4make_up_ones_mind 做出决定;下定决心5._turn_in 交(作业、报告等)6something_of 多少有点7tear_off 撕开;撕烂8raise_ones_spirits_up_to_the_ceiling 使精神振奋9make_ones_decision 做出决定10stick_to_sth.坚持;不放弃11lay_sb._off 解雇12rather_than 而不是13end_up_with_sth.以为结束.经典原句默写与背诵1On_the_front_page_was_a_large_

4、red_F with a note that read, “See me after class.”在首页上是一个大大的、红色的“不及格” ,还有张纸条写着:“下课后来见我。 ”2Stick to it and_you_will_be successful.坚持你的梦想,你终将会获得成功。3Having_made_that_decision,I was immediately tested.做出了那样的决定后,我立即面临了挑战。4To celebrate my success I had_a_local_artist_paint_my new office as a garden.为庆祝成功,

5、我让一位当地的艺术家把我的新办公室油漆成了一个花园。1English was his major in the college,while she majored in Japanese.(major)2Despite continual pain,he refused all drugs.(continue)3No,it wasnt a dream.It was_real.(realistic)4We had always intended that the new series would be live.(intention)5I was impressed by the diligen

6、ce and motivation of Chinese students.(motivational)6Getting lost is a tearful experience for a child.(tearfully)1 interrupt v.打断讲话或动作;打扰;中断;中止interrupt sb./sth.打断某人讲话/中断某事without interruption 不间断地Dont interrupt us;its rude.别打断我们的谈话,这是很不礼貌的。Im sorry to interrupt you,but could you tell me the way to

7、the hospital?对不起,打扰了,你能告诉我去医院怎么走吗?词义辨析 disturb,interrupt(1)disturb“弄乱,打乱,扰乱” ,侧重对某人动作或行为的干扰或干预,给别人带来较长时间的耽搁或不能专注于某事。(2)interrupt“中断,打断” ,主要指对别人谈话或某一活动的打扰,使对方活动停下来或不能继续。夯实基础It_is_bad_manners_to_interrupt_others(打断别人是不礼貌的) while they are having a conversation.2 senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的be senior to 比年长(

8、资深)be superior to 比优越(更好)be inferior to 次于;不如be junior to 比年轻(资浅)He is senior to me,though hes young.他比我地位高,虽然他比我年轻。This cloth is superior to that.这种布比那种好。特别提醒以上四词作形容词用时,没有比较级。to 表示“和相比” ,而表示“在方面”时用介词 in。夯实基础同义句改写She is five years older than me.(用 senior 改写句子)(1)She is senior_to me by five years.(2)

9、She is five years senior_to me.3 consider v.仔细考虑,细想;认为;以为think;觉得;体谅;考虑到;顾及consider doing.考虑做consider sb./sth.(to be/as)认为某人(物)all things considered 总而言之;考虑到所有情况considering prep./conj.考虑到;就而言consideration n考虑;体谅under consideration 在考虑中;在讨论中take sth.into consideration 考虑到;顾及Shes very active,consideri

10、ng her age.就她的年龄来说,她是十分活跃的。夯实基础同义句改写You do have to consider the feelings of those around you.(用 consideration 改写句子)You_do_have_to_take_the_feelings_of_those_around_you_into_consideration.单项填空1She tried to explain,but the chairman _ her in the midsentence.Adisturbed BinterruptedCbroke Dtroubled答案 B解析

11、 interrupt sb.意为“打断某人讲话” 。2This kind of digital camera is _ to all the other types on the market.Ajunior BsuperiorCbeneficial Dsenior答案 B解析 be superior to 比好,符合题意。be junior to 比年轻;be senior to 比年长。3Is your brother going camping?Hes signed up but hes considering _.Anot to go Bnot goingCwont go Dnot t

12、o答案 B解析 consider 作“考虑”解,后跟动名词。4My parents want me to take_maths lessons at the weekend,but I want to play and have fun.Arecent BavailableCformer Dextra答案 D解析 句意为:我的父母想让我在周末补数学课,但是我想玩得开心点。recent 最近的;available 可得到的,可利用的;former 先前的;extra 额外的。根据句意可知,D项符合题意。5This treatment is not available in _ of hospit

13、als.Amost BmajorityCthe most Dthe majority答案 D解析 句意为:大多数医院不采用这种治疗法。the majority of hospitalsmost of the hospitals。.汉译英如果你能考虑一下我将非常感激。(consideration)(2011浙江书面表达)Thank_you_for_your_consideration.lay off,rather than,a great deal of,turn in,end up with1Many companies laid_off workers during the financia

14、l crisis.2He was busy writing rather_than reading the newspaper.3As we all know,there is a_great_deal_of work awaiting us.4You must turn_in your pass when you leave the building.5The meeting ended_up_with a song.1 stick to坚持;坚守stick out 伸出;探出;继续insist on 坚持We said wed give her the cash,and we must s

15、tick to our agreement.我们说过会给她现金,我们就必须信守我们的约定。She stuck her arm out of the car window and waved.她把胳膊伸到车窗外挥了挥了手。词义辨析 insist on,stick to(1)insist on“坚持” ,多用于坚持“意见、看法、主张”或坚决要求做某事,后接名词、动名词。(2)stick to“坚持,坚守(多指原则、计划、决定、诺言、意见或某种理论)” ,后接名词或代词。夯实基础用 insist on,stick to 的适当形式填空(1)we should stick_to the point that theory comes from practice.(2)She insisted_on seeing the manger as soon as possible.2 end up with以结束at an end 结束;终止come to an end 结束bring sth.to an end 结束put an end to 结束make ends meet 使收支相抵on end 连续end up 结束;告终He rose to indicate t



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