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1、2015 四川广安高考英语阅读类、短文改错巩固训练(7) 【答案】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和D 中,选出最佳答案。Lose-Win is weak. Its easy to get stepped on. Its easy to be the nice guy. Its easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.A girl named Jenny once told me about her 1 in the world of Lose Win during her eigh

2、th grade year before she finally broke 2 :My 3 with my mom all started one day 4 she said to me sarcastically(讽刺地), “Wow, youre sure sassy today.” I 5 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close myself off from her and never 6 back to her. So every time she would say something 7 I d

3、isagreed with her I would just say, “Okay, 8 you want, Mom”But I really got cold quickly. And my 9 began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, thats 10 ”and then went back to mop the floor.“Dont you ever 11 ?”I thought. But I didnt say anything and storm

4、ed off. She had no idea I was 12 upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I 13 her how important it was to me.At last, I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to 14 . You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because its 15 than fighting. Well, Im sick of it.” This all came as

5、 a 16 to her.After my blowup, we felt like we were 17 all over in our relationship. But its getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always 18 my feeling with her.If you adopt Lose Win as your basic 19 toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. Youll also be 20 your

6、true feelings deep inside. And thats not healthy.( ) 1.A.wanderings B. disappointment C. lessons D. helplessness( ) 2.A.out B .down C. up D. free( ) 3.A.relationship B .problems C. quarrels D. improvement( ) 4.A.as B .since C. when D. before( ) 5.A.regarded B. treated C. received D. took( ) 6.A.figh

7、t B .struggle C. talk D. turn( ) 7.A.even if B. only if C. as long as D. as though( ) 8.A.something B. whatever C. so much D. too much( ) 9.A.coldness B. anger C. disagreement D. hope( ) 10.A.true B. impossible C. nice D. important( ) 11.A.care B. see C. say D. listen( ) 12.A.also B. still C. even D

8、. already( ) 13.A.warned B. shown C. asked D. told( ) 14.A.end B. change C. last D. stop( ) 15.A.worse B. easier C. more D. less( ) 16.A.surprise B. pleasure C. gift D. harm( ) 17.A.going B. starting C. thinking D. reviewing( ) 18.A.share B. have C. discuss D. improve( ) 19.A.way B. method C. attitu

9、de D. theory( ) 20.A.hurting B. waking C. storing D. hiding1.A 通过下文看,Jenny 讲述了自己从忍气吞声到最终摆脱出来的过程。而在此过程中,她经历了从妥协到气愤以至最后跟妈妈理论争得尊严的过程。因此,选“徘徊”最能说明这个过程。2.D break free“挣脱”, “获得心灵、精神上的解放”,符合 Jenny 争得自己尊严的结果。3.B 从后文看,这儿指的是“我”跟妈妈的“问题、矛盾”的出现。4.C when 引导定语从句,修饰前面的名词 day,本身作状语。5.D take 此处意思是“接受、理解”之意,此处指作者并未真正了

10、解妈妈对她的讽刺口吻,仅仅理解她所说的话的字面意义。6.C talk back“还嘴、顶嘴”,此处指 Jenny 决定忍气吞声,不跟妈妈顶嘴。7.A even if 引导让步状语从句,当“即使”讲,Jenny 此处决定即使妈妈说的不对,也不去顶撞她。8.B 此处指 Jenny 总是不顶撞妈妈,妈妈说什么就是什么,因此用 whatever“无论什么”。9.B Jenny 虽然不顶撞妈妈,但内心的“怒气”在聚集。10.C 理解下文 Jenny 生气可知,此处是妈妈“敷衍”我的话,意为“好啊”,表现出妈妈对我的学业漠不关心。11.A care 当“关心、在乎”讲,此处 Jenny 在内心里反问:妈妈

11、关心过我吗?12.C even 此处用来加强语气。进一步说明妈妈对“我”漠不关心,意为:她甚至不知道我生气了。also, still, already 均不合逻辑。13.D 此处句子结构是虚拟语气,假如我“告诉”妈妈,她会明白学业对我来说有多么重要。14.B Jenny 最后终于爆发,对妈妈说:这一切需要“改变”了。Jenny 不能再忍气吞声下去了。15.B Jenny 在申诉:忍气吞声是为了避免跟妈妈发生冲突,为了大家好,即:我忍气吞声总比与你发生争执来对大家说“更容易”。16.A 表示妈妈没有预料到“我”会这么生气,而且向她申诉。surprise 用作可数名词,当“令人吃惊的事情”讲。17

12、.B 表示“我”和妈妈的关系有了新的“开始”。start all over 表示“重新开始”。18.A share:with:与妈妈分享(交流)自己的感情,符合题意跟搭配关系。19.C 后面的介词是 toward,因此只有选“态度”才符合题意跟搭配关系。20.D Jenny 最后发表议论, “忍气吞声”、把自己的真实感情“隐藏”起来对健康不利。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2013福建省毕业班质检,B)The “Give It Up for Earth Day” encourages people to commit to giving up a

13、ctions that are harmful to the environment, such as using poisonous cleaners.Throughout the month of April, Canadians are being asked to “Give It Up for Earth Day!” Earth Day has been celebrated every year on April 22 since 1970. Earth Day Canada president Jed Goldberg says that as people become mor

14、e environmentally aware, they want to find ways to reduce their environmental influence, not just celebrate one special event.“Earth Day is a great launching_pad for thinking about environmental action every day, ” said Goldberg. “Choosing healthier options, even for the short term, can lead to thinking about the influence of our decisions for a lifetime.”Thats the reason behind the “Give It Up for Earth Day” campaign. Its designed to encourage healthy habits that benefit people and the planet. It challenges everyone to help create a healthier world by making changes in their



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