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1、英文单证 项目教学二,课题:The Procedures of performance of an export contract,学习目标:,The Procedures of performance of an export contract,出口合同的履行,备货和报检-,催证,审证和改证,租船定舱,装运,报关和投保,制单结汇和理赔等,(1) Preparing goods for shipment(备货),After a contract is made, it is the main task for the exporter to prepare the goods for ship

2、ment and check them against the terms stipulated in the contract. The quality , specifications, quantity, marking and the packing should be in line withthe contract or the L/C, the date for the preparation should agree with the shipping schedule.,合同签订以后,出口商的主要任务就是为装船而准备货物,并按 合同条款对货物进行核查。货物的品质、规格、数量、

3、唛头和包 装必须与合同或信用证一致。备货时间应结合船期安排。,(2) Inspection application(报检),If required by the stipulations of the states or contract, the exporter should obtain a certificate of inspection from the institutions concerned where the goods are inspected. Usually, the commodity will be released only after theissuanc

4、e of the inspection certificate by the inspection organization.,如有国家或者合同的规定要求,出口商的货物应经有关的商检部门检验并获 取商品检验证。通常,只有在取得商检部门发给的合格检验证书后,货物才 能被海关放行。,(3)Reminding, examining and modifying L/C(催证、审证和改证),In international trade, a bankers letter of credit is commonly used for the payment of purchase price. In th

5、e course of the performance of contract one of the necessary steps for the seller is to urge the buyer to establish L/C.According to the contract, the buyer should establish the L/C on time, butsometimes he may delay for various reasons. For the safe collection of payment, the seller has to urge the

6、 buyer to expedite the opening of L/C. Upon receipt of a letter of credit, the seller must examine it very carefullyto make sure that all terms and conditions are stipulatd in accordance withthe contract. If any discrepancies exist, the seller should contact the buyer immediately for necessary amend

7、ments so as to guarantee the smooth execution of the contract.,在国际贸易中,银行信用证被广泛用来支付货款。在执行合同时,其中一个 重要的步骤就是卖方应催促买方按时开立信用证。按合同规定,买方应该及 时开立信用证,但有时由于各种原因而迟开。为了安全收汇,卖方应催促买 方开证。当卖方收到信用证后,他必须对照合同逐条进行严格审核。审核时 发现的任何不符点,应该立即联系买方尽快修改,以保证合同的顺利进行。,(4) Chartering and booking shipping space(租船和订舱),After receiving th

8、e relevant L/C, the exporter should contact the ships agentsor the shipping company for the chartering and the booking of shipping spaceand prepare for the shipment in accordance with the importers shippinginstruction. Chartering is required for goods of large quantity which needs full shipload; and

9、 for goods in small quantities, space booking would be enough.,收到有关的信用证后,出口商必须马上与轮船代理人或船运公司联系租船和订 舱,并按照进口人的装船要求准备装运。如果货物数量较大,需要整船载运的 要办理租船手续;如果数量不大,办理订舱手续即可。,(5) Customs formalities(报关手续),Before the goods are loaded, certain procedures in customs formalities have to be completed. As required, comple

10、ted forms giving particulars of the goods exported together with the copy of the contract of sale, invoice, packing list, weight momo, commodity inspection certificate and other relevant documents, have to be lodged with the customs. After the goods are on board, the shipping company or the ships ag

11、ent will issue a bill of lading which is a receipt evidencing the loading of the goods on board.,在货物装运以前,还应完成一些海关手续。按照规定,必须把填写有出口 货物细节的报关单连同合同、发票、装箱单、重量单、商检证书和其他相 关单证报关。货物一装上船,船运公司或轮船代理人将开出提单,它是证 明货物已装上船的收据。,(6) Insurance(保险),The export trade is subject to many risks. For example, ships may sink or

12、consignments may be damaged in transit, exchange rates may alter, buyers default or government suddenly impose an embargo, etc. It is customary to insure goods sold for export against the perils of thejourney. The cover paid for will vary according to the type of goods and the circumstances. If the

13、exporter has bought insurance for the goods, he will be reimbursed for the losses.,出口贸易要面临很多危险,例如,船舶可能沉没、货物可能在运输途中受 损、外汇兑换率可能有变动、买主可能违约或者政府部门突然宣布禁运等。 为避免旅途中的风险,通常要为出口货物保险。所购的险种应根据货物的 种类和环境的不同而不同。如果出口商购买了保险,他应就会得到赔偿。,(7) Documents preparation for bank negotiation(制单结汇),After the shipment, all kinds o

14、f documents required by the L/C shall be prepared by the exporter and presented, within the validity of the L/C to the bank for negotiation. As to the shipping documents, they include commercial invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy, packing list, weight memo,certificate of inspection, and in so

15、me cases, consular invoice, certificate oforigin, etc. Documents should be correct, complete, concise and clean. Onlyafter the documents are checked to be fully in conformity with the L/C, the opening bank makes the payment. Payment shall be disregarded by the bankfor any discrepancies in the docume

16、nts.,出口货物在装运后,出口商应立即按照信用证的规定,编制各种单据,并在 信用证规定的交单有效期内,交银行办理议付结汇手续。其要求的单据包括 商业发票、提单、保险单、装箱单、重量单、商检证书。在有些情况下,还 包括领事发票、原产地证书等。编制的单据必须正确、完整、简明和整洁。 开证行只有在审核单证与信用证完全相符后才付款。单证中任何不符点都会 遭到银行的拒付。,(8)Settlement of Disputes(解决争议),Sometimes complaints or claims inevitably arise in spite of the careful performance

17、of a contract by the exporter and importer. They are likely to be caused by various reasons such as more or less quantity delivered, wrong goods delivered, poor packing, inferior quality, discrepancy between the samples and the goods which actually arrived, delay in shipment, etc. In accordance with specific conditions, complaints and claims may be made to the exporter, importer, insurance company or shipping company. Once disputes arise, it is advised that arbitration is better than litigation, and conciliation is better than arbitration.,



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