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1、Unit 10 Money Lesson 1 A Material World,“who wants to be a millionaire? I dont,”says Charles Gray,陈玉,Lesson 1 A Material World,n. 材料, 原料, 物质, 素材, 布料 adj. 物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的,spiritual,Opposite反义词,Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?,Warm-up:,李嘉诚,Bill Gates,How much do you know ab

2、out a millionaires life?,Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or Why not?,Rich? Big houses? Famous cars? Guards? Live in a big city/countryside? ,List of Worlds Richest People,1. Bill Gates President Microsoft $46.5bil (US),2. Warren Buffet Investor $44bil(US),3. Lakshmi Mittal steel titan $25bil

3、(India),4. Carlos Slim Helu telecom $23.8bil(Mexico),5. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Investments $23.7bil (Sandi Arabia),6. Ingvar Kamprad the owner of IKEA $23.8bil(Switzerland),7. Paul Allan confounder of Microsoft $21bil(US),8. Karl Albrecht Retailing $18.5bil(Germany),9. Lawrence Ellison Sof

4、tware $18.4bil(US),10. S Robson Walton Chairman of Wal-Mart $18.3bil(US),What can money buy?,Money can make you live a comfortable life,What cant money buy?,love, happiness , friendship, life, time, health,Ex-millionaire Charles Gray says he doesnt want to be a millionaire. Why? Why? Why?,New words:

5、,Angus Deayton,Gordon Angus Deayton was a student at Oxford. He is a famous British TV personality who has appeared in many comedy shows. One of them was Mr Bean. He became the host of the popular satirical news quiz Have I Got News for You, which led to his success.,Angus Deayton,Read the article.

6、Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI),Charles Gray was a rich businessman. He hasnt got a stove in his dormitory. 3.He has got a vegetable garden. 4. Charles gave his money away to poor people. 5. People thought he was crazy when he gave away small ba

7、nk notes in the street. 6. He was happier when he was rich.,F,NI,T,T,NI,F,1. What was Charles life like in the past?,2.How about his life now?,3. Why didnt Charles want to be a rich man?,4. How did he deal with his money?,5. How does he feel now? good or bad?,Carefully Reading :,While reading answer

8、 these questions:,2.How about his life now?,1. What was Charles life like in the past?,Questions,He was a college professor with a huge six-bedroom houses and a fortune of $2 million.,He lives in a small caravan with only second-hand furniture. A small garden outside with a few fruit trees. Charles

9、grows some vegetables and a few lowers. He gets his daily goods from charity shops.,3. Why didnt Charles want to be a rich man?,He was tired of being a person who has everything in a world where many people had nothing.,5. How does he feel now? good or bad?,He is much happier now.,4. How did he deal

10、 with his money?,He gave away all his money to charities. When he had two thousand dollars left, he gave away small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas.,1. turn ones back on 不理睬 拒绝,Did you really turn your back on his invitation?,turn ones back to 转身,The teacher turned his back to his stud

11、ents and found a boy making face.,你真的拒绝了他的邀请吗?,教师转过身,发现一个男孩正在做鬼脸。,turn your back on,turned his back to,2. give away 分发, 出卖, 送给人,Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give away.,He is a man who can give away friends for money.,give away,give away,他是一个能为钱出卖朋友的人。,把你的旧衣服翻一翻,看看有没有

12、可以送人的。,3. feel like 想要,I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him.,I feel like going to bed, Im tired.,felt like,feel like,我想上床休息,我累了。,我很生气,以至于想用什么东西砸他。,4. drop out 退出,Ten runners started, but three soon dropped out.,dropped out,开始的时候有十名选手,很快就有三人退出了。,If you are a millionaire how do yo

13、u treat the thing?,Discussion:,Example : A: What are you? Are you happy? B: Im a student, Im happy now. A: Now, imagine if you won a million dollar in the lottery(彩票), do you think that you feel much happier? How do you treat the thing? B: Of course, A: Why? B: Because I can buy a lot of things whic

14、h I want to buy, secondly, I can help a lot of poor people, ,Match the verbs from the text with the correct meanings.,to give away to drop out to give up to go back,to returnto stop doing somethingto change or leave a lifestyle d) to give someone something you dont need,Debate:,Do you hold the opini

15、on that Charles Gray has?Agree disagree,I,Correct mistakes,Becoming a millionaire seem to be a lot of people s dreams.,2. Have a little money makes you free and happy.,3. The mean man turns back on his old friends as soon as he is successful.,his,seems,Having,4. There are certainly no signs thatChar

16、les used to a rich man.,5. I bought a three -house in New York at last year.,6. I would not go back to be poor for anything.,7. How I wish I would own a fortune $3 one day.,being,of,bedroom,be,Homework,Imagine what was in Charles Grays previous home and is in his caravan, using the vocation above to help you.,


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