unit6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.导学案

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《unit6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.导学案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1【课题课题】Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A 1a-1c(1) (1 课时)课时)【学习目标学习目标】 1.学会形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.识记描述人外貌的词组。 3.学会使用比较级来做比较。 【重点,难点重点,难点】 识记形容词和副词比较级变法的多条规则;使用比较级来描述人的外貌。【导学指导导学指导】温故知新温故知新 写出下列词的反义词并大声朗读它们。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_; good_; cool_; expensive_; old_;heav

2、y_; hot _. 知识链接知识链接表示外貌的易弄错的词:留长发 have long hair; 属于中等身材be of medium build; 属于中等身高be of medium height。如:她中等身材,留着长发。She is of medium build and has long hair.3. 阅读课本 93 页至 94 页 1 至 2 中的内容后,将下列单词变其为它们的比较级。quiet_; calm_; smart_; wild_; funny_;thin_; outgoing_; athletic_; heavy_;serious_; long_; short_;

3、tall_; good_;far_; little_; many/much_; well_.4.Liu Xiang is tall.Yao Ming is taller.Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. A + 形容词形容词/副词的比较级副词的比较级+than+BA 与与 B 相比更相比更。1.88m2.26m2Han Hong is _(heavy) than Zhang Ziyi./Zhang Ziyi is _(thin) than Han Hong.Li Yong is _(outgoing) than Shui Junyi.My car is 4.

4、5m long, his car is 5m, so My car is _than his car. And his car is _than my car.5.认真观察课本 31 页中的图片,将三对双胞胎的名字写到下列横线上。_/_ _/_ _/_ 【要点归纳要点归纳】形容词、副词比较级的变法;比较级的使用。【拓展练习拓展练习】My father has _(short) hair than my mother. My mother has _(long)hair than my father. But my father is _(heavy) than my mother and _(

5、outgoing)than her.(填空) 【总结反思总结反思】【课题课题】Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A 2a-2c(2) (1 课时)课时)【学习目标学习目标】 1.熟悉形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.识记描述人外貌、性格的词组。 3.通过使用比较级来丰富听和说的能力。 【重点,难点重点,难点】 识记并熟悉形容词、副词的多种规则变化; 在听和说的过程中熟练使用比较级。【导学指导导学指导】温故知新温故知新 1.写出下列词的比较级并大声朗读它们。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_

6、; happy_; good_; cool_; expensive_; old_; heavy_; hot _.3.回忆昨天所学,翻译下列词组。留长发_; 属于中等身材_; 留短发_;属于中等身高_。知识链接知识链接比较下边两组句子,看看它们之间有什么不同的地方。1. Zhang Xi is taller than Wang Han.(Zhang Xi:1.6m; Wang Han:1.61) Zhang Xi is a little taller than Wang Han.2. Li Shi is heavier than Lu Xing. (Li Shi:48kg; Lu Xing: 8

7、4kg)3Li Shi is much heavier than Lu Xing.根据对比,我们可以知道:第一组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了一个_;第二组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了一个_。两组中的第一个句子只是让听者知道 Zhang Xi 比 Wang Han 高,但高多少就不得而知了。而第二个句子交代了高一点点,这样,听者很快就会明白两者之间身高的差别很小。所以,我们在使用比较级的过程中可以在形容词或副词前边使用 a little, much/a lot, even 这些词来补充比较的程度,最终达到语言表达的准确。自主互助学习自主互助学习1.弄清 2a 题意,在课本上完成 2a。2.听

8、录音,核对答案并大声朗读它们。3.弄清 2b 题意,听录音,并按题意要求完成 2b。4.核对答案,并及时对不确定的地方向老师提出反复播放的要求。5.左列同学看 32 页,右列同学迅速翻到 83 页,彼此确保 2c 中的信息不被对方看到。6.弄清*号的意思后,彼此按照右侧的问题提示,通过向对方提问的方式完成各自图表中的格,完成后,对照两页的信息,看看哪组搭档最有默契?【课堂练习课堂练习】用所给词的正确形式填空。1. My father is much _(tall) and _(heavy) than my mother, but my mother is _(outgoing) and _(s

9、mart) than him.2. As we know, Zhao Benshan is a lot _(funny) than Shui Junyi.3. I think China has _(large) population than India.4. Who is _(athletic), Liu Xiang or Shi Dongpeng?5. Taking the subway to school is much _(cheap) than taking the taxi to school.【拓展练习拓展练习】 翻译下列句子。 1.我留着比我哥哥更长的头发_. 2.她属于中等

10、身材,但和我相比,还是重了那么一点点。_ _ _. 3.我们数学老师喜欢安静的学生,但我们英语老师喜欢外向的学生。_ _ _ 4.他比他的妻子大 5 岁。_. 5.Non-smokers are much healthier than smokers._.【课题课题】Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister. Section A 3a-4(3) (1 课时)课时)4【学习目标学习目标】 1.进一步熟悉形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.学会使用比较级及“asas, the same as ,be different from, look the same, l

11、ook like”来 做比较。 【重点,难点重点,难点】 “asas”用于比较的使用方法;灵活交叉使用“asas”等词及比较级来进行比较。【导学指导导学指导】温故知新温故知新 1.写出下列词的比较级。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_;good_;cool_;heavy_;hot_.;light_; athletic_;smart_;expensive_;old_;calm_;funny_;outgoing_;wild_;quiet_;thin_; serious_;知识链接知识链接“both”的使用:We both love China. We both enjoy going to parties.We are both from Sweden.We are both more outgoing than our parents.Both Lily and Jim takes the car to school.根据上边的例句,你可以总结 both 的用法,然后完成下列各题。我们两个都吃鱼。_


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