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1、UnitUnit 1 1 PlayingPlaying SportsSports TopicTopic 3 3 WhichWhich sportsport willwill youyou taketake partpart inin?SectionSection A A 学习目标:1.学习 will 构成的一般将来时 2.谈论学校运动会 3.培养学生热爱生活,热爱运动的思想感情 教学过程: 1.预习新单词,短语 foreign_ maybe_ perhaps_ 玩的高兴_ 大量,许多_ 为准备好_ 接力赛_ 交朋友_ 2.自学 1a,翻译下列句子 (1)I will take part in

2、the school sports meet. _ (2)Which sport will you take part in? _ (3)Im good at jumping, Ill be in the long jump and the high jump. _ (4)Im sure the sports meet will be exciting. _ 观察上述四句话,说一说如何用 will 表示将来时的结构: 主语+_+动词_+其他 翻译:a.我下午打算去打排球。 _ b. 下星期他将要加入学校自行车俱乐部。 _ _ 3,熟读并翻译 1a,然后找出其他重要句子 _ 4. 学生再次阅读

3、P18 2a 的图片,熟读 2a 并翻译,分组进行采访 5.完成 2b 知识点归纳总结 (1)Ill be in the long jump and the high jump. be in + 活动,表“参加某活动, 相当于 take part in 和 join in (2)Its my first time to take part in the high jump.这是我第一次参加跳高比赛。 Its ones first time to do sth 是某人第一次做某事 Eg. Its her first time to cook dinner.那是他第一次做饭。 (3)I think

4、 Ill have lots of fun.我想我会从中获得许多乐趣。 I think +(that)+从句注意:当主语是第一人称且作否定句时,要在主句上否定(否定前 置)eg. I dont think Ill have lots of fun. 我想我不会从中获得许多乐趣。 have fun doing sth 做获得乐趣,玩得愉快 eg. I have lots of fun flying kites. 我从放风筝当中获得很多乐趣。 (4)maybe 和 may be maybe =perhaps 副词,表“可能,也许,大概” ,在句中作状语,通常放句首,也可以放 动词之前。如:Mayb

5、e you are right.(可能你是对的) may be 表“可能是”常放句中,是“情态动词 may+动词原形”如:You may be right.(你可能是对的)如: He may be a teacher. = Maybe he is a teacher. 他可能是一名老师. He may know her name. = Maybe he knows her name. 他可能知道她的名字. (5)I am sure I will make friends during the sports meet. make friends 交朋友 make friends with sb.

6、 和某人交朋友, 如:I wan to make friends with you. (6)I will do my best. I wont lose. lose 输(反义词为:win)I am afraid I will lose the game. 丢失 I lost my book. 课堂反馈练习 ( )1.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _ the teachers relay race. A. joinB. join inC. take partD .have part in ( )2._ The long ju

7、mp. A. What sport will you take part in?B. Which sport will you take part in? C. What are you going to do?D. Whats the matter? ( )3.Li Ming will take part in the boys _. A.800-meter raceB.800-meter races C.800 meter raceD.800-meter-races ( )4.Do you like swimming? Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit.

8、A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. keeps ( )5.Would you mind _here? Im sorry about that. Ill go somewhere else. A. no smokingB. not smokingC. no smokeD .not smoke ( )6.I think _ a foreign language is not easy. You should _ it often. A. to learn; to practiceB. learning; practice C. learn; practicingD. lea

9、rns; to practice ( )7.Dont shout at him. He _. A. will do his best B. did well inC. is good atD. did his best ( )8.Could you tell me _ to the bus station? A. how to getB. how do I get C. how I do getD. how will I get ( )9.Congratulations! Li Ming, youre the winner in the running race. Are you happy?

10、 Yes, but very tired _. A. as wellB. tooC. eitherD .as well as ( )10.Dont do that again. Shame on you! _ A. Sorry, I wont.B. Sorry, I dont. C. All right, I wont.D.OK, I wont. UnitUnit 1 1 PlayingPlaying SportsSports TopicTopic 3 3 WhichWhich sportsport willwill youyou taketake partpart inin?SectionS

11、ection B B 学习目标:学习目标: 1.学习新单词,词组和短语 2.学习一些用的表达法:常用电话用语;shall 的用法;表达约定的功能用语 3.继续学习用 will 表达一般将来时 教学过程: 1. 预习新单词,短语 shall_ pick_ theater_ mount_ stick_ hit_ congratulation_ 2. 回想一下我们以前学过的电话用语 _ 找出 P19 1a 中的电话用语 _ _ 3.仔细观察下列句子,按要求回答问题 (1)翻译下列句子 What shall we take?_ Shall I take my camera? _ When shall we meet?_ Where shall we meet?_ 通过观察,分析一下 shall 的用法 Shall 表示_,与_(人称)连用,后接动词_ 翻译:这个周末我们要做什么?_ (2)找出 1a 中表达约定的句子 _ 4.在自学中你还遇到哪些不会的句和词,写出来 _ _ 5.熟读并翻译 1a,找出疑难点并从 1c 中选择一则信息仿照 1a 编写一段对话 6.阅读理解 3a,根据 3a 完成 3b 知识点总结归纳 1.What shall we take?



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