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1、教学设计首页课题Module 1 Unit 1 This is what I want课型课时1授课 时间年 月 日项目内容个性化设计教学 目标1. 能听、说、读、写单词 felt pen, gule, paper tape, a pair of scissors, 并能运用特殊疑问句 What do you want? 询问别人的要 求,可以用第三人称转述第三者的需求。 2. 参与小组交流活动,感受主语是第三人称单数时动词的变化, 提高语言的运用能力。 3. 在学习和交流中主动参与、敢于表达,树立学习英语的自信 心和成就感。教学 重难 点1.区分新授单词的单复数并能准确运用。 2.sciss

2、ors 的发音和拼写。 3.用第三人称准确转述。教学 方法 与手 段方法:启发式教学 手段:录音机,磁带,卡片使用 教材 的构 想本课以复习为主,重点是询问对方的需求和用第三人称转 述别人的需求。由于学生对特殊疑问句的问答结构已经有了一 定的基础,因此教师将重点放在第三人称的转述上。板书 设计Module 1 Unit 2 This is what I wantWhat do you want? I / We want What does want? She /He wants 教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控I. Warm-up 1. Sing a song with S. Ask que

3、stions. 2. Show a paper ship. T: Look, I can make a paper ship. Who can make it? T: What do you want? T: Heres some paper. (Bb) What do you want? I want .II. Presentation 1. Show a picture T: Colour the picture. T: What do you want? Learn: Heres / Here are2. Point to the felt pens. T: What are these

4、? They are felt pens. T: Do you want felt pens? Learn the words: Glue, tape, a pair of scissors 3. Listen and repeat the sentences.4. Read the sentences.5. Answer some questions. E.g. What does Alice want? She wants 6. Practise: Ask and answer with some place.S1: What do you want?S2: I want S3: What

5、 does S2 want?S4: He/She wants ?教学设计续页教学流程个性化设计调控Consolidation Ask each group to discuss and write down the things they need for wrapping a present /writing a letter.Ss discuss and write down the things.当 堂 达 标 设 计1.Read and match 2.Read and write (P3,workbook) 3.Read, look and write (P4,workbook)练习1.Listen to the tape and repeat the text aloud. 2.Copy the words three times, translate once. 3.Copy the sentences at P6, then make the dialogue with “wants”.作 业 设 计 预习Preview the words and text on P7现 象 与 归 因 分 析教 学 反 思改 进 措 施



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