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1、2013 届高三第一轮复习届高三第一轮复习 Module One Unit 4 Earthquakes 一、重点句型一、重点句型 1. The sound of planes could be heard outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. 2. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night. 3. It seemed that t

2、he world was at an end. 4 All hope was not lost. 5. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. 6. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. 7. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.(WB P65) 8. Amazing as it may seem, Wednesday n

3、ight was a quiet night.(WB P65) 二、语篇领悟二、语篇领悟 根据课文完成下列短文根据课文完成下列短文Several days before July 28, 1976, many strange things happened in Tangshan. The water in the village wells _1 and fell. The water pipes in some buildings cracked and 2. They were signs for the earthquake. But people in the city didnt

4、think much _3 these. At 342 a.m. that day, the earth began to shake, _ 4 destroyed the city. Many people, _ 5_(include) workers and doctors, came to _6 those _7(trap) under the ruins. Later that afternoon, another big quake struck Tangshan. More people 8(kill) or injured and 9 buildings fell down. S

5、oldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to dig out the trapped and _10(bury) the dead.三、单词拼写三、单词拼写1. But the people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as u_ that night. 2. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were t_ under the ruins. 3. Two

6、-thirds of the people died or were i_ during the earthquake. 4. After the earthquake, everywhere people looked nearly everything was d_. 5. The army o_ teams to dig out those who were trapped to bury the dead. 6. Back from the cinema, the couple were s_ on seeing their house broken in. 8. All these

7、difficulties were caused by natural d_. 9. After e_ was cut off, the lights went out. 10. Workers built s_ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed 四、单元重点动词四、单元重点动词burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, trap, bury, damage, frighten, judge, express 1. The bad weather _ my holiday in Guilin.

8、 What a pity! 2. Mr.White drove his car at 120 kilometers an hour, knocking into a tree, _himself badly and getting his car seriously _. 3. The earthquake _ the houses and schools, making many people homeless. 4. _ at the sad news, she stood there still, not knowing what to say. 5. I find that _ mys

9、elf in English is not easy and I must spend more time practicing spoken English. 6. It was reported that 108 miners _ under the coal mine and there was little chance of them _ although the government ordered to take every measure to save them. 7.Tom _ into laughter in class, making all his classmate

10、s 五、词义辨析五、词义辨析 (1)ruin;destroy;damage1) The whole temple was _ by fire.整座庙被大火毁于一旦。 2) The bad weather _ our trip.天气恶劣弄糟了我们的旅行。 3) Her heart was slightly _ as a result of her long illness.(2) injure, wound, hurtinjure 1) Five people were killed and many others were seriously _ in the attack.2) Dont _

11、 your eyes by reading in dim light.3) Nicks _ his back, and the doctor says he will have to rest for a few weeks. 4) A bus fell off the bridge, five people dead and another eight _. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空六、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. In the crash he was seriously _.He suffered severe _ to the head and arms. (injure) 2. T

12、he _of the railway was a big loss in the storm. which was the most_ in 30 years.(destroy) 3. He was _ to learn his wife was killed in a traffic accident. The news was a terrible_ to him.(shock) 4. Seeing the _ scene of the movie, all of us were _ (frighten) 5. Its _ worrying about the exams, but it

13、is _ to refer to some notes before exams. (use) 6. I am well _ for the coming exam as I have done a lot of _.(prepare) 7Id like to send my _to you on your success. ( congratulate ) 七、完成下列句子七、完成下列句子 1据报道,心脏病和癌症成了中年人的头号杀手,这给我们敲响了警钟。( it is reported that , which) _ 2从七月上旬开始, 20 天的干旱和高温 袭击了重庆的人们, 其中 50%

14、 的人们处于严重缺水状态。 _( 50% of whom) 3那边好像是几个人在打架。(分别用两个句型翻译 it seems that/ sb. seemed to do) _ 4. 虽然他工作很仔细,但仍然出了一些错。( as sb. +v., ) _5. 我以前从未看过这样的演出。(never before)_八八考点活用: 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文。2008 年 5 月 12 日,我的家乡四川省汶川发生了一场特大地震。下午两点二十八分,我们突然感到一切开始剧烈地摇晃,大地在上下抖动。在可怕的几秒钟里,汶川就成为一片废墟,水和电的供应被切断了。大量的人员受伤或丧生;许多人被困在废墟下,


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