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1、,常用的营养补充食品介绍,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Food) -食物补充品,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),本草纲目记载麦苗味辛、寒、无毒,主治消酒毒、暴热、酒疸、目黄。并捣烂绞汁日饮之,又解蛊毒;煮汁滤服,除烦闷,解时疾狂热、退胸膈热,利小肠。1.小麦草含有丰富的维生素、矿物质、胡萝卜素、维生素B(1、2、6、12)、维生素C、维生素E、维生素H、维生素K、烟碱酸、泛酸、叶酸、生物异黄酮素、钙、磷、钾、镁、铁、锰、硒、锌、铜、钴、碘、硫。2.含有丰富的酵素及叶绿素。酵素可以帮助身体进行所有的生化反应,包括消化作用、新陈代谢作用、细胞的修补及再生等;叶绿素则有“浓

2、缩的阳光”及“绿色血液”的美誉,不仅提供充沛的生命能量,还有造血、清血的功能。 3.小麦草含有近20种氨基酸帮助排毒和清洁身体,帮助碱化酸性体质。 4.其富含的Abscisic酸可促使肿瘤逐渐萎缩,有效抑制癌细胞的增殖,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Organic Wheat Grass),叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Its name is derived from Greek:

3、 (chloros “green“) and (phyllon “leaf“).Chlorophyll absorbs light most strongly in the blue and red but poorly in thegreen portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, hence the green colour of chlorophyll-containing tissues like plant leaves. One of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel

4、 and other elimination systems, the liver and the blood is chlorophyll, as found in all green vegetables, especially the green, leafy vegetables. The problem we find here is that food greens contain less than half of one percent chlorophyll. Alfalfa, from which chlorophyll is commercially extracted,

5、 has only 8 or 9 pounds per ton, about 0.2% when extracted, and alfalfa is one of the plants highest in chlorophyll. 叶绿素(chlorophyll):光合作用膜中的绿色色素,它是光合作用中捕获光的主要成分,可以在很多的绿色植物、原核的蓝绿藻(蓝菌)和真核的藻类中找到。 叶绿素是一种非常好的物质帮助清洁肠道和帮助排泄系统。苜蓿是含叶绿色最高的植物之一。,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorella and the Cha

6、nnels of Elimination One of the first things we find out about chlorella is that it stimulates and normalizes an under-active bowel. Dr. Motomichi Kobayashi, director of a hospital in Takamatsu, Japan, prescribes chlorella for all his patients who are troubled with constipation. A US Army medical fa

7、cility in Colorado found that scenedesmus, an alga similar to chlorella, combined with chlorella and fed to volunteers, increased the amount of waste eliminated by the bowel. Secondly, in 1957, Dr. Takechi and his associates in Japan found out that chlorella promoted rapid growth of lactobacillus, o

8、ne of the bacteria that promotes colon health. The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean, while the tough cellulose membrane of chlorella (which is not digested) binds to cadmium, lead and other heavy metals and carries them out of the body Dr. Motomichi Kobayashi,日本一家医院科室主人发现叶绿色可以帮助他的

9、病人解决便秘的问题。美国一家医疗研究院US Army 用藻类合并叶绿素给志愿者服用,发现可以增加肠道内废物的排放量。1957年Dr. Takechi 和他的同事发现叶绿素可以增加肠道乳酸菌的增长,并且可以包裹类似镉、铅等重金属的排放 。,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorella Helps to Clean the Bloodstream Chlorellas cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protectio

10、n of the liver, helps keep the blood clean. Clean blood assures that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues. My experience has shown that the buildup of metabolic wastes in the body is probably as serious a problem as the accumulation of toxic materials from undesirable foods

11、, pollution and exposure to chemicals on the job. 叶绿素帮助建立干净的血液系统 叶绿素帮助清洁肠道和身体其它排泄通道,从另一个角度帮助减轻肝脏的负担,保持血液干净。血液的干净可以阻止身体累积废物。,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),叶绿素chlorophyll 造血功能 叶绿素的分子与人体的红血球分子在结构上很是相似,唯一的分别就是各自的核心为镁原子与铁原子 帮助解除体内杀虫剂与药物残渣 营养学家Bernard Jensen博士指出,叶绿素能除去杀虫剂与药物残渣的毒素,并能与辐射性物质结合而将之排出体外 绿色蔬菜加工中的热

12、烫和杀菌是造成叶绿素损失的主要原因 储藏过程中,酶能引起叶绿素的分解破坏,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass),【补品规格】560g/罐 【建议食用方法及食用量】 1勺(8公克) *2次/每天,与果蔬汁合用, 或者咨询您的专业营养顾问。【其他配料】100%有机小麦草叶粉。注: 小麦草具有高碱性度的特质,可强力排除我们体内的毒素.但因他具有强烈的草腥味,所以有许多人引用小麦草之后,会产生呕吐、晕眩的症状,建议与水果汁同时服用。,更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care),更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care) barley malt seed,Malted grain is u

13、sed to make malt beer, malt whisky, malted shakes, malt vinegar, Maltesers, and some baked goods, such as malt loaf. Malting grains develops the enzymes that are required to modify the grains starches into sugars, including monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, etc.) and disaccharides (sucrose, etc.).

14、 It also develops other enzymes, such as proteases which break down the proteins in the grain into forms which can be utilized by yeast. Barley is the most commonly malted grain in part because of its high diastatic power or enzyme content. Also very important is the retention of the grains husk eve

15、n after threshing, unlike the bare seeds of threshed wheat or rye. This protects the growing acrospire (developing plant embryo) from damage during malting, which can easily lead to mold growth. It also allows the mash of converted grain to create a filter bed during lautering (see brewing). Other grains may be malted, especially wheat. 大麦芽经常可用于制作胚芽啤酒,胚芽WHISKY,胚芽奶昔,胚芽醋及一些烘焙食物(如胚芽面包)。发芽的谷物将产生大量的酶,它可以将淀粉和蛋白质的 分子更小,从而更易被人体吸收利用。,



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