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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Section A 1a 2b)教学设计)教学设计No.19 Middle School Luo Shunan学科学科英语课题课题Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? SectionA 1a-2b课时课时一课时课时课时一课时教材教材Go for it年级年级七年级授课授课 教师教师罗舒楠教学资源教学资源多媒体课件课型课型新授型教学设计意教学设计意图图本节课是一个新单元的导入课,首先:我为本节课创设了一个参观动物园的 情景,所有的教学环节都是在动物园里进行。这样能让学生有身临其境的感 触,还能引起他们的兴趣。其

2、次:我把单词记忆作为本节课的一个重点。背 单词一直是学生学习英语的难点。因此我着重在课堂内消化一部分单词,减 轻学生背单词的负担,增强他们学习英语的信心。第三:我用小组竞赛的方 式贯穿每一个环节。这即培养了学生团结合作的能力,又能激发他们学习的 主观能动性,使学生积极参与,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。体现在玩中学, 在学中玩的教学理念。教学方法教学方法1. 我在教学过程中创造一种开放的,和谐的,积极互动的语言氛围,把课堂营造 成一个动物园的现场,让学生在玩中学,在学中玩。 2.我通过头脑风暴,结对练习,调查报告等形式,进行单词及句型的学习和 掌握。培养学生快速记忆、口语交际的能力。 3以小组为基础

3、,在小组中分工合作,在活动中相互交流、开展多种类型的 任务型活动,从而获得知识,,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生 为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。 4. 创建开放式的课堂,有意识渗透学习策略的训练。让学生在本堂课中,掌 握一定的单词及本单元基本的句型。Teaching Aims and Demards:1.Knowledge Object : Ss can read spell 11words:panda, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful,scary. 2.Ab

4、ility Object :Ss can make conversations:Why do you.? Because theyre.3. Moral Object : Ss can talk about animals they like or dislike and tell why Teaching Key Point:1、Ss can read spell 11words:panda, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful,scary. 2、Ss can make conversatio

5、ns:Why do you.? Because theyre. Teaching Difficult Point:Ss can talk about animals they like or dislike and tell why教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step1:了解本节课的学了解本节课的学 习内容习内容Step 2:WarmingWarming upup1. Let students understand the content of to learn1.Introduce activity2.play a video, let students

6、remember some animals English nameStudents understand Teaching Aims and Demards: 1、Ss can read spell 11words:panda, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful,scary. 2、Ss can make conversations:Why do you.? Because theyre 3、Ss can talk about animals they like or dislike and

7、tell why . Students know they are going to visit the zoo today, and make the groups , then finish the activities , the group with the most points is winner. The winner will have prizes. Students watch a video ,when they watch, they need to remember the English names of animals he lists. After watchi

8、ng, who can remember animals English name .If he/she can, his or her group is awarded one point.让学生了解本节 课要完成的学习 目标,明确自己的 任务通过创设情境, 让学生在活跃的 氛围下学习,也 充分调动学生的 学习兴趣 观看视频, 增加 知识的趣味性, 锻炼学生的听力, 培养学生捕捉信 息的能力Step 3:PresentationPresentation1.Guessing game.(T shows some pictures), 2. T teaches new words3.Listen

9、 1b. (T plays tape)4.Guess meaning of words. (T shows some pictuers about adjectives) 5. T teaches new adjectivesSs guess what animals it is. Ss only see a part of animal or hear their voice.Ss read aloud, learn and remember them. Give them 1 minute (Finish tast one on the paper.). Let several stude

10、nts spell new words, check out their study. Ss listen and finish 1b on the textbook Let one student says answer. If the answer is right, his or her group is awarded one point. According to the pictures , let students guess meaning of new words. If the answer is right, his or her group is awarded one

11、 point.Ss read aloud and remember them. First, according to English, Ss speak out Chinese. Second, according to Chinese, Ss speak out English, spell them. Give them 1 minute (Finish tast two)通过游戏,学习 并记忆新单词, 在课堂内消化, 减轻学生负担, 增强学生学习英 语的信心训练听力,巩固 新单词通过听图片猜单 词意思,培养学 生的思维能力快速记忆新单词, 即培养了学生的 记单词的能力, 又减轻学生负担

12、StepStep 4 4:PracticePractice6.Test 7.T teaches sentence patterns 8.Practice the sentence1.Pair work (T moves around the room checking their work and offer language support as needed.) 2. .Listen 2a. (T plays tape) T teaches three new words3. Listen 2b. (T plays tape)4.Group workT gives 4 minutes, S

13、s do a survey, then do a repoetLet several students spell new words, check out their study. Ss write adjectives on the paper (Finish tast three) Watch a video, Ss learn to talk about animals they want to see and why. T makes a conversation with Ss, Ss make a conversation with themselves. Let several

14、 students make a conversation, check out their study.Practice “Why do you.? Because theyre”structure. One student invites another student to see animal, and explain the reason . Consolidate“Why do you.? Because theyre”structure. (1 minute) (Finish tast four) Ss listen and finish 2a. Before listening

15、, Ss learn three words. Ss can read them. Next, Let several students say the answer. If the answer is right, their group is awarded one point. Ss listen and finish 2b. Let one student says the answer. If the answer is right, his or her group is awarded one point. Ss do a survey what animals your cla

16、ssmates like or dislike and the reasons, then finish the chart., then do a report. (Finish tast five)强化新单词的记 忆通过师生对话, 生生对话,加强 该句型的学习通过结对练习, 让所有学生动起 来,参与到课堂 中来,同时能让 他们更好的掌握 该句型的运用。通过训练听力, 逐步提高学生综 合语言运用的能 力通过小组活动, 让学生对今天所 学知识做一个综 合运用,进一步 巩固知识点,提 高学生的参与积 极性,同时还培 养学生合作学习 的能力。Step 5:SummarySummary1.review Teaching Aims and Demards2.self-assessmentSs review Teaching Aims and Demards and fill th



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