八年级英语下学期unit 7教案6

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1、?,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the musicAnalysis of Unit 7 Teaching goals:,1. 2.,学习 Would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。 本单元围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题展开教学,以此培养学生的交际能力。,Important,points :,A: Would you mind doing sth ? B: Im sorry .Illdo it right away . A: Would you mind not doing sth ? B: Sorry.

2、 Well go and play in the park . Difficult points : 比较: Would you mind (not) doing sth ?Could you please do sth ?Pleasedo sth .,You have to do sth . Structures: Would you mind cleaning your room ? Im sorry .Illdo it right away . Would you mind moving your bike ? No, not at all .Ill do it right away .

3、,Period,1,Teaching procedures: Step 1 Assign thetask Write thefollowing requests on the Bb : Can you give me thebook ? Please give me thebook . Would you mind giving meyour book . Explain that thelast example is a very polite way of making a request .,Step 2 Warm up Section A(1a-1c) SB Page52 ,1a.,1

4、. 2. 3.,Point to the four requests in thebox .Say each phraseto the class and ask theSs to repeat it . Point to the picture.Ask Ss to writethe letter of each request in the correct placein the picture. Correct theanswers .,SB Page52 ,1b .,1. 2.,Point to the list of requests in activity 1a.Play the r

5、ecording the first time .Ss only listen . Play the recording a second time .Correct theanswers .,SB Page52 ,1c.,1.,Ask two students to read thewords in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, Youll work with your,partner .Make requests .,2.,Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .,Se

6、ction A (2a-2c),Step 3 Pre-task SB Page53 ,2a.,1. 2.,Read the instructions with the students .Play the recording thefirst time .Ss only listen . Play the recording a second time .Ask Ss to write thenumber of each conversation .,3.,Correct theanswers.,SB Page53 , 2b .,Point out the five responses in

7、activity 2b .Ask different Ss to read each oneto theclass . Play the recording .this time ask Ss to fill in the letters of thepictures in front of theresponses . Correct theanswers .,SB Page53 , 2c . Ask two Ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .Say, Make conversations like this about the inf

8、ormation above . Step 4 Grammar Focus,1. 2.,Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses . Ask students to talk about the differences among thedifferent sentences .,Exercise: 汉译英:,a) b) c),你介意把门关上吗?好的,我马上就办。 你介意把收音机关小点儿声吗?不,一点也不。 请不要在教室里大声说话好吗?对不起。,教学后记:,Period,2,Teaching

9、 procedures : Step 1 Pre-task SB Page54 , 3a .,1. 2. 3.,Read the instructions .Point to thepictures .Ask Ss to explain what is happening in each picture. Point to the note .Ask Ss to read the noteand fill in answers . Check the answers .,SB Page54 , 3b .,1. 2. 3.,Read the instructions .Point out the

10、list of requests and commands in thebox . Ask Ss to make conversation like thesample dialogue . Ask several pairs to say oneof their conversations to theclass .,SB Page54 , Part 4.,1. 2.,Ask Ss to complete the work in groups . Ask a few students to sharethesample conversation .,Homework : 完成对话,A:,mi

11、nd,up ?,You,to help me in the kitchen .,thedishes .,B: OK .Ill get up right . Do I have to A: Yes , and you have to help me dinner ., you help me,my homework ?,B: OK . When I finish A: Sure. 教学后记:,Period,3,Teaching procedures : Step 1 Assign task Teach thenew words . SB Page55 , 1a .,1. 2.,Read the

12、instruction and ask Ss to read each situation and think about the two questions . Ask some students to share their answers with theclass .Ask other students whether they agree with,the opinions or not . SB Page55 , 1b .,1.,Help the students understand that something that is unpleasant or something t

13、hat bothers you is,annoying .,2. 3.,Then ask the students to number the ideas from most annoying to least annoying . Ask the class to voteon the most annoying item on thelist .,SB Page55 , 2a .,1.,Read the instructions .Play the r4ecording .This time Ss only listen .Answer any questions they have,ab

14、out therecording .,2.,Play the recording again and ask the students to write the number 1, 2 and 3 in front of the correct,pictures .,3.,Correct theanswers .,SB Page55 , 2b .,1.,Say , Listen to the threeconversations again .This time write the situations ,problems and solutions in,the chart .,2.,Poi

15、nt out the sample answers .Play the recording again .Ask Ss to fill in the answers on their,own .You may need to pause thetape from time to time to allow students to writeanswers in their books.,3.,Check the answers .,SB Page55 , 2c .,1.,Read the instructions .Point out theproblems in activity 2b,.,

16、2.,Ask one or two students to say theconversations to the class .,Step 2 While-task SB Page56 , 3a.,1.,Read the article to the class .Ask Ss which words they dont understand. Write these words on the,board .,2.,Ask students to underline the things that are annoying .Then have thestudents circle what people do,when something annoying happen.,3.,Correct theanswers with theclass .,



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