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1、【双语双语】每个人都该读的库克出柜文章每个人都该读的库克出柜文章2014-11-01 英语美文这两天的新闻人物非苹果公司 CEO 蒂姆库克 (Tim Cook)莫属。他于 10 月30 日的彭博商业周刊专栏文章里公开表示自己是同志。有人说,关心同志议题,并不仅仅是关心这个群体本身,而是关注我们所有人共同的命运。因为我们的社会还充斥着各种各样的歧视,歧视就像是潜伏在我们生活中无处不在的幽灵,一不留神,我们都可能成为被主流群体排斥的少数群体和弱势群体。你不是同性恋者,但你可能是在公司里遭受职场歧视的女性,你可能是在大城市里被歧视的外地人,你可能是被强权欺凌房子面临强拆而底层百姓,你可能因为不标准的

2、口音而在公交车上被人翻了白眼,你可能仅仅因为是个左撇子而遭受嘲笑。Throughout my professional life, Ive tried to maintain a basic level of privacy. I come from humble roots, and I dont seek to draw attention to myself. Apple is already one of the most closely watched companies in the world, and I like keeping the focus on our produc

3、ts and the incredible things our customers achieve with them. 在我的职业生涯中,我一直在努力维护最基本的隐私。我出身卑微草根,而且我也不希望吸引他人关注。苹果已经成为全球最受关注的公司之一,我希望能够专注于我们的产品,开发出让消费者感到神奇的产品和服务。At the same time, I believe deeply in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, who said: “Lifes most persistent and urgent question is, What are y

4、ou doing for others? ” I often challenge myself with that question, and Ive come to realize that my desire for personal privacy has been holding me back from doing something more important. Thats what has led me to today.与此同时,我深信马丁路德金(Martin Luther King)说过的一些话。他说:“生命中最持久和最紧迫的问题是:你正在为其他人做什么?”我经常用这个问题

5、来挑战自己,现在意识到,我保护个人隐私的渴望已经阻止了我去做一些更重要的事情。For years, Ive been open with many people about my sexual orientation. Plenty of colleagues at Apple know Im gay, and it doesnt seem to make a difference in the way they treat me. Of course, Ive had the good fortune to work at a company that loves creativity an

6、d innovation and knows it can only flourish when you embrace peoples differences. Not everyone is so lucky. 多年来,我在许多人面前对我的性取向都保持公开的态度。苹果的许多同事也知道我是一个同性恋者,但他们对待我的态度没有什么不同。当然,我有幸能在苹果工作。这家公司热衷于创造和创新,能够接受人们之间的差异。因此,并不是所有人都这么幸运。While I have never denied my sexuality, I havent publicly acknowledged it eith

7、er, until now. So let me be clear: Im proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me. 我从未否认过我的性取向,但我也从未公开承认过,直至现在。现在让我清楚地表达自己的立场:我很自豪成为一个同性恋者,我认为,成为一名同性恋者是上帝赐予我的最伟大的礼物。Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provid

8、ed a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. Its made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. Its been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bi

9、gotry. Its also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when youre the CEO of Apple. 身为一名同性恋者让我能够更深地理解成为人群中的少数意味着什么,同时也给我提供了一扇窗口来了解其他少数群体每天都要面临的困难。这让我更加能够感同身受,也丰富了我的人生。有时候,这种感觉很难受,很不舒服,但它也给了我成为自己的信心,让我能够追寻自己的道路,让我能超越敌意与偏执。同时这也给了我一张犀牛皮,作为苹果 CEO 这一点迟早会用上。The world has changed so much s

10、ince I was a kid. America is moving toward marriage equality, and the public figures who have bravely come out have helped change perceptions and made our culture more tolerant. Still, there are laws on the books in a majority of states that allow employers to fire people based solely on their sexua

11、l orientation. There are many places where landlords can evict tenants for being gay, or where we can be barred from visiting sick partners and sharing in their legacies. Countless people, particularly kids, face fear and abuse every day because of their sexual orientation. 与我的儿时相比,世界发生了巨变。美国已经是婚姻平等

12、,已经勇战站出来的公众人物已经帮助人们改变了想法,让我们的文化更加包容。但是,在大多数州,仍然有现行的法律允许雇主仅仅因为性取向而解雇员工。在许多地方,房东仍然有权驱逐同性恋租客,在许多地方,我们仍然会被禁止探访生病的伴侣,也不能继承他们的遗产。无数的人,尤其是孩子,每天都因为自己的性取向而面临恐惧和凌辱。I dont consider myself an activist, but I realize how much Ive benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay

13、can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then its worth the trade-off with my own privacy. 我并不认为自己是一个同志活动家,但我意识到,我从别人的牺牲中受益匪浅。因此,如果听说苹果 CEO 是一名同性恋者能够抚慰其他一些同性恋者,或者让饱受孤独的任何人感到一丝安慰,或者是能

14、激励某人坚持他们的平等观念,牺牲我个人一点隐私也是值得的。Ill admit that this wasnt an easy choice. Privacy remains important to me, and Id like to hold on to a small amount of it. Ive made Apple my lifes work, and I will continue to spend virtually all of my waking time focused on being the best CEO I can be. Thats what our em

15、ployees deserveand our customers, developers, shareholders, and supplier partners deserve it, too. Part of social progress is understanding that a person is not defined only by ones sexuality, race, or gender. Im an engineer, an uncle, a nature lover, a fitness nut, a son of the South, a sports fana

16、tic, and many other things. I hope that people will respect my desire to focus on the things Im best suited for and the work that brings me joy. 我承认,这并不是一个容易的选择。隐私对我而言仍是十分重要的,我仍愿意保留那么一点隐私。苹果已经成为我生活的一部分,我将继续投入计划全部时间、竭尽所能来确保成为一名优秀的 CEO。这是我们的员工、客户、开发者、股东和供应商合作伙伴所应得的。社会在进步,已经不再仅仅依靠性取向、种族或性别来评判一个人。我是一名工程师,一位大叔、一个自然爱人(a nature lover)、美国南部阿拉巴马州的儿子,等等。希望人们能够尊重我的选择,允许我追求适合自己的事情,以及能给我带来快乐的工作。The company I am so fortunate to lead has long advocated for human rights and



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