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1、JavaME开发手机程序,1.选择一种开发语言1,Symbian C+,Qt,Web Runtime,Java,Flash Lite,2. 选择一种开发环境IDE2,NetBeans with Mobility pack,EclipseME Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ),3.选择一种Platform SDK3,Series 40 platform,Symbian S60,我的开发环境,Language Java+JavaME,IDE Eclipse+MTJ,platform SDK S60 5th edi,1)JDK 6 Update 12 http:/ 2)Sun

2、Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC(Java ME SDK 3.0) http:/ 3)Nokia SymbianOS/S60 SDK for Java http:/ 4)下载并配置Eclipse http:/ 5)下载并配置MTJ插件 http:/ 配置方法: 下载,将该压缩包里features和plugins里的所有文件相应拷

3、贝到eclipse的features和plugins目录下,配置开发环境4,配置Eclipse4,Select the menu item Window | Preferences. Expand node J2ME and select Device Management. In the settings section of the dialog, press Import. In the new dialog, browse for the directory C:S60devicesS60_3rd_MIDP_SDK_FP2_Beta. Click Refresh. Make sure

4、the S60Emulator and S60Device devices checkboxes are both checked. Press Finish. Press Import again. In the new dialog, browse for the directory C:WTK2.5.2 (or wherever you installed the Wireless Toolkit). Click Refresh. Make sure all the four devices checkboxes are checked. Press Finish. Back in th

5、e main dialog, select DefaultColorPhone as the default device. (Selecting the S60Emulator choice will cause running a MIDlet to fail.) Back in the main dialog, press OK.,注意事项,安装Nokia SymbianOS/S60 SDK for Java前需先安装ActivePerl-另外,因为FAT32格式每个目录下的文件和子目录数有限,SymbianOS/S60 5th edit

6、ion SDK正好有部分目录超出了这个限制,所以如果C盘为FAT32格式则无法安装此程序C盘必须为NTFS格式。Nokia官网说支持的系统为Windows XP SP2和Vista,但经过测试,Windows7 Professional上也可以安装。,使用Eclipse创建Midlet程序5,Create a new project5,Select the menu item File | New | Project. Expand node J2ME and select J2ME Midlet Suite. Press Next. Give the project name HelloWo

7、rld. Press Next. Select Sun Java(TM) Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC and DefaultColorPhone. (Selecting S60 3rd Edition FP2 SDK for MIDP and S60Device will cause running the MIDlet to fail, with an dialog displayed, saying that the Jar file could not be initialized because of a caught exception.) Pre

8、ss Next. In tab Source, check the checkbox Allow output folders for source folders, and accept the default. Press Finish.,Create a new MIDlet5,Select the menu item File | New | Other. Expand node J2ME and select J2ME Midlet. Press Next. A dialog with the title J2ME Midlet appears. The Source folder

9、setting item should already be set to /src. For the Package setting item, give the name com.example.helloworld. For the Name setting item, give the name HelloWorldMidlet. Press Finish.,Write MIDlet code5,http:/ a deployment package5,In the Package Explorer, right-click on project HelloWorld, and select J2ME | Create package or J2ME | Create Obfuscated Package. A directory HelloWorld/deployed should have been created, containing the files HelloWorld.jad and HelloWorld.jar.,将PC上开发的程序传送到手机2,将上一步deploy生成的jar文件copy到手机里安装,References,http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/


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