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1、Teaching plan,Teaching time: March 10th.2004 Teaching content:1)key words:Chinese ,math, English, history.geography, biology, music, P.E.art, politic2)Sentence structure:whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is why do you like it? Because its .,What is your favorite subject ?,Do you know h

2、ow to say these subjects in English?,语文 数学 英语历史 生物体育 音乐美术 科学,Chinese,math,English,history,music,art,physical education / P.E.,biology,science,-Do you like Chinese ?,-Yes , I do . I like it very much. -No , I dont .,A: What classes do you have on Monday?B: On Monday , we have English,math, P.E. and m

3、usic.,Pair work : Make your own conversation with these sentences.,2a Listen and fill out the blank.,1. biology2. history3. art4. science,1.-Whats Mings favorite subject?-History.-Why does he like history?-Because its fun. 2.-Whats Selinas favorite subject?-Art.-Why does she like art?-Because its re

4、laxing.,2c Pairwork,3b Complete,Tuesday,Time Subject8:00 to 9:00 math9:00 to 10:00 science10:00 to 11:00 history11:00 to 12:00 P.E.12:00 to 1:00 lunch1:00 to 2:00 music2:00 to 4:00 gymnastics4:00 to 5:00 Chinese History Club,Make your curriculum schedule (课程表) .,-Whats your favorite subject ?-My fav

5、orite subject is English.-Why do you like English?-Because its useful and interesting.,I like English best.,Group work,Make a survey in your group , and make clear what subjects your partners like best . You can use: -Whats your favourite subject ?,Homework,Write down your results of survey as your

6、homework .,每空填一个单词 ,使句意完整.,1,What is your f subject?2,He likes English because it is i .3,My s teacher is Mr king.4,I am very b today.5,I eat l at 12 oclock.6,My favorite day is F _.7,I am s you like some subjects.8,Do you want to k about my morng.9,Can you play the d . 10, All my classes f at 2:00.

7、,avorite,nteresting,cience,usy,unch,riday,ure,now,rum,inish,because , at, dont, favorite, get,go, have, lunch, on, teacher,I_ up at 7:00 and I _ to school at 8:00 I _ science at 9:00 and then I have math Class at 10:00. Math is my _ subject . I Like math _it is interesting . Mr Tan is My math_ .I ea

8、t _ at 12:00 and Then. I have music at 1:00. I have history Class_ 2:00. I _ like history ,I Think it is boring. But I really like my art class. I have art class _ Wednesday at 2:00.,1.星期一是他最喜欢的一天, 因为星期一他上音乐课. 2.我确实很累,因为今天我有两节体育. 3.放学后,我弹2个小时的吉他. 4.我每天都有数学课,它很难但很有趣. 5.我所有的课都在2:00结束了. 6.我们的老师非常严格,他使我

9、很疲倦.,In England , people dont like talk very much. You can go on a bus, or in a train ,and every sits and looks out of the window . often they read books and newspapers. But they dont,usually talk much.When you meet English people , they often talk about one thing - the weather. So when you meet som

10、eone in England , you can say:. Its a fine day today.If you talk like this, the English think you are very friendly,1.In England, people dont_. 2.They like reading _and newspaper? 3.They dont talk on a _ or in a _. 4.When they are in a train, they like to look out of the _. 5.The English people only

11、 liketalking about the _.,; https:/ 班车管理系统 gwh74iyc 子,一定尖得跟锥子似的,尖的一头一定朝上。谁如果把脚往里头一塞,除非鞋底厚厚纳了千层,否则一定会被锥得当场哭出来。谢府里别说 了,哪怕稍微要好的丫头,都不会穿穷苦力的千层底。所以可怜兮兮的表 ,刚在老太太面前讨论船舶问题时露了个尖,马上又要可怜兮兮的哭了。食水不再动手脚之后,难道没别的法子整她吗?明秀满意的看着日影。日已西斜。丫头来送汤了。二太太亲自吩咐厨房给 少爷们炖来补身体的牛肉汤,是用牛身上小花卷腱子肉、三分肥的牛肋条、再加一点儿顶顶细嫩的白腩,合在一处炖上四、五个时辰,炖得浓如羹,盛


13、“怎么了?”明蕙在旁边帮着分汤,不敢插话。明秀镇定下来,若无其事回答福珞:“刚刚我看差了,还当是只虫子呢!”一边瞄向明柯。第五十五章 水上失银斗巧智(7)往宝音屐里放石子,明柯是知情的。适才明柯吹了草哨回来,明秀就悄问明柯:“跟笙妹妹说什么?”明柯恼火道:“她讲草木也有情,不能妄加摧毒,噼哩啪啦一大堆,哪个理她!”明秀听下来,并未起疑。如今石子易位,明秀望向明柯,明柯莫名其妙的耸了耸肩,明秀想想,是没理由怀疑明柯告密,视线就又移往宝音那里去。宝音还在栏边透气。她这个人,从以前起就这样,特别的不合群,仗着体弱、才高,总要特立独行。明秀讨厌她,这是很重要的一个因素。可今天,汤从外边来,还没进门,就先经过了宝音。乐韵把汤锅截住了:“这啥呀?哦汤!我们 在这儿呢,来一碗吧!”端汤的不好意思说偏不给你们 先吃,便只好给她舀了。这会儿,乐韵正给宝音吹汤呢!主仆几个,看也不看屋里,好像从没干过拿出石子、钉在布套上这种事。如果真是宝音指使的明秀心往下沉:如果真是宝音指使的,警告意味已经很明显了。没把石头放在汤碗里硌明秀的嘴,已算含蓄留情。明秀怎能不作个聪明人,听懂这粒石子说的话,还个人情?先前宝音饮茶吐血,只是以柔弱姿态,缚住明秀,


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