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1、Unit 6 Topic 3 Bicycles are popular .Section B伍寨中学 周开快,Teacher: Why are you late? 你为什么迟到?Jim: Because of the sign. 因为路标. Teacher: What sign? 什么路标?Jim: The one that says, ”School Ahead Go Slow.“路标上面写着:“前面是学校,请慢行.”,The Reason for Late,(迟到的理由),开心一笑,Talk about the advantages(好处) of riding bicycles.,It i

2、s faster than walking.,It can keep healthy for us.,It doesnt cause air pollution.,It is easy to park bikes.,Review:,2. Which traffic rules you should obey when you ride a bike to school? 想一想: 当你们骑自行车回学校应该要遵守哪些规则呢?,畅所欲言,Learning Aims:学习目标,一、知识目标: 1、 Learn some new words and phrases 2、 Learn some traf

3、fic sign二、能力目标: 1、学会用英语说出交通标志 2、学会用英语表达交通规则 三、情感目标: 学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。,Learn the new words:,helmet,crossing,fine,We should wear helmets when we ride bicycle.当我们骑车时应该要戴头盔,Read 1a carefully and find the answers to the questions.Q1:Why did the bike accident happen?Q2:Whats kangkangs suggestion?Q3:Does Mi

4、chael agree with Kangkang?,Learn 1a and act out the dialog: K: The bicycle accident in Caishikou Street was really terrible. M: Yes, it was. The young man on the bicycle was too careless. K: In fact, we should never too fast. We can wear bicycle helmets when riding. If we ride at night, we should ha

5、ve lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. M:Certainly.We should also learn more about the traffic rules. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger. K: Why dont we go to a traffic station to learn more traffic rules? M: Thats good idea.,Check answers: Q1:Why

6、 did the bike accident happen?Q2:Whats kangkangs suggestion?Q3:Does Michael agree with Kangkang?,Because the young man on the bicycle was very careless,Go to traffic station to learn more traffic rules.,Yes,he does.,1. wear light-colored clothes 穿浅色衣服 2. learn more about 学习更多的 3. obey the traffic ru

7、les 遵守交通规则 4. break the traffic rules 违反交通规则 5. get a fine 被罚款 6. be in danger处于危险中,教师点拨,What should we do to avoid the accident?,我们应该怎样做才能避免交通事故呢?,We should obey the traffic rules.We can wear bicycle helmets when we riding. We should never ride too fast . 4.We should have lights on the bicycle or w

8、ear light-colored clothes when we ride at night. 5.We should learn more about the traffic rules. 6.We should know about the traffic signs .,Traffic signs,Traffic lights,Red means_. Green means _. Yellow means “waits ”.,“stop ”,If the lights turn red, you should stop.,“go ”,If the lights turn green,

9、you can go.,If the lights turn yellow, you must wait.,Crossing,There is a crossing ahead. It warns us to be more_.,careful,If you see the crossing , you should be careful.,warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告/提醒某人做(不做)某事 warn sb. about /of sth. 警告/提醒某人某事 eg: My father warned me not to read in the sun. The b

10、ike accident warned us about the busy traffic.,No parking,Dont _here .,If you see the “No parking” sign, you mustnt park here .,park,danger,Its _,dangerous,If you see the “danger” sign, you must be careful .,No left turn,Go straight ahead,You cant_here.,Go along the road, please.,turn left,Summary 1

11、. wear light-colored clothes 穿浅色衣服 2. learn more about 学习更多的 3. obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 4. break the traffic rules 违反交通规则 5. get a fine 被罚款 6. be in danger处于危险中 7. warn sb. to do提醒/警告某人做warn sb. not to do提醒/警告某人别做,小 结,一. .选择填空,1.( ) If you see a traffic accident, you should call the _hotline.A

12、. 110 B. 122 C. 119 D. 1142.( ) If everyone obeys the traffic rules, the road will _A. safe B. dangerous C. be safe D. be dangerous3.( ) Why on the light?A. not turn B. not to turn C. dont turn4.( ) She feels like TV.A. to watch B. watching C. Watches5.( ) The teacher warned the boy _talk again.A. n

13、ot to B. didnt to C. doesnt to,课内巩固,B,C,A,B,A,动动脑,动动手,根据汉语提示完成下列句子,1.如果人们遵守交通规则,交通事故就会减少.If people_the traffic rules, there_ _fewer accidents.2. 作为中学生应该遵守校规.As high school students, we should_ the_ _.3.他昨天被罚款40元. He _ a ¥40 _ yesterday.4.他爸爸经常警告他,不要在马路上玩.His father often _ him _ _ _ on the road.5. I

14、f you see the _ sign, you mustnt park here . A、 B、 C、 D、,obey,will,be,obey,school,rules,got,fine,warns,not,to,play,D,综合探究活动,1、请同学们回去收集更多的交通标志 并说出他们的含义. 2、预习下次课的内容.,Homework,Good bye!,想一想 做一做,用所给动词的正确形式填空,1.I am afraid of _(go) out at night.2. If you break the rules, you_(get) a fine.3. Lets go down

15、this street, then turn right at the second _ (cross)4. His father _ (warn) the boys notto play on the road.5. If I _ (have) time, I will join your party.,going,will get,crossing,warned,have,If we obey the traffic rules, well be safe. But if we break the rules, what will happen to us? Lets discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules. Please make some sentences using “if” . The following expressions may help you.,


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