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1、,5 May 2001,Directors Role In SMEs Organized By Trade & Industry Department and The Hong Kong Institute of Directors,Directing In An Entrepreneurial Set-up 在企業家經營環境中發揮董事功能,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,2,I. BOARD COMPOSITIO

2、N: Ref SMEs 中小型企業董事局的組合,Determine and review Board composition 決定/覆查董事局的組合 No. of directors 董事的人數 Need of membership changes 董事更換的需要 Timing for membership changes 董事更換的時限 Define and review each individuals roles and responsibilities 釐定、覆查各董事的角色及職責 Identify gaps or overlaps, plan/execute corrective a

3、ctions 確認有否存在空檔或重疊,計劃及進行改善,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,3,Develop specifications of competencies and experience or other qualifications (relationship) required for new appointment/promotion to the Board 訂立委任/晉升董事局所需的才能及經驗的

4、規格,或其他條件 Identify and select candidates, and agree terms of appointment 確認選拔候選人,並同意委任條件 Identify/appoint a Managing Director, and empower to perform the roles 確認、委任董事總經理,並賦予適當權力,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,4,II. PROCESSES OF DIRECTING 董事局管治的程序,Define, delegate and e

5、nsure power, roles and responsibilities of the Board and Management are appropriate and different 釐定、委任及確定董事局與管理層的角色,權力和職責適當及不同 Ensure tasks and objectives of the Chairman and Managing Director are clear, in line with above 清晰確定董事局主席與董事總經理的工作及目標,與以上一致,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development L

6、td April 2001,5,Explain to members Board processes/policies, company culture, corporate objectives and their roles 向董事局成員說明董事局的政策/運作程序、企業文化、企業目標及其角色 Help develop necessary competencies, knowledge and monitor/appraise performance of directors 協助董事建立有關才能、知識及監察/讚賞其表現,Copyright reserved by Organisation

7、Development Ltd April 2001,6,III. BOARD VS MANAGEMENT IN AN ENTREPRENEURIAL SET-UP 企業家環境中的董事局與管理層,Directing 指揮: formulation of policies 政策的制定 strategic thinking 策略的思考 directing the business 企業監督/指揮 Managing 管理: day to day operations 日常運作 coping with plan deviations 應付計劃的逆差 delivering budgets 達成預算目標,

8、Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,7,Ideal state 理想情況 Clear mission, strategy and structure清晰的使命,策略及架構 Democratic and participative and with clear accountabilities董事局與管理層體現民主,積極參與,並具有清晰問責性 Cost effective, timely, efficient and flexible 成本低、效果高、適時、有效率及應變能力 Mutual trust and

9、with appropriate transparency 互相信任並有適當透明度 Balance between formal and informal communication and decision making 正規與非正規的溝通及決策,取得平衡,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,8,Motivation of employees 鼓勵僱員 Development of competencies and development opportunities 才能的建立及僱員事業的發展 Partn

10、er/family intervention avoidance 避免夥伴/家庭干擾 Plan ownership and board transition 計劃主權及董事局的轉移 Use of non-relative for at least 1 top job 最少起用一位非親屬,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,9,IV. THE USE OF ADVISORS 諮詢專業意見,Stabilising Shareholder 股東,Board of Directors 董事局,Management

11、管理層,Merchant banks 商業銀行,Strategic/Organisation Development Consultants 企業策略顧問,Management Consultants 管理顧問,Auditors 核數師,Lawyers 律師,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,10,V. THE NEED FOR DIRECTOR TRAINING 董事培訓的需要,60% of directors spend about 30% of their time on direction 六成董

12、事祗花大約三成時間於董事職責上 75% of directors believe their Boards could be more effective 七成半董事相信其所屬董事局可以更有效果 90% of directors did not receive any prior preparation 九成董事沒有委任前的準備 Above 70% of directors received no formal training after appointment 超過七成董事在委任後並沒有接受正規培訓 12% of companies operates any form of periodi

13、c formal appraisal of directors 祗有一成多的公司於董事的表現,採用定期/正規評估制度 N.B. AS IDENTIFIED IN A SURVEY 調查結果,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,11,RECOMMENDATION,Company Chairman should take responsibility for training/development of directors 董事局主席應負責董事之培訓及發展 Identify training needs an

14、d use external resources to accelerate professional development 釐定培訓之需要,運用企業外的資源加速專業發展 Process of director development 董事栽培/發展程序 Induction : 就職 Inclusion: 引入 Competency: 才能 Development: 發展 Plateau: 成熟 Transition: 轉移,Copyright reserved by Organisation Development Ltd April 2001,12,Director Developmen

15、t 董事栽培/發展程序,Time,Maturity in Job,Induction就職,Inclusion引入,Competence才能,Development發展,Plateau成熟,Transition轉移,External,Internal,Short Term,Long Term,The Cycle of Board Activity,Corporate Policy Stating purpose Creating Vision and values Developing Corporate Culture,Accountability To owners To regulators To stakeholders,Supervision Overseeing management performance Reviewing business results,Strategic Thinking Setting corporate direction and processes Positioning in changing markets Reviewing and deciding resources,Board Styles,



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