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1、,The synopsis of Forrest Gump,Forrest Gump is a simple man.He struggles through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His mom teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. 福勒斯特甘普是一个简单的人。他挣扎的童年是跟他最好的也是唯一的朋友珍妮一起度过的。他的母亲教他生活的方式并且让他选择自己的命运。,Forrest joins the army for servic

2、e in Vietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he wins medals, starts a table tennis craze, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, create the smiley, write bumper stickers and songs, donating to people and meeting the president several times. However this is all irre

3、levant to Forrest who can only think of his childhood sweetheart Jenny. Who has messed up her life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is that anyone can love anyone.,福勒斯特在越南参了军,他找到新的朋友叫丹和布巴,他获得了奖牌,赢得了一场乒乓球的胜利,创建一个著名的虾捕捞船队,鼓励人们去慢跑,创造史麦利,写汽车保险杠上,唱歌,捐赠给人民和会见总统好几次了。然而,这只是所有无关的福勒斯特谁只能认为他的童年时代,甜心珍

4、妮。谁有搞砸了她的生活。虽然最后所有他想证明是:任何人都可以爱任何人。,Forrest tells us something,Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what youre gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。 Death is just a part of life,something were all destined to do .死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件 事。,Shawshank Redemption,Th

5、e story was happened in 1947, the banker Andy, in a bitter after midnight, be regarded as murdering his wife and lover murderer to court. His wifes infidelity, the lawyers crafty, judges in the vicinity of the treacherous, guard the fierce, the warden of greed and despicable, He was sentenced to lif

6、e imprisonment, and sent to the prison.,故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪,在一个失意的深夜之后,被当作杀害妻子与情夫的凶手送上法庭。妻子的不忠、律师的奸诈、法官的误判、狱警的凶暴、典狱长的贪心与卑鄙,被判无期徒刑。,After witnessing the prisons corruption he knows only to get back on prison break could live. So he started to secretly carry out his plan. At the same time, he also helped

7、 many prisoners won the equivalent so that they can continue to learn in prison for future free, and lay to the foundation for stepped into the society. His financial knowledge made him became the wardens private financial assistant, so Andys escape plan has the possibility to realize.,目睹了监狱的腐败后,他知道

8、只有越狱才有生路。因此他暗中实施自己的计划,同时无私地辅导帮助众多犯人获得了同等学历,使得他们可以在狱中继续学习,为日后重获自由,踏上社会打下基础他在金融方面的专业知识又使他成为众狱警的得力帮手,甚至成为了典狱长的私人财务助理,如此的待遇让安迪的越狱计划有了实现的可能。,当一个年轻的窃贼告诉安迪他曾在另一所监狱中遇到过杀害安迪妻子和情夫的真正凶手时,安迪再也克制不住自己感情,他希望监狱长能帮他讨回公道。但是典狱长因为安迪知悉他贪污、受贿的内幕而决意不让安迪重返人间,竟残酷杀害了那个年轻窃贼,并再次将安迪关入黑牢。,When a young thieves told Andy he was en

9、countered the true killer in another prison, Andy never hold his feelings, he hoped the warden could help him. But, because of Andy learned the warden corruption and bribery, he determined to not let Andy return to earth. And murdered that young thieves, and set Andy into prison again.,Finally, Andy

10、 gone out of prison in a night and got free. The following day the warden opened the door found Andy had go out, he suicide when he received his evidence. 忍无可忍的安迪终于在一个雷电交加的夜晚,越狱而出,重获自由。当翌日典狱长打开安迪的牢门时,发现他已不翼而飞。预感到末日来临的典狱长在检察人员收到安迪投寄的监狱长的罪证之后,畏罪自杀。,This film encourages people to fight for the dignity

11、of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever.,Classic line:,You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their fathers are just too bright. 你知道有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的。它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 There is something inside, that they cant get to, that they cant t

12、ouch. Thats yours. 那是一种内在的东西,他们到达不了,那是你的。 Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。,Pretty Woman (风月俏佳人),The film is Julia Roberts baiweis, is a typical tells background experience four-letter woman how to meet the gap of identity with

13、 the modern Cinderella man love story.,本片是朱莉娅罗伯茨的成名作,是一部典型的讲述出身经历低俗的女子如何与身份悬殊的男人相遇相爱结婚的现代灰姑娘故事。,The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (牛仔裤的夏天),Film adapted from Ann Brashares published in 2001 novel, about four feeling of good friends with sisters in the coming on the eve of the summer tour respecti

14、vely, in an antique shop found a magical jeans: whatever height, it incredibly fat thin figure to suit everyone. The sisters decided to turn the magic jeans as summer departure emotional tie after a month, in the future, everyone wear it under one week and then mail, see it actually can give everyon

15、e bring what experience。,该片根据2001年安布拉谢尔最畅销小说改编而来,讲述了四个闺中密友的故事,这四个小姑娘第一次没有在一起过夏天,将她们联系在一起的是一条会魔法的牛仔裤,尽管这四个女孩体形、个头和欣赏力各不相同,但这条神奇的牛仔裤却总能适合她们。在接下来的一个夏天,在分开的日子里,会飞的牛仔裤给身处不同的地方的她们带来了不同的奇遇,让她们都经历了一个难忘的夏天。,The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (牛仔裤的夏天),Film adapted from Ann Brashares published in 2001 novel

16、, about four feeling of good friends with sisters in the coming on the eve of the summer tour respectively, in an antique shop found a magical jeans: whatever height, it incredibly fat thin figure to suit everyone. The sisters decided to turn the magic jeans as summer departure emotional tie after a month, in the future, everyone wear it under one week and then mail, see it actually can give everyone bring what experience。,



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