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1、1,Locomotor System 运动系统,The locomotor system includes bones, joints and muscles.,Bones -Osteology Joints or articulations-Arthrology Skeletal muscles-Myology,Introduction,2,bones,joints,muscles motive force,skeleton,framework,movement,protection,storage of minerals,formation of blood cells,3,Osteolo

2、gy 骨学,Bones in adult are 206 in number, with the exception of six auditory ossicles, the other bones can be divided into the skull, the bones of the trunk and the appendicular bones. Bone is one of the hardest structure of the body, possesses also a certain degree of toughness(韧性),elasticity(弹性) and

3、 some shape. Each bone is an organ and has its blood and nerve supply.,4,Classification of boneBones are classified according to their position and shape. 按部位分为颅骨、躯干骨和四肢骨 skull bones of trunk appendicular skeleton,Axial bones,Introduction,5,按骨的形态分为四类,Long bone Position: limbs Shape: tubular Action:

4、levers,Shaft,Extremity (epiphyses),Epiphysial lines,Diaphysis or shaft which is hollow (called medullary cavity , filled with bone marrow) Two endsepiphysis: articular surface, metaphysis epiphysial cartilage and epiphysial line,6,Short bone Position: wrist, foot Action: bear pressure,7,Flat bone In

5、clude: ribs,sternum, scapulae,bones of skull Action: protection,In the flat bones of the skull, the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate and inner plate, while the layer of spongy bone is called the diplo,8,Irregular boneshave any irregular or mixed shape, e.g. vertebrae, some cranial b

6、ones, hip bones, pneumatic bones Sesamoid bonesdevelop within tendon,9,Structures of bone,Bone substance compact bone spongy bone:trabeculae Periosteum and endosteum,Bone marrow: Red marrow and Yellow marrow,10,11,12,13,Chemical composition and physical properties,Organic materialInorganic salts,14,

7、Arthrology 关节学,The bones are connected together by means offibrous connective tissue, cartilaginous or osseoustissues at different parts of their surfaces, and sucha connection are called the joint or articulation.,15,纤维连结 软骨连结和骨性结合,(一)纤维连结Fibrous Joint,1. 韧带连结Syndesmosis,2. 缝Suture,直接连接(Solid joint

8、s),间接连接(Synovial joints),一、直接连接,滑膜关节,Introduction,Classification,There are two main types of articulations or joint.,Continuous joints,Discontinuous joints,16,(二)软骨连结和骨性结合,骨与骨之间借软骨相连,形成软骨连结(cartilaginous joints)。,1. 透明软骨结合Synchondrosis :第一肋与胸骨之间的结合,2. 纤维软骨结合Symphysis:椎间盘,3. 骨性结合Synostosis :骶椎之间的结合,1

9、7,间接连接滑膜关节 Synovial Joint,(一)基本构造,1. 关节面Articular Surfaces,关节头 关节窝,2. 关节囊Articular Capsule,纤维膜 滑膜,3. 关节腔Articular Cavity,关节头,关节窝,Aticular cartilage 关节软骨,18,(二) 辅助结构,1. 韧带Ligament,囊内韧带 囊外韧带,2.关节内软骨,(1) 关节盘Articular Disc,(2) 关节唇Articular Labrum,3.滑膜襞 滑膜囊,19,(三)滑膜关节的运动,1. 屈 Flexion和 伸Extension:关节沿冠状轴进行

10、的运动,在足部屈称为跖屈,伸称为背屈。,20,2. 内收 Adduction和 外展Abduction:关节沿矢状轴进行的运动,21,3.旋内 Medial rotation和旋外Lateral rotation:关节沿垂直轴进行的运动,在前臂旋内称为旋前( pronation),旋外称为旋后(supination),22,4. 环转运动Circumduction,(四)滑膜关节的分类 (自学),23,Myology 肌学,Movements at joints are controlled and produced mainly by muscles, which are attached

11、to bones. All movement is made about by muscle contracting, with the consequent action of pulling across joints changing the relative positions of the bones involved. The skeletal muscle is voluntary muscle because its contraction is under the voluntary control.,24,25,一、肌Muscle的形态和构造,肌腹 Muscle Belly

12、,肌腱 Tendon,腱划,阔肌,腱膜aponeurosis,轮匝肌,二腹肌,Introduction,26,Origin -insertionpositionaction,二 、肌的起止 、配布和作用,27,28,三、肌的辅助装置,(一) 筋膜 Fascia,浅筋膜 深筋膜,29,(二)滑膜囊Synovial Bursa,30,(三)腱鞘Tendinous Sheath,Fibrous layerSynovial layer: mesotendon,31,Synovial cyst of wrist,32,四、肌的发生,躯干两侧的肌节头部的鰓弓间充质,躯干肌、四肢肌和部分头部肌,头颈部肌和斜方肌,33,34,小 结 掌握:骨的分类;骨的构造;滑膜关节的基本结构和辅助结构。 了解:运动系统的组成及功能;骨的功能、化学成分和物理性质,骨连结的分类;滑膜关节的分类及运动,直接连结的形式与特点;肌的形态、构造; 肌的起止、配布,筋膜和腱鞘的概念,肌的发生部位。,



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