美国文学robert frost

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1、Wallace Stevens (1879-1955),Pennsylvania, educated at Harvard University. as a journalist in New York CityAfter 1916 vice president in an insurance firm in Hartford, Connecticut,His works,Harmonium小风琴(1923), the best known of his poems,“Sunday Morning.“ The Man with the Blue Guitar (1937); Collected

2、 Poems (1954); Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in poetry,THEMES AND PHILOSOPHY,Stevenss poems celebrate the natural world and view the poet as the one who discovers harmony in the worlds chaos. Poems about the individuals interaction with the outside world Style: sensuous, elaborate image

3、ry and elevated, precise word choice to express subtle philosophical themes Theme: Stevens was specifically concerned with creating some shape of order in the “slovenly wilderness“ of chaos,Anecdote of the Jar,Stanza One 1. Anecdote Jar common, transparent utilitarian, plain, symmetry 2.Images. jar

4、in Tennessee, simple setting. 3.imagination Suggests that the roundness and transparency of the jar creates a center of a focal point , survey the slovenly wilderness. 4. Contrast,Natural world, manufactured world,Line 4-8,1. the jar command nature to rise up to it then surrender no longer wild. 2.T

5、here is some power in the symmetry of the jar. he reinforce the power of round by repeating or embedding it five times throughout the first eight lines 3.took dominion everywhere, man-made, manufactured jar takes dominion over nature; inspire the readers imagination.,Stanza Three,1.a conclusion : do

6、minion everywhere. 2.although dominate nature, it is not nature 3. weighs the power of the nature against the impact of the man-made, manufactured world. wilderness versus the jar; vast and without order;perfectly ordered and placed.,devices,1.definite iambic tetrameter四音步; two unevenly meters; Line

7、s 1 and 2 perfectly metered, Lines 3 and 4 deviate from the established meter. After lines 3 and 4, the strict iambic tetrameter. 3. Rhyme : a b a b c c c d d d e a 4. Image, imagination ; philosophic view I,Robert Frost (1874-1963),Robert frost,1. born in san Francisco ; 2. at the age of ten to the

8、 new England farm country 3. at Harvard for a short time, 4.jobs he had engaged in making shoes, editing a country newspaper, teaching school and finally farming. 5.Four Pulitzer Prizes 6.when he was eighty-seven, he was asked to read his poem at the inauguration就职典礼 president Kennedy.,Features and

9、Themes,Features: 1. the plain speech of rural new Englanders 2. short , traditional forms of lyric and narrative. Metrics iambic pentameter 3. Pastoral田园生活的 4. his verse be as simple and honest as an axe斧and hoe.锄头,Theme: 1. deep moral uncertainties, 2. probe mysteries of darkness and irrationality

10、in the bleak landscape of where men stand alone, unaided and perplexed,Mending Wall After Apple-Picking Stopping by woods The road not taken,Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,1:narrator: a trespasser侵犯(他人土地)者;familiar 2.“Woods“;“Snow“-winter,purity Line 1-4; contrast,white snow, dark woods; beaut

11、y landscape and dark death 3. society : Village, housenature : woods, snow; 4. The tendency of poet to enjoy the landscape,1:narrator: a trespasser侵犯(他人土地)者;familiar 2.“Woods“;“Snow“-winter,purity; contrast,white snow, dark woods; beauty landscape and dark death 3. society : Village, housenature : w

12、oods, snow; 4. The tendency of poet to enjoy the landscape,Line 4-8,1.“Horse“-symbolizes conscious. 2. society : farmhouse, reality, nature: “Darkest evening“, frozen lake, woods 3. why does the author choose nature rather society?,Line 8-12,1.question: Bell shake ask 2,answer:only sound Easy wind,

13、downy flake-imagery, poet prefers natural beauty to society 3.Society:Harness bells, Nature:easy wind, downy flake,Line 12-16,1. nature: “Lovely, dark and deep“-beautiful ,restful and sleepy. 2.society: And miles to go before I sleep. drudgery苦差事,of responsibility. 3. reinforce obligations of societ

14、y; responsibility .,conclusion,1.Meaning-dilemma “woods are lovely“ and “promises to keep“ submit to society. 2.Tone:dejected沮丧的, 灰心的; unwanted responsibility. 3.Speaker-I 4.Imagery- mental picture of the dark and beautiful woods and of the peaceful wind and snow. “ 5.image: a. visual image: b. audi

15、tory images: a.natural image; b. cultural image .,Devices,1.Figurative Language-be tempted by the lovely darkness of death.;horse representing a conscious or the village representing the burdens of society 2.contrast: Nature, culture 3. Structure-repeats reinforces responsibility 4. Frost uses iambi

16、c tetrameter Every line has eight syllables and alternates between stressed and not stressed syllables 5. Rhythm :a a b a b b c b c c d c d d d d 6, language:,Literal meaning: A man is resting in a forest on a snowy night. He is tempted to stay, but must move on because of the distance he must trave

17、l before he can rest. Figurative meaning: he prefers nature to burdensome society,The road not taken,The road not taken,1.Main idea: The literal meaning; A traveler a fork ;decide the way ;mental debate; “less traveled by.“ The figurative meaning: tough choices; traveling the road of life; 2.tone: “sorry“ and “sigh“ somewhat gloomy. 3.Devices:a. antithesis C.iambic tetrameter 4,rhyme : abaab,cdccd,efeef, ghggh,



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