SOA(面向服务的开发) 简介

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《SOA(面向服务的开发) 简介》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SOA(面向服务的开发) 简介(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Yi Wu Microsoft,Services Oriented Architecture 简介,Whats Next?. “Everything is Possible”,Generation “e” will lead the way to a new world SMS a multi- billion dollar industry Music downloads outpacing growth of traditional music sales Ring tone downloads outselling Billboard chart musical artists CDs

2、140 million MSN Messenger users/ 180 million hotmail users 60% of all 10-12 year olds own a cell phone Xbox “Halo2” sells over $200 million in first week.,If we can think it It can happen.,Artist is XYZ Title is xxxxyyyy,目前的业务,Despite services growth, operators still risk commoditization New, non-tr

3、aditional competition for billing and service relationships,Operator,Voice call + SMS,Call service to get song info,In this example: Operator benefits from increased voice and SMS traffic, but Music Recognition Service benefits by knowing user preferences Can use this to offer additional products &

4、services Separate web portal to track preferred songs and offer purchase,User,Offer to purchase,Music Recognition Service,Maintaining & Enhancing The End-Subscriber Relationship is Critical,example,3,未来的业务,Requires ability to dynamically “connect” disparate services together so they collaborate and

5、can be managed as one,Now, as the aggregator: Operator leverages service partners, but maintains central position in value chain Participates in new revenue stream Better leverage of existing assets and customer relationship,Connected Services Allow Operator To Become Service Aggregator,Modifying th

6、e previous example,4,Simple Aggregation Scenario,With different services deployed through Connected Services Framework, they can easily be combined to work together,Resulting in increased revenue opportunities and improved user experience,安排,什么是 SOA? 为什么 SOA? 如何 SOA? 微软 SOA 的实现 结论,应用程序发生了变化,Built to

7、 last TCO driven Application arch Privileged access Year backlogs Backward looking Wheres the data? Outsource entire IT,Build to change ROI driven Enterprise arch Appropriate access 6 week build/deploy Forward enabling Flow of data “Smart outsourcing”,From,To,“The major differentiator between compan

8、ies now is their agility their ability to create value quicker than their competitors. This may be the only differentiator in the future, as every other innovation can be copied.”-Rolf Jester Chief Analyst IT Services Market Asia/Pacific Gartner,应用架构设计也随之变化,Tightly coupled Cost centric One platform

9、Application centric Object oriented Know every detail More connections = more costs,Loosely coupled Value centric All platforms Actionable data Message oriented Abstraction More connections = more value,From,To,Results,Billing,Revenue,Pharmacy,EMPI,Results,Billing,Pharmacy,Revenue,Oncology,From this

10、,“Too Many Systems:” High Dev/Support & HW costs Too Little Integration Insufficient Agility 350,000 hard copy financial reports distributed ww, available 14 days after end of period,“低效的商业运营:”需要大量手工操作的业务流程 不一致的业务规则 容易出错的数据录入 每个位置均产生大量纸质表格 高昂的交易成本,MS 系统的体系结构 1995,Mobile,PDA,Desktop,Tablet,Portal,Res

11、ults,Billing,Revenue,Oncology,Pharmacy,EMPI,Basic Services Service & Business Process Orchestration,To this,借鉴 城市规划,面向服务的开发,多态 封装 子类,基于消息 架构+合约 通过策略绑定,1980s,2000s,以接口为基础的 动态加载 运行态元数据,1990s,面向对象,面向服务,面向组件,从对象到服务,服务和使用者在版本、部署、操作、安全上都是相互独立的,服务是自治的,数据不含有行为 带数据和行为的对象是本地镜像,共享框架和合约 而不是类,能力和要求使用一个唯一的公共名称表述

12、用于建立服务之间的匹配性,基于Policy的兼容性,开发人员可以选择性的使用、输出、定义公共服务层,边界是清晰的,SO的四个原则,安排,什么是 SOA? 为什么 SOA? 如何 SOA? 微软 SOA的实现 结论,使用 Services 的三个理由,Autonomy of Applications 独立的,可持续化的开发,升级 清晰的封装 Separation of Biz-Process and App 针对不同的 Biz-Process 分别实现 不同的 Apps 管理各自的资源 Enabling IT Infrastructure App (Service) 具备预先规划的架构变化 使

13、App (Service) 融入 IT Infrastructure,三种Service 应用的场合,搭建新的SOA的应用 Independent Pieces Within Apps Independent Development and Maintenance Scale-Out 清理 Existing Apps 拆分为不同的,小的应用 整合 Existing Apps Connectivity B2B: Business-to-Business EAI: Enterprise Application Integration Business Process Tap Into IT Inf

14、rastructure,安排,什么是 SOA? 为什么 SOA? 如何 设计 SOA? 微软 SOA 的实现 结论,使用Messages 进行Services通讯,Services Communicate with Messages Nothing Else No Other Knowledge about Partner May Be Heterogeneous,Service请求和Services响应,Messages arrive into a service to request operations These are called service-requests The serv

15、ice will send messages back in response to the incoming service-requests These are called service-responses The interaction with a service frequently takes this request-response pattern It may have a more flexible pattern,设计原则,Things we should be thinking about: Security Transactions and SOA. What d

16、oes it mean to think about transaction in an SOA world How do we delineate transaction boundaries What infrastructure support can we expect Services的可靠性 services should be reliable. 统一一致的数据交换 Canonical Schema goals and challenges Processes. The end goal are declarative processes how do we get there?,Message处理框架,Message Processing Infrastructure,Message Processing Infrastructure,Service,Service,Serialize,Encrypt,Sign,Deserialize,Authenticate,



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