英汉汉英翻译实训教程Chapter Nine English Wording for Tourism

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1、Contents,Warm-up Exercises,Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese,大家晚上好!非常欢迎大家来到美丽的海滨城市珠海。 我是来自中国国际旅行社珠海分设的导游小刘。在你们在珠 海游玩期间,我将作为你们珠海之行的导游。两天的时间很 短暂,但我将尽力照顾好大家,使你们在珠海玩得愉快。我 们即将前往湾仔旅游码头,开始我们在珠海最有代表性的旅 游项目之一:澳门环岛游。,Listen to Doctor Translator,1. 两天的时间很短暂,但我将尽力使你们在珠海玩得愉快。Two days are so short.

2、Ill try my best to make you have a pleasant day.(误译),思维差异,这是东西方文化差异所致,不用说目的语的初学者,甚至外语习得水平较高的非本族语人士也会犯此类错误。因此,“两天的时间很短暂”应译为:Two days is so short(正).,我将尽力使你们玩得愉快。若译为:Ill try my best to make you have a pleasant day. 此处“day”是一个具体的时间概念,应改为“stay”,这才符合言语者的真实意图。但若游客在某胜地所呆时间的确为一天,这则是一个正确的表达,这便叫“歪打正着”,言语者可能并未

3、意识到这一点。,Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese,澳门位于中国东南沿海、珠江口西岸,它北与珠海相 连,东与香港隔海相望。澳门地区主要包括澳门半岛与凼仔、 路环两个离岛,人口约40万,其中95%是中国人,通用语言 是粤语。澳门历史名胜古迹众多,最著名的有大三巴牌坊、 妈阁庙、西望洋山、松山灯塔等。古色古香的海上皇宫、威 尼斯人和葡京大赌场更是世界闻名,这是澳门一道流光溢彩 的风景线,令众多游客留连往返。,Listen to Doctor Translator,2. 古色古香的海上皇宫、威尼斯人和葡京大酒店更是世界闻名,这是澳 门一道流

4、光溢彩的风景线,令众多游客留连往返。The Hotel Lisboa, Venetians and Imperial Palace are well- known for their gambling and entertainment both home and abroad,which is the most eye-catching scene and made many visitors lingering on.(误译)改译:The Hotel Lisboa, Venetians and Imperial Palace are well- known for their gambli

5、ng and entertainment both home and abroad. Its eye-catching scene always makes many tourists stop and enjoy for a while.,“葡京大酒店”应套用其英文译名:The Hotel Lisboa 而不可译为:Pu Jing Grand Hotel.,此句句子结构较为复杂,有些词语文学气息过于浓重,例如:lingering,如果用作导游词,这句话最好在句法和词语上做出调整,以使其容易被旅游者接受和理解。,Translate those paragraphs again to check

6、 your progress.,Good evening! Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome you to our beautiful coastal city-Zhuhai. Im Xiao Liu from the CITS Zhuhai Branch. During your stay here, Ill be your tour guide. Two days is so short, Ill try my best to make you have a pleasant stay here and take care of any problems you

7、may have. Now we are leaving for Wan Chai Traveling Port, and start one of the most popular tours from Zhuhai-Sightseeing by Boat around Macau.,Translate those paragraphs again to check your progress.,Facing the South China Sea, located in the western part of the Pearl River estuary, Macau is adjace

8、nt to Zhuhai in the north, and facing Hong Kong across the sea in the east. The total area of Macao, including Macao peninsula and the two separate islands: Danzai and Luhuan islands, is about 24 square kilometers. The population of Macao is more than 400,000, 95% of them being Chinese. Cantonese is

9、 their commonly spoken language.,Translate those paragraphs again to check your progress.,There are many historic sites and scenic spots in Macao. The most famous and attractive are the Ruins of St. Paul, Mage Temple, the church on the top of Xiwangyang Mountain, Songshan Light House, and etc. The H

10、otel Lisboa, Venetians and Imperial Palace are well-known for their gambling and entertainment both home and abroad. Its eye-catching scene always makes many tourists stop and enjoy for a while.,English Wording for Tourism,导游词的翻译,导游词翻译 的主要原则 和策略,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的分类,语内翻译(interlingual translation)

11、语际翻译 (interlingual translation) 符际翻译(intersemiotic translation)外语译为本族语本族语译为外语专业性翻译 一般性翻译 文学翻译 全译 (full translation ) 部分翻译(partial translation),从所涉语言和符号来看,从译出语/文本 (source language) 和译入语(target language)角度来看,从导游词翻译的题材和方式来看,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的分类,预制导游词翻译 (pre- structured interpretation) 现场导游词翻译 (on-the

12、- spot interpretation) 途中导游词翻译 (on- the- way interpretation) 文本导游词翻译 (text interpretation),基于导游在涉外导游服务工作流程中的现实应用和设计情况,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的语言特点和文本特点,(1) 现场性导游词必须在旅游景点现场运用,脱离旅游景点就无法使用或者无 法产生理想的效果。导游词的现场性特点主要是依靠一系列的表达手段 来实现的,如使用现场性词语、现场导引语、设问等手法。e.g. Well start todays trip with a visit to Summer Palace

13、. Now we are heading for it. 今天我们将参观颐和园,现在我们即将前往那里。 点评:例1) 通过时间副词now提醒游客就要向目的地出发 了,游客就会对所到之处充满期待。,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的语言特点和文本特点,(2) 口语化导游词的讲解应该是简单、易懂、轻松、活泼,方能给游客带来 愉悦和美感。口语化的导游词,并使用短小精悍的句子,具有很好的表 意传情的功能。e.g. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Guangzhou, a prosperous city of modern China.

14、 Are you eager to see the city? Yes? I am sure you will have many things to see during this stop.游客们,上午好。欢迎来到广州,一个欣欣向荣的现代化城市。你们一定迫不及待想要参观了吧,我相信在这次旅行中,你们一定会看到很多事物,不虚此行。,点评: 例4) 是欢迎词,使用的都是简单句,并且使用了“Are you eager to see the city? Yes?”这样口语化的语言,拉近了导游和游客之间的距离,使游客非常容易接近。,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的语言特点和文本特点,(3)

15、逻辑性逻辑性是指导游词的表达具有一定的连贯性和秩序性。在英语导 游词中往往会使用一些表示时间的词语、连接词等来使导游词更加符合 逻辑思维。e.g. This afternoon is dedicated to the Beijing Hutong. The excursion will begin at around 4: 00 p. m. and end at around 6: 00 p.m. And then in the evening well have a chance to enjoy a tea stop at the Laoshe Tea house and a Peking

16、 Opera is also in our schedule. I hope all of you have a wonderful trip today.今天下午,我们将参观北京的胡同,时间是从下午四点到六点。晚上的行程是去老舍茶舍品茶,之后观看京剧。希望大家玩得开心。,点评:例5) 通过使用this afternoon, then in the evening这些表示时间的词语,可以使游客对时间的掌握更加清楚。,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的语言特点和文本特点,(4) 文化对应词少。中英文化属于世界上各国文化之间差异最大的两种文 化。因此在翻译中文导游词时遇到的困难和障碍最多,特

17、别 是文化对应词少或者文化空白现象较明显,导游词中与特定 文化有关的词特别多,但这些词在英语中多无对应词,即出 现了所谓的词汇空白( lexical gap)。这是导游翻译的一大 特点和难点。,涉外导游词的分类和特点 - 导游词翻译的语言特点和文本特点,6) 今天我要向各位介绍号称我国五岳之首的泰山,这五岳为东岳的泰山、南岳的嵩山、西岳的华山、北岳的恒山和中岳的嵩山。Today I d like to introduce Mount Tai crowned as the most famous of Chinas five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan Mountain in south China, the Huashan Mountain in West China, the Hengshan Mountain in North China and the Songshan Mountain in Central China.,


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