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1、英语词根词源数字,苏州新东方 王巧红,英语词根词源数字,One: Uni- 1.unicorn / n.独角兽uni- (one)+corn (horn) 2.uniform/ adj.相同的、无变化的not changing in form or character ; unvarying n.制服distinctive clothing worn by all members of an organization uni- (one)+form: The house was kept at a uniform temperature. 3.unique/ adj.唯一的、独特的being

2、the only one ;have no like or equal eunuch Her designs are quite unique in todays fashion scene.,英语词根词源数字,Two, double: Bi- 1.bicameral/ adj.having two legislative chambers(议会)两院制的(如英国的上议院和下议院) bi-(two)+camer (chamber)+-al(形容词词尾) a bicameral system of government两院制政体 2biweekly /adj. adv.两周一次的(地);隔周的(

3、地) bi-(two)+week+ly(副词词尾) e.g. We hold our regular meeting biweekly. 3.bilingual /adj.会两种语言的able to speak, express ,write two languages equal well bi-(two)+lingua(language)+-al(形容词词尾) e.g. He is bilingual in French and Spanish.,英语词根词源数字,Three : Tri- 1.tribe/ n.种族;一群人;一类人racial group united by langua

4、ge, custom, religion large number of people; set or class people I hate the whole tribe of politicians. 2.trilateral /adj.有三边的 n.三边形involving three sides, groups, countries tri-(three)+later(side)+- al(形容词词尾) After overheated discussion, they reached a trilateral agreement. 3.Triple adj.三倍的,三部的n.三倍v

5、.使成三倍 tri-(three)+ple(to fold) He tripled his income in three years.,英语词根词源数字,Four: Quadri- 1.quadruped /n.四足兽four-footed animal quadru-(fourfold)+ped(foot) 2.quadriplegia / n.四肢麻痹 quadri-(four)+pleg (paralysis麻痹)+-ia (condition) 3.quadrennial/ adj. 持续四年的;每四年一次的lasting for four years; happening ever

6、y fourth year quadr-(four)+enn(year)+-ial (形容词词尾),英语词根词源数字,Five: Penta- 1.Pentagon n.五角形geometric figure with five sides and angles penta-(five)+gon(angle) 注五角大楼(美国国防部办公处)(位于福吉尼亚州的阿灵顿)the five-sided building department of Defence and the US armed forces 2.Pentarchy n.五头政治;五国联盟 penta-(five)+archy (ru

7、le) 3.pente-cost n.(犹太人的)五旬节(庆祝收获的节日)Jewish harvest festival that takes place fifty days after the second day of Passover,英语词根词源数字,Six Sex- 1.Sexagenarian n.60-69岁之间的人(person who is) of any age from 60-69 2.Sexpartite adj.分成六部分的 sex-(six)+ part + -ite (形容词词尾) 3.Sexcentenary n. adj.六百周年纪念(的) sex-(six

8、) + cent(hundred)+ en(year)+-ary(形容词兼名词词尾) Hex (a)- 1.Hexagon n.六角形geometric figure with six sides and angles hexa- (six) + gon(angle) 2.Hexameter n.有六个韵部的诗行line of verse with six metrical foot,septwolves,sept来自于拉丁语septem。 sept是一个数字前缀,意思是“七”。 September为什么是九月而不是七月呢?在古罗马的日历里面September是七月的意思,后来有两个大人物挤到

9、日历的月份中来了,他们是Julius Caesar和Augustus,他们的名字分别成了七月和八月,这样原先表示七月的September就成了九月。 受到影响依次被后推了两个月的还有October,November,December。,英语词根词源数字,Seven: Sept- 1.Septet n.七重奏(曲);七重唱(曲)piece of music written for a group of seven instruments or singers 2.Septennial adj.连续七年的;七年一次的 sept- (seven)+enn(year)+-ial (形容词词尾) 3.S

10、eptember n.九月the ninth month of the year, next after August but the seventh month of the Roman year September showers: short periods of rain alternating with hot weather.,英语词根词源数字,注 September:恺撒之前的罗马历是以三月(March)为始,共有十个月。后来加上了一月(January)、二月(February)而成十二个月,但其余各月的名称并没有改变,只是往后顺延两个月,乃称九月为September, 其余依次

11、类推:September(七月九月), November(九月十一月)。,英语词根词源数字,Eight: Octa-, Octo- 1.Octogenarian n. 80-89岁之间的老人persons between 80 and 89 of age 2.Octagon n.八角形 octa- (eight)+gon(angle) 3.Octopus n.章鱼;强有力且能为害的组织sea-animal with a soft body and eight long arms with suckers on them octo- (eight)+pus(foot) Have you ever

12、 tasted octopus?,英语词根词源数字,Nine: nov/non, ennea novena 宗(天主教)连续九天的祷告 nonary 数九进法的 ,九个一组 ennovenary九进制的 ennead 九个一组 enneagon 数九角形, 九边形 November(九月十一月),英语词根词源数字,Ten: Deca- 1. decade/ /n.十年;由十所构成的一组period of ten years e.g. the first decade of 20 century 2. decameron/ /n.十日谈 deca- (ten)+meron(day) 3. decapod/ /n.十脚类动物(如虾等) dec-(ten)+pod(foot) 4. decimal/ /n. Adj.十进制(的);小数(的) Decimal (tithe十分之一)+ -al (形容词词尾) Decathlon: 十项全能运动,


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