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1、大霸手机沟通提案,由heaven整理,并推荐专业ppt制作公司:威亚创意,总体而言,到2000年底,移动电话新增用户达到xxx,加上已有用户,共xxx,平均每x人拥有一台移动电话。 GSM仍是大陆移动通信系统的主导网络 预付卡的使用率有所提升,主导品牌,诺机呀,摩托罗拉,西门子,爱立信是目前移动电话市场上的主导品牌。Nokia, Motorola, Siemens, Ericsson are the top players in crurent market,竞争品牌市场份额 101个城市月销售额 101 Cities - (% Volume) Monthly,Samsung surpasse

2、d Ericsson,Source: I&M,销售前20位的手机型号(11月) 74%的市场份额,发现,三星在大陆市场的地位虽不牢固,其市场份额仍保持持续增长Samsung doesnt have a firm foundation in China market presently. However, its market share constantly increase. 低价位手机主宰移动电话市场,竞争主要在合资品牌间展开Low-end products are dominated in the market. Major competition is between JV brand

3、. 诺基亚是低价位市场的领导者。Nokia is low-end market leader 摩托罗拉是高价位市场的领导者。Motorola dominates high-end,以年轻人为导向的市场Category is youth oriented,用户的年龄分析Age Profile of Mobile owners 15-24 19.1 25-34 42.3 35-44 24.0 45-54 10.1 55-64 4.5(数据来源: CMMS),以年轻人为导向的市场Category is youth oriented,新增用户的年龄分析Age Profile of Mobile new

4、 user 15-24 38 25-34 36.2 35-44 15.8 45-54 8 55-64 2(数据来源: CMMS),以年轻人为导向的市场Category is youth oriented,重购用户的年龄分析Age Profile of Mobile re-buyers 15-24 30.1 25-34 44 35-44 15.9 45-54 7.1 55-64 2.9(数据来源: CMMS),发现Observation,整个手机市场明显倾向于年青人There is a strong youth skew in this category 消费者的主要群体主要是14-25岁的年青

5、人Biggest consumer group is 15-24 可承受的价位是很重要的因素financially affordable is important,诺基亚Nokia,毫无疑问,诺基亚是移动电话市场上的领导品牌,在各主要衡量标准上表现优异Clearly the strongest brand which scores highly on all key dimensions在设计与风格上处于领先地位Seems to dominate the area of design/style消费者对它的感知来源于产品本身而非广告Perception seems to be driven m

6、ore by the models than by advertising尽管其广告着重于宣传科技以人为本,但并未取悦消费者Human Technology element not taken out by consumers despite advertising focus,诺基亚NOKIA,Connecting People,传播策略发现Communication Discovery,广告从偏重功能诉求转向营造情感的维系Focus of advertising shifted from highlighting functional/product benefits to creatin

7、g emotional ties 着重于时尚与设计Heavy emphasis on fashion and design 在所有的产品中,贯彻了统一的品牌形象“科技,以人为本”Personalised its brand vision “Connecting People” - used for full product range 未来手机广告系列致立于建立诺基亚全球创新领导品牌的形象Future phone ad sought to firmly establish Nokia as the global innovation leader 在引入WAP技术前一年开始7110 WAP手机

8、公关与广告活动Began PR and advertising for 7110 WAP phone 1 year prior to launch to own WAP technology in consumers minds,诺基亚NOKIA,未来手机(品牌形象广告)Future phone (corporate ad)- 3210- 8210- 8850,诺基亚与时尚Nokia and Style,诺基亚在时尚感方面优势明显Nokia clearly owns the style territory. 尽管诺基亚的广告并未着重讲时尚,仍给人以时尚的感觉,This has been ach

9、ieved despite the absence of advertising focus on style时尚的感觉更多地来源于讨巧的外型,而并非它的广告给人的印象This perception is driven more by its sleek models than by its advertising,诺基亚与人性化Nokia and Human Touch,人性化Scores on Human Touch Nokia 1 Siemens 1 Ericsson 0 Motorola -2尽管 诺基亚的广告着重人性化的诉求,但在此点上并未 将它与其他品牌区隔Despite sign

10、ificant advertising focus the Human Touch element does not seem to discriminate the brand,诺基亚的广告策略Nokia Advertising,诺基亚广告的一个显著特点是:以一种轻松的态度表达其产品的非同凡响的利益点One of the unique aspects of Nokias advertising is that its dramatisation of product benefit is done in a tongue in cheek manner (未来信用卡版本)(Future Cr

11、edit Cards)试图建立诺基亚幽默、轻松的品牌形象This tends to move the brand onto a more fun and less serious territory,诺基亚:市场表现Nokia: Market Performance,诺基亚统领低价位手机市场Nokia models seem to dominate the low (priced) end of the market低价位手机市场正是整个品类销售额的主要来源This is the where the bulk of the category volumes come from,成功要素Succ

12、ess Factor,时尚外型、可承受价位是主要的成功要素The key success factor is a trendy image at a more affordable price本质上是高价位型号翻版的低价位手机,外观相似,功能略逊The low end models are essentially scaled down versions of the high end models in functionality but are similar in appearances包装精美的常规产品Ordinary product with elegant packaging,摩托

13、罗拉Motorola,品牌形象-科技、功能Image of Technology/ Functions从StarTAC到其它科技领先的型号,摩托罗拉的广告风格并不一致,尽管它都着力于围绕科技领先这一主题From Star Tac and other cutting edge modelsAdvertising not consistent though there is an attempt to cue technology,购买手机的主要考虑因素What is the critical factor in buying a mobile phone?,与诺基亚关注时尚相比,摩托罗拉更关注功

14、能Motorola preferrers are more concerned about Function This is in stark contrast with the Nokia preferers concern about Style,摩托罗拉MOTOROLA,Wings Set You Free,摩托罗拉在大陆市场历史悠久,声誉显著MOTOROLA has a very long history in China and has a very traditional reputation 为拉近与消费者的距离,摩托罗拉改变了它的沟通策略,从产品诉求转向情感诉求To conne

15、ct more closely with consumers, MOTOROLA has changed its communications strategy from a completely product driven direction to a more emotional orientation. 摩托罗拉试图通过2088广告系列,使其品牌形象更为年轻、富有活力,然而,并未成功地让消费者接受这一转变MOTOROLA also tried to change its brand image be more young & active with the 2088 campaign launch, however, it is having difficulty with consumer acceptance,


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