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1、How much are these pants? Period3,Unit 7,Section A Period 3,毛主席教导孩子学习的话,“经常地学习, 用心地学习, 联系实际地学习,创造地学习, 虚心地学习。”,在这里毛主席既谈到了学习态度,也谈到了学习方法,我希望同学们仔细思考,从中受益。,探究学习目标,知识来源于生活,又服务于生活。 当我们在生活中有了问题,可以通过学习来解决。 今天,我们需要通过学习解决如下问题: 1.怎样在英国一家服装店成功地为母亲购买一顶黑色帽子作为生日礼物? 2.假如你是服装店老板,怎样成功卖出这顶帽子?,这需要我们熟悉掌握购物英语。,Studying ai

2、ms,1.Learn and grasp some new words. 2.Learn about shopping languages.,自学指导一:自学新单词(3),From clerk to example on P104.(自学104面从clerk到 example的单词) Remember the Chinese meanings. 方法:认真听录音能帮助你校正发音,不懂就问是一种好的学习习惯 。,自学指导二,Self-study 3a on page43.(自学43面3a.) 1.Fill in the blanks in the conversation.(补全对话) 2.Re

3、ad and understand 3a.(朗读理解3a). 3.Learn about shopping languages.(了解购物用语),color,How much,Thank you/Thanks,知识探究,What are clerks languages?Can I help you? Here you are. What can I do for you? Youre welcome. May I help you? Thats all right .How about What are customers laguages?I want a/theI dont likeIl

4、l take it/them.,学以致用,运用所学知识解决实际问题:为母亲购买一顶黑色帽子。 学习方式:小组学习。,A:_ I help you? B:_ , _. I _ a hat. A:_ _ do you want? B: Black. A:_ you are.,Can,Yes,please,want,What,color,Here,注意使用购物用语,B: _ _ is it? A: 5 dollars. B: _ _ _. Thank you. A: _ _ _._ _ _._ _ _.,How,much,Ill,take,it,You,are,welcome,Thats all r

5、ight/OK,Not at all,Clerk: May I help you ? Mary: Yes, please. I want a hat . Clerk: What color do you want? Mary : Black. Clerk: Here it is . Mary : How much is it? Clerk:Five dollars. Mary : Ill take it. Thanks a lot. Clerk: Youre welcome.,Practice 1,1.Practice the conversation in 3a.2.Make up your

6、 own shopping conversationsaccording to the given pictures in 3b.,$12,$9,Practice 2,$25,$30,A: What can I do for you ?B: Yes, please. I want _ A: What _do you want? B : Red. A: Here you are . B: _ _ are they? A: Twenty dollars. A : Ill have them. _. B: Thats all right.,$20,a pair of shoes,color,How

7、much,Thanks,Clerk: May I help you ? customer: Yes, please. I want the shorts. Clerk: What color do you want? customer : Yellow. Clerk: Here you are. customer : How much are they? Clerk: Thirty dollars. customer : Ill take them. Thanks a lot. Clerk: Not at all.,$30,请用适当的单词或句子补全下面的对 话,每空词数不限。 A: What

8、can I do for you? B: 1 _. A: Please look at these pants. B: Oh, they are too 2 _ . A: Look at those pants. They are long. B: Good! 3 _? A: 98 yuan. B: OK. 4 _ . Thanks. A: 5_ .,I want (a pair of) pants,short,How much are they,Ill take them,Youre welcome,Test :Make up a shopping conversation according to one of the given pictures.,homework,Recite 3a on page 43. Preview 3a on page 45.,



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