外研版小学英语五年级下册Module3.unit1 She had eggs and sausages

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《外研版小学英语五年级下册Module3.unit1 She had eggs and sausages》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版小学英语五年级下册Module3.unit1 She had eggs and sausages(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Where did Lingling go yesterday?,金冢子小学 韩金秀,MODULE 3,Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages,Step1 课前展示 热身激趣,exercise 体操,运动 playground 操场 before 在前 skip 跳绳 coffee 咖啡 tea 茶 bell 铃 rang 鸣,响,大声准确的读出下列单词,Look and say:,Step1 课前展示 热身激趣,email,email 电子邮件 sandwich,sandwich 三明治 traditional, traditional 传统的 del

2、icious, delicious 美味的 hamburger, hamburger 汉堡,Step2 导入新知 呈现任务,Step2 导入新知 呈现任务,1、Listen and say.2、Listen and underline the new words and phrases.,Step2 导入新知 呈现任务,1、Listen and say,find out English food.2、Listen and underline the new words and phrases.,Step2 导入新知 呈现任务,Lets play the reading game,Group w

3、ork,Step3 课堂活动 操练新知 Groupwork,1、Work out the meaning of Unit2. 2、Group show.3、Say into role,Step3 课堂活动 操练新知,1.What did Lingling send Daming?A.a letter B. a postcard C. an email 2.What is it about?A.English food B. Chinese food C.emails 3.What did Lingling have for breakfast?A. sandwiches B.fish and

4、chips C.eggs and sausages 4.Does Lingling like English food?A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesnt.,Step4 巩固训练 拓展提高,把练习册31页第3题和32页第5题做完,Step4 巩固训练 拓展提高,1. Did she do her homework? A. Yes,they did.2. Did he go to the zoo? B. No,he didnt.3. Did you wash your face? C. I played chess.4. Did they learn English?

5、 D. Yes,she did.5.What did you do yesterday? E. Yes,I did.,Step5 反馈展示 提升能力,Find out sentences like“What did she have”.,Step5 反馈展示 提升能力,breakfast dinnerlunch,我有知识小宝库,Step6 总结点评 激励进步,1.Words and phrases: Tomorrow,Monday,start,would you like to,get up,half past seven,near the school,do exercises,in the

6、 playground,skipping rope 2.掌握Would you like to/What time does school start? 句型,Step6 总结点评 激励进步,1.Word and phrases: email,breakfast,sausage,sandwich,chips,traditional,English food,delicious,different 2.Sentences: What did you have for ?I had,Step7 作业布置 课后延伸,Step7 作业布置 课后延伸,基础性作业:1. 复习本节课所学的单词、短语和句型。2.预习第二单元的单词。 拓展性作业:用What time do you ?句型写对话。,Step7 作业布置 课后延伸,1.预习Module3 Unit2,做好预习笔记。 2.掌握What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner?句型,并能作出回答。,Bye bye! Thank you!,


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