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1、政府统计中的软统计及体系建设与发展问题,Outline,Development Background of Soft Data Statistics 软数据统计发展的背景 Soft data statistics in the statistical development of Beijing 北京市统计发展过程中的软数据统计 Analysis on development demand of soft data statistics in the international metropolitan statistics of Beijing 北京市国际大都市统计中的软数据统计发展需求分析

2、 Development and construction of soft data statistics in the international metropolitan statistical system of Beijing 北京市国际大都市统计体系中的软数据统计发展建设,In reality, the statistical function is actually not only the post-event statistics of different activities, but the active influence of the pre-event statist

3、ical function will also mean a new change in the statistical function in terms of statistical ideology. By means of human subject empirical assessment, subjective rational exploration and measurement, activity feature classification and behavioral feature classification, the activity behavioral stat

4、istics, value conception statistics, development potential statistics, proper relation statistics, integrated evaluation statistics, etc enhances the human measurement of the quantification extent and quantification relation of objective existence and development and extends and elevates the applica

5、tion of statistical instruments. 最新发展的许多事实表明,统计的作用确实不仅仅是各种活动的事后统计,事前的统计作用能否产生积极影响,在统计思想上也意味着对统计功能的一种新变换。活动行为统计、价值观统计、发展潜力统计、适度关系统计、综合评价统计等,借助人们主观经验判断、主观理性挖掘评测、活动特征分类、行为特征分类等方式方法,增强人们关于客观存在和发展的定量程度和定量关系的测度,扩展和提升统计工具的使用。 针对今天统计发展的现实,我觉得这些统计值得总结和规范发展,因此,本文提出专题的研究,并把这些统计统称为软数据统计。,I. Development Backgrou

6、nd of Soft Data Statistics软数据统计发展的背景,In view of the governmental statistics, the development and cooperation of soft data statistics is extremely crucial for combination with the construction of soft strength emphasized by the state. Today, the international competitiveness is the focus of initiatin

7、g the national concern and study on the soft strength. The international competitiveness is composed of hard competitiveness and soft competitiveness. 从政府统计工作来看,如何与目前国家特别强调的软实力建设结合起来,可能非常重要和关键的是软数据统计的发展与配合。今天的国际竞争力,是引发国家软实力关注和研究的集中点。国际竞争力由硬竞争力和软竞争力组成。,Soft competitiveness is mainly the statistics an

8、d evaluation of the economic institution, economic policy, environment, market, human resource, social security, information, globalization, value conception, culture, education idea, risk consciousness, etc. 软竞争力主要是对经济制度、经济政策、环境、市场、人才、社会保障、信息化、全球化、价值观、文化、教育观念、风险意识等的统计测评。软竞争力与硬竞争力的关系越来越密切,前者成为后者的重要解

9、释因素和管理因素。 To take the lead in the world in constructing the internationalize metropolis, Beijing must attach great importance to the construction of soft data statistics, including the integration with the governmental statistical system and enhancement of the active function of the governmental sta

10、tistics in the economic and social development. 北京国际化大都市建设过程中,如果走在世界的前列,必须重视软数据统计的建设,包括如何融入现有政府统计体系之中,增强政府统计对经济社会发展的积极作用。,II. Soft data statistics in the statistical development of Beijing 北京市统计发展过程中的软数据统计,Beijing Municipality has developed to a great extent, which has reflected the innovative devel

11、opment in various aspects, especially the construction and development of the governmental soft data statistics. For instance, the “Beijing Social Emotion and Public Opinion Survey Network” 进入新世纪,北京市政府统计工作有了很大的发展,许多方面体现创新性发展,其中最为突出的是政府软数据统计的建设和发展,例如建立“北京市社情民意调查网” 。 Based on the social emotion and pu

12、blic opinion survey, Beijing has also introduced the satisfaction statistical analysis model and method. Especially, in combination with the telephone survey system and relevant statistical soft calculation system, it can resolve various hot issues. 在社情民意统计调查基础上,引入满意度统计分析模型和方法,特别是与电话辅助调查系统和相应统计软件运算的

13、系统结合,可以解决现实经济社会发展过程中倍受企业界、政府部门和学术研究界关注的各种热点问题,以及针对一些目标的满意度的测评,产生了非常好的作用,展示了统计的新作用,也是统计以快速、系统、客观、深刻反映实际存在的统计研究的发展方向。 In addition, under the arrangement of the national statistical survey system, there are also the enterprise prosperity survey and some special questionnaire surveys. 此外,在国家统计调查系统安排下,还有

14、企业景气调查,以及一些专题的问卷调查。总体上看,北京市统计局软数据统计调查和分析研究,与事后的硬数据统计内容相比,其发展还没有被重视,统计工作不固定,也没有长期统计数据的积累概念,更没有与现有硬数据统计体系的配合与融合成新的统计体系的趋向。,III.Analysis on development demand of soft data statistics in the international metropolitan statistics of Beijing 北京市国际大都市统计中的软数据统计发展需求分析,Beijing International Metropolitan Stati

15、stical System is a public statistical system oriented for the functions of Beijing municipal governmental system mainly for the statistics of economic operation and development and the social status and development. For a long period of time, the governmental statistics has been the post-event stati

16、stics possibly due to the conventional consciousness that such statistics is scientific and regular, while the soft data statistics seems to be incomparable with it. Like the development process of market economy, it needs to be technically supported as well as to be promoted by the newer and bigger

17、 demands. Will the governmental statistics need soft data statistics? What are the main demands? These are the important issues that we need first to study constantly and follow up in developing the statistics. 北京市国际大都市统计体系是在北京市政府系统功能定位下的公共统计体系,主要是经济运行与经济发展的统计、社会现状与社会发展的统计。长期以来,政府统计是事后的统计,可能比较重的传统意识

18、是这种统计是科学的和规范的,而软数据统计似乎还不能与之相比。统计事业的发展,与市场经济发展过程一样,她需要技术方法的供给水平支持,也需要新的更大的需求的推动。政府统计到底需要不需要软数据统计,主要需求是什么?这些是我们发展统计首先要不断研究和跟踪的重要问题。 With the support from the great development of information network technology, it shows increasingly active and strong development power. The unitary post-event statistic

19、s, i.e., the hard data statistics can no longer comply with the requirement of the times development, especially failing to meet the needs of the increasingly active and innovative economy and social development with emotional complex. 在当今信息网络技术大发展的支持下,显示出日益的活跃和强劲的发展力,单一的事后统计即硬数据统计,已经远远不适应时代发展的要求,特别是不能满足日益活跃创新的经济和情感复杂社会发展的需要。,



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