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1、Good afternoon!,watching,The interview of foreign-invested enterprise,一般而言,外企面试包括三轮:第一轮面试一般由公司人力资源部的人员担任考官;第二轮面试一般由用人部门的主管或经理主持;如果有必要的话,应聘者还要参加由公司高层管理者担任主考官的第三轮面试。,在第一轮面试中,主考官一般会让应聘者用英语作一个自我介绍,然后就应聘者目前的工作所应聘的职位应聘者的职业规划薪水期望职业特征等提问。 在第二轮面试中主考官通常会就应聘者的专业技术业务能力解决问题的能力团队精神时间管理抗压能力等方面提问。在绝大多数外企面试中,主考官会选择从

2、以上列举的几个方面进行提问,正式因为此类问题针对性强而且不易回答,我们通常称之为“面试常规难题”。此外,在第二轮面试中主考官也可能会问及一些刁钻难题,来考察应聘者的临场反应能力和应变的思维方式,以期对应聘者的各方面素质有一个全面的了解。 在第三轮面试中主考官的一些问题会考察应聘者对应聘公司的文化政策业务发展前景等方面的了解情况。,一 Self -introduction,二 negative questions,三. General questions which is hard to answer,四. Knotty questions,一 Self -introduction,通常情况下,


4、息:我是合适这个职位的,我是用人单位的最佳选择。这些亮点会提升你的“前三分钟影响值”,帮助你获得该职位。除了重点说明你具备该职位所需要的学识、工作能力以外,还需要告诉对方你具备该职位所需的个人素质和性格特征。譬如,在应聘营销职位时,应强调自己善于沟通、有说服力、平易近人,因为这些特征时成功营销认识必备的素质。,Human Resources,人力资源友好型(amiable):人力资源人员应当具备的个性特征主要是为人友好,平易近人。他们每天都在做和人打交道的工作,尤其是与公司员工的沟通。他们的作用就如同混泥土中的水泥,应当将公司的上下员工紧紧聚在一起。因此在应聘人力资源职位时,首先要强调的就是自

5、己为人友好的特征。具体来说,应当强调以下特点:热情友好、善于合作和支持、可靠、善于倾听、善于谈判、有礼貌、注重培养个人关系等。在阐述这些特点时,要突出重点并提供例证。,Im supportive, dependable and cooperative. My career has been characterized by my ability to work well with diverse teams. Im also a good listener. I seek out opportunities to involve others in the decision-making pr

6、ocess. This collaboration and communication is what has enabled me to achieve success in my department. In addition, Im easygoing and friendly.,Finance,财务分析型(analytic):财务人员应当具备的个性特征是善于分析。由于财务人员每天都要处理和分析各类数据,因此在应聘财务职位时,应聘者要着重说明自己这方面的个性特征。具体而言,要强调自己工作时有条不紊、注重细节,思维缜密、理性,处理问题时态度谨慎、认真,并适当提供实例说明!,Im organ

7、ized, analytic and logical thinking-oriented. I have been successful in my career by making well-thought-out decisions based on careful analysis of all factors. I approach problems with logic and sound reasoning. I would enjoy working with you in developing the appropriate systems and procedures to

8、make our department function more efficiently.,Marketing and Sales,市场营销和销售表达型(expressive):市场营销和销售人员应当具备的的个性特征是善于表达、有说服力。该类工作人员平时主要是和客户沟通,其主要任务是向客户介绍公司和产品并说服对方接纳自己的产品。因此,在应聘市场营销和销售的职位时,应聘者应当充分展示自己的沟通能力,重点说明自己热情、有说服力、性格外向、积极主动、善于沟通的个性特征,然后举例说明。,Im communicative, persuasive and enthusiastic. (provide a

9、n example here.) I also think that everyone in the organization must be sales-focused. We should provide support to the sales team and our customers. Without sales, the rest of us would not have a job. I look forward to helping you drive sales in any way possible.,Management,管理推动型(driving):管理人员应当具备的

10、个性特征是善于鼓励、推动。在应聘管理职位时,应聘者除了强调自己善于鼓励、推动员工外,还应当强调自己具备持之以恒、独立自主、善于决策、意志力强和工作高效的特征。,Im independent and persistent. Regardless of the task or challenge, I always establish and maintain benchmarks of performance and standards of excellence. Im innovative, and Im also an effective decision-maker. I have al

11、ways sought out innovative solutions to challenging problems to maximize profitability. I have never sought out to maintain the “status quo”. An organization that does not change and grow will die. I would enjoy working with you to help define new market opportunities in order to achieve the organiz

12、ations goals.,一般而言,自我介绍的长度在三分钟左右为宜,由于篇幅所限,这里只提供问答问题的框架和思路,可根据自己的具体情况在面试中提供有说服力的介绍。此外,还应尽可能地强调自己具备应聘职位多需要的工作经验和技能。,二.negative questions,面试过程中,主考官常常会问一些负面的问题,这些负面问题通常涉及应聘者的缺点、工作中的不足以及对以往雇主的评价等。这些问题对于应聘者来讲比较棘手,回答是否妥帖可能直接影响主考官贵应聘者的印象。那么除了依靠自身的智慧,还可以通过哪些方法来巧妙的回答此类问题呢?,五个答题原则: (1)听懂问题。若没有听懂问题,应聘者可以礼貌地要求主考

13、官重复问题。 (2)诚实回答。切莫撒谎或夸夸其谈。 (3)态度积极。以积极向上的思维回答问题提问。 (4)回答切题。忌拖沓冗长,拐弯抹脚。 (5)思路清晰,结构明确。,评价自己的缺点 what are you weaknesses?,应答思路:对于这一问题,常见的答题误区是提供不是缺点的缺点或不相关的缺点。例如:“perhaps Im too honest” “well, I think sometimes I like be quiet” “Im kind of a perfectionist” “Im too straightforward” “Im too young” “my Engl

14、ish is not good” “I would say Im a bit of workaholic” “I enjoy work very much” “Im not good at public speaking”。这类回答不仅误导主考官,也让提问本身失去了意义。正确的回答思路是如是说明自己的缺点。更为重要的是告诉主考官你是如何克服或打算如何克服这一缺点的。,I was not good at working with the market research staff when I started my job, mostly because I hadnt done well in

15、 market research during college. What I decided to do was enroll in a market research seminar, which really boosted my confidence. Now I dont feel at a disadvantage when I meet with the research group.,That would be during my first week on the job as an assistant. I gave Mr. Green two letters that h

16、ad mistakes in them. Frankly, I had been a little bit careless, but thats the only example that comes to my mind. Ever since I have been careful with all the work Ive done. Mr. Green did often tell me that he was very happy with my work.,I wasnt able to keep a good employee once who had been in our

17、department for three years. His new job responsibility required him to use computer skills. I offered to send him to night classes, but he refused the help. I had no option but to remove him. In hindsight, if I had encouraged him to attend training earlier, he would have had no problem with the new duty. Now I often encourage my group to attend seminars and courses to update their job skills.,


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