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1、促进节能的政策措施 Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures,能源基金会北京代表处 Energy Foundation Beijing Office 2006年5月 May 2006,International EE Programs and Policies 国际能效项目与政策,Mandatory Voluntary,Energy Codes and Standards Most Important Policies for EE 能效标准是最重要的节能政策之一,Savings Exceed 6,000 MW in California today an

2、d 13,000 MW as of Year 2010 (Compared to About 45,000 MW of Total Electricity). 在美国加州,今天的能源节约超过6000兆瓦,到2010年将超过13000兆瓦(与大约45000兆瓦的总耗电量相比)Fuel Cost Savings Are at Least Twice the Cost of Efficiency. 燃料成本的节约至少是节能成本的两倍,GWH Impacts from Programs Begun Prior to 2001 2001年以前节能项目产生的节能量,0,5,000,10,000,15,00

3、0,20,000,25,000,30,000,35,000,40,000,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,GWH 百万千瓦时,Utility Programs 电力公司的节能项目,Building Standards 建筑节能标准,Appliance Standards 家用电器节能标准, 14% of Annual Use in California in 2001

4、2001年加州年用电量的14%,美国的冰箱能耗与价格演变,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,1972,1976,1980,1984,1988,1992,1996,2000,Year,Index (1972 = 100),Effective Dates of,National Standards,=,Effective Dates of,State Standards,=,Refrigerators冰箱,Central A/C中央空调,Gas Furnaces燃气灶具,Impact of Standards on Efficiency of 3 Appliances

5、 标准对3种电器节能的影响,Source: S. Nadel, ACEEE, in ECEEE 2003 Summer Study, www.eceee.org,75%,60%,25%,国标生效日期,州标生效日期,Annual Usage of Air Conditioning in New Homes in California 加州新建住宅年空调用电量,Annual drop averages 4% per year 平均每年下降4%,0,500,1,000,1,500,2,000,2,500,3,000,1970,1972,1974,1976,1978,1980,1982,1984,19

6、86,1988,1990,1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,kWh/YEAR,Source: CEC Demand Analysis Office,1992 Federal Appliance,Standard 1992年联邦电器节能标准,California Title 20,Appliance Standards 家用电器节能标准,1976-1982,Initial California Title 24,Building Standards 建筑节能标准,Estimated Impact of 2006 SEER 12 Standards,预

7、期到2006年 SEER12 标准产生的节能量,100%,33%,Sales Units %, by GfK MS, - Italy - SDA-MDA Dept.,Average,AT,BE,DE,ES,FR,UK,IT,NL,PT,SE,4,8,53,4,31,5,7,2,3,2,8,49,1,38,1,6,4,3,5,11,65,7,16,8,4,3,7,57,9,32,7,32,5,47,6,12,8,6,8,6,52,6,33,3,4,5,61,26,1,9,5,3,2,47,2,32,15,5,21,2,66,6,3,3,8,35,1,45,7,7,9,10,7,3,2,70,2

8、4,3,Energy Class A +,Energy Class A +,Energy Class A,Energy Class B,Energy Class C,Others,2004 Refrigerator sales in ten EU countries 2004年欧盟销售的冰箱能效水平,Tax Incentives 税收激励,Performance-Based基于绩效 Incentive depends only on meeting an energy target 激励程度取决于要满足的某一节能目标,Cost-Based基于成本 Incentive depends only

9、on how much you spend on energy efficiency 激励程度取决于由于提高能源效率而导致的成本增加,Consideration for Incentive Policy Design激励机制设计,Part of a broad energy policy package,Provide for positive interaction between energy codes, labels, and financial incentives. 是综合能源政策的一部分,与能源法规、标准、标识产生积极互动 Incentives should be based o

10、n performance and not cost, whenever possible. 尽可能使激励手段基于绩效而非成本 Energy performance goals should be ambitious enough to: 节能绩效目标应该能: Minimize free ridership 使“搭便车”行为减至最少 Control costs 考虑承受能力、控制成本,Consideration for Incentive Policy Design激励机制设计,Targets may be provided in several tiers. 可对目标分批、分级实现 An a

11、dministrative structure to oversee incentive awarding 建立管理机构来监督激励项目的实施 To maintain integrity 需要监督来保证公正性 not burdensome 程序不应该太繁琐 Compliance documentation should have market value 达标证书应该具有市场价值 Provide complementary programs for education, outreach, and marketing of the tax incentives. 要针对激励政策开展教育、推广以及

12、宣传活动,提高效果,Delivery Mechanisms 实施机制,State agency grants or loans 政府机构拨款或贷款 Tax incentives at national or provincial level designed by officials 由政府部门决定国家或地方的税收激励 State or national tax incentives fixed by legislation or decree. 通过立法或法令确定州级或国家级的税收激励,Administrative Mechanisms 管理机制,Utility-run rebate pro

13、grams. 公用事业部门实施的补贴项目 Private sector or non-profit programs. 私营部门或非营利部门 Provincial or national Energy or Environmental Agency administration of programs. 由地方或国家的能源或环境机构来实施项目 Finance Ministry processes applications. 财政部门处理相关申请手续,Funding Sources 资金来源,General government revenues 一般性政府财政投入 Public Benefit

14、s Fund for utility customers 公共效益基金 Carbon taxes or pollution taxes 碳税或污染税 Enhanced revenue collection from businesses 提高企业征税,States with PBF 采用公共效益基金的州,PBF in the US 美国的公共效益基金,See http:/www.aceee.org/briefs/mktabl.htm for details,UK Climate Change Program 英国气候变化项目,Established in 2000 2000年设立 Kyoto

15、Protocol commitment of a 12.5% reduction in GHG 京都议定书要求减排CO2目标 Domestic goal of a 20% CO2 emissions reduction relative to 1990 by 2010 国内目标减排20%,Programmes Aimed at Industry and Business 项目针对工商行业,Climate Change Levy and Agreements 气候变化收费和协议 UK Emissions Trading Scheme 国内排放交易 Carbon Trust 碳基金 Enhanced Capital Allowances 为企业提高能效提供资金支持 EU Emissions Trading Scheme 欧盟内部排放交易,


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