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1、考前最后一天,warm-hearted adj. 热心的,热诚的 warn vt. 警告;注意;通知 warning n. 警告;预告,通知 waste n. & vt. 浪费,损耗 watch vt. & n. 观看;注视;当心;手表,表 water n. & v. 水,雨水,海水;浇水 wear (wore,worn) v. 穿,戴 weigh vt. 称重量,称,well adj. & adv. 完全地;好的,健康的 well-known adj. 出名的,众所周知的 westerner n. 西方人 when conj. & adv. 当的时候;什么时候,何时 which pron.

2、哪个,哪几个 whichever pron. 无论哪个,无论哪些 while conj. & n. 在的时候;一段时间whisper n. & v. 耳语,私语,密谈 wild adj. 未开发的,荒凉的;野生的 will n. & v. & aux. 意志;遗嘱;将;愿意;必须,willing adj. 乐意的;愿意的 willingly adv. 乐意地 witness n. & vt. 目击者;现场看到;作证 wonder n. & v. 惊讶,惊叹;奇迹;想知道 world-famous adj. 世界闻名的 worth adj. 有的价值,值得的 worthy n. & adj.知名

3、人;有价值的;值得的 worry n. & v. 烦恼;发怒;困扰 wound n. & vt. 伤,伤害,伤口 yet adv. 尚,还,仍然,well off 阔绰的,富裕的 in a whisper 低声地 wind ones way 曲折而行,蜿蜒前进 over the moon 极为高兴 land on my feet 化险为夷 lead to 导致,带来 provide students with 提供给学生 take up a new sport 从事一项新的运动,我想我尽量少浪费你的时间。误:I think Im going to waste your time as less

4、 as possible.正:I think Im going to take up your time as less as possible. 分析: “浪费你的时间”实际上是“占用你的时间”的委婉说法,并不是真的去“浪费”。waste是指实实在在的浪费,并且有故意浪费的意思。,2. 有困难请找警察。误:Please look for the police if you have problems.正:Please contact the police if you have problems.分析: “找警察”不是“寻找警察”,而是“与 警察取得联系”,故look for与find都不妥

5、。 3. 旅行能开阔我们的视野。误:Travel can open our horizon.正:Travel can broaden our horizon.,分析: “开阔视野”在英语里应该是widen/broaden/expand sb.s horizon,动词不能用open。 4. 在没来这儿之前我已经学了三年英语了。误:I had learned English for three years before I didnt come here.正:I had learned English for three years before I came here.分析:很明显,错句受了汉语

6、思维的影响。“在没来这儿之前”和“在来这儿之前”在汉语里都是对的,而英语里用before I came。,He had left before I came.我还没到他就走了。或:他在我来之前就已离开了。Take the book before I change my mind.在我没改变主意之前,把书拿走吧。 5. 他的足球玩得非常好,没有人能够赢他。误:He plays football very good,no one can win him.正:He plays football so well that no one can beat him.,分析:汉语中的因果关系非常明确,用英语

7、表达时,要用so.that来表达此逻辑关系。win是指在比赛或战斗中“赢得或获得胜利”,其宾语多为表示比赛、战斗、奖品等的名词;beat一般用于比赛中打败或战胜对手,其宾语一般是人。,假如你是李明,你班同学获悉江苏省委、省政府提出“高中生在校集中学习时间不得超过八小时”的要求后,对如何支配由此增加的校外时间展开了讨论。请你根据下列表格所示内容,用英文写一封电子邮件,向你的英国朋友John介绍相关情况。,Dear John,Id like to tell you about the discussion weve just had.Its about how to spend time outs

8、ide school efficiently,since the authority of Jiangsu has required that senior middle school students shouldnt spend more than 8 hours a day studying at school.Opinions are divided on the topic.Some of my classmates choose to read more in their spare time.They think reading can enrich their,knowledg

9、e and prepare them for their further studies.Some prefer to make use of their spare time to surf the Internet.For one thing,they can collect necessary information online.For another,they can share ideas with friends in every corner of the world.Others love to spend their spare time taking exercise t

10、o strengthen their bodies,while still others would choose to do some part-time,jobs.On the one hand,they can put themselves in touch with society.On the other hand,they can learn to be independent.Bye for now!Yours sincerely,Li Ming,.单项填空 The 2008 Beijing Olympics is considered to be most prepared a

11、nd most successful Games in modern Olympic history.A.the;/ B.a;the C.the;a D./;the答案 A解析 考查冠词。第一空表示形容词的最高级,须用定冠词the,the most prepared and most successful Games准备最充分的、最成功的奥运会;第二空为习惯搭配,不需要冠词,in modern Olympic history在现代奥运史上。因此,最佳答案为A项。,2. You need to pay your bill immediately, your water and electrici

12、ty will be cut off.A.or rather B.or elseC.even so D.if so解析 考查句子间的逻辑关系。or rather更确切地说;or else否则;even so虽然如此;if so假如这样的话。第二个分句表示说话人的一种威胁,因此空白处应填or else。知识拓展 固定短语的用法是近年来高考试题的必考内容之一。as far as,now that,as if,on fire,at least,at once,wait for,care for,as for,except for等短语作为干扰项都出现在了2009年的高考英语试卷中。因此复习备考过程中

13、要注意记忆固定短语。,B,3. Wen Jiabao told the orphans in Wenchuan Earthquake not to cry.His words not have calmed them instantly,but his concern about common people was obviously seen.A.can B.mustC.may D.should解析 考查情态动词的用法。句意为:温家宝总理告诉汶川地震中的孤儿们不要哭。他的话也许不会让孤儿们马上平静下来,但是总理对普通百姓的关注是显而易见的。may not表示“可能不”,符合语境。,C,知识拓

14、展 “情态动词+have done”是近年来高考英语试题反复考查的重点内容。can/could have done表示对已经发生的事情的推测,多用在疑问句和否定句中。may/might have done表示对过去已经发生的事情的推测,但把握性不大。must have done表示对过去所发生的事情的肯定性推测,而且把握比较大。should have done表示“本应该做某事(而实际未做)”,含有责备的意味。,4. The athletes family came to Beijing in August,2008 to watch him play.That was they began

15、their contact with the large country with a long history.A.in which B.at whichC.why D.when解析 考查名词性从句。句意为:那个运动员的全家在2008年8月来到北京观看他比赛。那是他们和这个具有悠久历史的大国的接触的开始。“介词+关系代词”不能引导名词性从句,可排除A项和B项。根据语境,空白处表示时间,应选when。,D,5. Speaking of public health,the spokesman says Chinese government will go all out to product q

16、uality,especially food safety. A.confirm B.ensureC.devote D.commit解析 考查动词辨析。 ensure确保,担保;confirm证实,证明;肯定,确认;devote致力于;commit就作出保证,承诺。句意为:谈到公共健康时,那个发言人说,中国政府将全力以赴确保产品质量,特别是食品安全。答案为B项。,B,6. With so much water being used in the bathroom,it is no that more environmentally friendly technologies have come out to make better use of water resources.A.surprise B.needC.question D.doubt解析 考查一些固定句式在特定语境中的应用。句意为:由于厕所用水过多,出现多种旨在充分利用水资源的环保技术也就不足为奇了。Its no surprise that.是不足为奇的;There is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事;There is no question that.和There is no doubt that.毫无疑问。结合语境可知,应选surprise。,



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