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1、1,大气污染控制工程,授课教师:郝吉明 电 话:62782195 E_mail: hjm-,第一章 绪论,2,主 要 内 容: 大气污染及其分类 大气污染的影响 大气污染防治法规与标准体系 中国的大气污染综合防治,3,一、大气污染及其分类,1. 大气圈及大气组成(重点对流层和平流层),4,2. 大气污染的定义(试比较其差别),Air Pollution may be defined as any atmospheric condition in which substances are present at concentrations high enough above their norm

2、al ambient levels to produce a measurable effect on man, animals, vegetation, or materials.Air Pollution is the presence of undesirable materials in air, in quantities large enough to produce harmful effects. The undesirable materials may damage human health, vegetation, human property, or the globa

3、l environment as well as create aesthetic insults in the form of brown or hazy air or unpleasant smells.如果大气中的物质达到一定浓度,并持续足够的时间,以致对公众健康、动物、植物、材料、大气特性或环境美学产生可测量的不利影响,这就是大气污染。,5,3. 空气污染系统(Air Pollution Systems),6,空气污染及控制系统,7,大气污染的研究内容,Sources of air pollutants Pollution Control Technology Atmospheric

4、behavior of air pollutants Effects of air pollutants Legislative and regulatory measures,8,4. 排放源:,Anthropogenic sources Transportation Electric power generation Industrial processes Industrial and domestic fuel burning Refuse burning Etc.,9,4. 排放源:,Natural sources Geological: geyser,volcano,ocean M

5、eteorological: lightning Fauna: ruminants,termites Vegetations Etc.,10,Sources of airborne pollution in Asia are many: power generation, industry, traffic, home cooking, and biomass burning,Source: David Streets. Energy Use, Emissions, and Air Pollution in Asia,11,基本控制方程:,Total Emissions=Population

6、Activity level Emission factor For example: Activity level: Economic activity per capita Emission factor: Pollutant emissions per unit of economic activity,5. 一次大气污染物:,Pollutants released directly into the atmosphere in their unmodified forms and in sufficient quantities to pose a health risk Source

7、s of Primary Air Pollutants,13,6. 光化学烟雾:,Secondary air pollutants are compounds that results from the interaction of various primary air pollutants. Photochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants resulting from the interaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons with ultraviolet light. The two most d

8、estructive components of photochemical smog are ozone(O3) and peroxyacetylnitrates(PAN,过氧乙酰硝酸酯),14,光化学烟雾形成过程,15,光化学烟雾实例,16,细颗粒物对人体健康和大气环境质量造成的危害要远比粗颗粒物大 细颗粒物本身可能是有毒、有害物质 细颗粒物易成为其它污染物的运载体和反应体 细颗粒物污染可导致低能见度显著降低,7.细微颗粒物污染,17,北京市国安宾馆附近PM2.5的化学成分谱,细粒子的组成二次粒子污染,18,8. 酸沉降:,Acid Deposition is the accumulati

9、on of potential acid-forming particles on a surface. Acids result from natural causes and from human activities. The acid-forming reactants are classified as wet or dry.,19,Molecules from natural sources, power plants, and internal combustion engines react to produce the chemicals that are the sourc

10、e of acid deposition,20,21,酸雨的危害,水的低pH值使得鱼的骨骼畸形生长,最终导致死亡,引起树木的大量不正常死亡,严重腐蚀建筑物,22,中国酸雨的分布变化主要位于长江以南,23,我国酸雨的化学特征(硫酸型),24,9. 全球变暖和气候变化:,Major Greenhouse Gases,25,全球平均气温的变化,26,大气中二氧化碳含量的变化,27,全球变暖产生的影响,28,The importance of black carbon has only recently been recognized,29,The IPCC (Intergovernmental pa

11、nel on Climate Change ) has reached several important conclusions:,The average temperature of the earth has increased 0.3-0.6 (1995 was the warmest year on record) and sea level has risen 10-25cm in the last 100 years. A continued increase in temperature and sea level will occur. Various models sugg

12、est an increase in temperature of 1-3.5and a sea level rise of 15-95cm by the year 2100. There is a strong correlation between the increase in temperature and the amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. Human activity greatly increases the amounts of these greenhouse gases.,30,10. 臭氧层破

13、坏:,Ozone absorbs ultraviolet light and is split into an oxygen molecule and an oxygen atom:Oxygen molecule is also split by ultraviolet light to form oxygen atoms:Recombination of oxygen atoms and oxygen molecules allow ozone to be formed again and to be available to absorb more ultraviolet light:,3

14、1,This series of reactions results in the absorption of 99% of the ultraviolet light energy coming from the sun. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are strongly implicated in the ozone reduction in the up atmosphere. These reactions both destroy ozone.,32,19791986年TOMS测得的总臭氧全球平均值,注:Dobson单位 将0C,标准海平面压力下,105

15、m厚的臭氧 定义为一个Dobson单位,33,19791986年总臭氧纬向平均值的趋势,34,11. 室内空气污染,35,吸烟的危害,36,12. 中国城市的大气污染概况,1999年全国重点城市主要大气污染物分布,37,2002年中国城市空气质量状况,全国城市空气质量分级比例,不同空气质量状况下的人口比例,38,不同规模城市空气污染程度(2002年),39,经济水平和污染状况的综合比较,TSP concentrations in selected cities in various years from 1990 to 1995 and national GNP per capita,40,二

16、、大气污染的影响,1. 对人体健康的影响 CO对人体健康的影响,41,NO2对人体健康的影响,42,臭氧对人体健康的影响,注:部分人群接触臭氧后肺功能下降,43,突发性严重大气污染事故,1952年12月伦敦烟雾事件中死亡人数与大气中烟尘和二氧化硫浓度的相关性,44,2. 对植物的伤害,注:二氧化氮浓度和暴露时间与植物死亡、叶器官损伤和新陈代谢或生长影响之间的关系,Source:Springer-Verlag and Prof. D. C. MacLean,45,3. 对器物和材料的影响,注:平均二氧化硫浓度和不同暴露时间与低碳钢的腐蚀之间的关系(19631964年9月,在芝加哥的七个地点进行的实验),Source:Air and Waste Management Association,46,4. 对大气能见度的影响,


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