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1、韩山师范学院韩山师范学院毕毕业业论论文文(设设计计)开开题题报报告告学生姓名学生姓名: 彭雪金彭雪金 学学 号:号: 20091416222009141622 院院 (系)(系): 外语系外语系 _专专 业业 英语(师范英语(师范 ) _题题 目:目:(中文)(中文)爱默生超验主义对爱默生超验主义对 1919 世纪美国人生观的影响世纪美国人生观的影响-以以论自助论自助为例为例 The Impact of Emersons Transcendentalism on 19th Century American Life Value:A Case Study on “Self-Reliance”指导

2、教师指导教师: 吴湘毅讲师吴湘毅讲师 20132013 年年 2 2 月月 1010 日日开题报告填写要求1开题报告是开展课题研究的依据和撰写论文的基础,也是毕业论文(设计)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业论文(设计)工作前期完成,经指导教师签署意见及系审查合格后方可进行毕业论文(设计)的撰写;2开题报告必须按教务处统一设计的电子文档标准格式(可从教务处主页“相关下载”页面上下载)打印,不得打印在其它纸上后剪贴。完成后应及时交给指导教师签署意见;3有关年月日等日期的填写,一律用阿拉伯数字书写,如“2005 年 4 月 26 日”或“2005-0

3、4-26” ;4毕业论文参考文献的格式标准应参照韩山师范学院本科生毕业论文撰写标准 (针对韩教字200671 号文件作部分修正) 。毕毕 业业 论论 文(设文(设 计)开计)开 题题 报报 告告1本课题的研究目的和意义The purpose of this thesis lies in researching the whole lifetime of Emerson,especially transcendentalism. This thesis will also pay attention to the impact of Emersons transcendentalism on 1

4、9th century American life values. “Self-reliance” is an important works which reflects the thought of transcendentalism by Emerson and the spirit of trusting yourself,relying on yourself, self-respect, and optimistic attitude towards the life make Americans elevate their spiritual life and life valu

5、e. This thesis is aimed to analysis the change of American peoples mind by transcendentalism and the pursuit of individualism, human liberty, democracy and independence brought by the change. From this thesis,we can learn from Americans, learning their gracious spirits, their thoughts, their life va

6、lues, and their attitude towards life, which will also be a good lesson for us.2本课题的国内外研究现状So far,researcher at home and abroad have paid much attention to Emersons thoughts and influence on American culture in Emersons transcendentalism.We found works such as Ralph Waldo Emerson: the spiritual gard

7、en of American culture by Wenzhong,an Chinese writer.There are also essays discussing the characters self-reliance ,in Charles Dickenss works,such as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, which all reflect the characters self-reliance.All of these works present that Emersons transcendentalism,especially

8、 “Self-reliance”still remains a talking points and calls for future study. 3本课题的研究内容和方法This thesis consists of three parts. The first part is a brief introduction to the author Emerson and the purpose of the thesis. Part two is the body of this thesis and consists of three chapters. Chapter one is a

9、n introduction to Emersons transcendentalism. Chapter two presents a case of Emersons transcendentalism. Chapter three is about the impact of transcendentalism on 19th century American life value. Part three is the conclusion drawn in this thesis.Research Method:Mainly include the information search

10、,Theory research and case research. 毕毕 业业 论论 文(设文(设 计)开计)开 题题 报报 告告4本课题的实行方案、进度及预期效果本课题分四个阶段:1. 收集资料, 写开题报告;2. 拟写作提纲;3.拟稿;4.修饰、润饰、成稿。进度安排: 2013 年 3 月 25 日前完成第一稿的修改工作。2013 年 4 月 10 日前完成第二稿的修改工作。 2013 年 4 月 18 日前完成第三稿的修改工作。2013 年 4 月 24 日前送指导教师审查,写出评语。预期效果:较好完成论文;清楚阐明观点, 论述完整,能体现课题的目的及研究意义。5已查阅的参考文献1

11、Alcott, Amos Bronson. “Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Estimate of His Character and Genius ” J. In Prose and in Verse, 2010, (3): 64-91. 2. Atkinson, Brooks. The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson M. New York: Modern Library, 2010. 3 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Self-Reliance and Other Essays. M. Dover: Do

12、ver Publications Inc, 2008. 4 Ferguson, Niall. Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire. M. New York: Penguin, 2008. 5 爱默生 拉夫尔 瓦尔多. 爱默生超验主义思想 M. 武汉:崇文书局出版社,2007:45-130. 6 爱默生 拉夫尔 瓦尔多. 译者:蒲隆. 自立 M. 北京:法律出版社,2009:68-90. 7 老钱. 美国往事:超验主义者:拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生J. 美国观察, 2011, (4): 46-58.8 闻中. “爱默生:美国文化的精神后花园.” EB/OL. 2009. 06.26.指导教师意见指导教师: 年 月 日系审查意见系(公章):年 月 日


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