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1、 学 位 论 文用用于于中中医医诊诊疗疗的的智智能能信信息息处处理理方方法法研研究究指导教师姓名: 教 授 河北工业大学申请学位级别:硕 士学科、专业名称:测试计量技术及仪器论文答辩日期: 年 月论文提交日期: 年 月学位授予单位:河北工业大学答辩委员会主席:评阅人:年 月河北工业大学硕士学位论文i河北工业大学硕士学位论文用用于于中中医医诊诊疗疗的的智智能能信信息息处处理理方方法法研研究究摘 要中医是我国的民族瑰宝,有着数千年的历史,是我国劳动人民长期同疾病作斗争的丰 富经验总结,为我国人民的保健事业和中华民族的繁衍生息做出了巨大的贡献。“望、闻、 问、切”和“辨证论治”是中医诊疗的重要手段和

2、思想精髓,表明了传统中医的诊断是一个辨证的、动态的、全面的、综合分析的过程,中医的诊疗理念是科学的、辩证的。但是,由 于传统中医主要通过医生的目测观察、语言描述、经验辨析的诊疗模式使得中医诊疗的规 范性、完整性、科学性都难以保障,以至发生误诊、误治的情况,甚至危害病人的生命, 由此导致人们开始怀疑,甚至歪曲中医诊疗的科学性。另一方面,个人经验的传统中医诊 断模式,不利于名老中医经验的传承、青年医学接班人的培养。因此,传统中医要在现代 化的发展中求生存,就必须走出一条中医诊疗规范化、信息化、智能化的道路。 经过众多学者的研究实践证明,仅利用一般的信息处理技术难以继承中医临床诊疗的 精华,难以揭示

3、中医学术规律、临证思维规律。因为中医诊疗智能化、信息化实际上是一 个复杂、多域、模糊的信息化知识处理问题。本文研究了中医诊疗的信息化技术,重点研 究了基于语义网络的知识信息化表达、获取和推理技术。主要完成了以下几项工作: 1.中医学知识的描述本文将语义网络表示法用于描述中医知识,描述了中医知识的类属关系、包含关系、 属性关系、位置关系、相近关系等知识,直观的描述了中医知识的纷繁复杂和潜在蕴涵的 知识。2.网络节点知识获取方法 根据语义网络描述的中医学知识、复杂关系及蕴涵的潜在知识,按照专家库的构建规 则获取科学的知识。3.基于模糊推理的中医辨证诊疗 建立中医诊疗法则专家库,构建基于语义网络的产

4、生式系统。采用模糊推理机制实现 从病患交互信息、证型确定、开具药方的计算机辅助诊疗。4.实验系统的建立 本文以Visual C+和 Access 为平台开发了中医智能诊疗实验系统,选取典型病例进行 了实证研究。结果表明:该系统界面友好,操作方便,能较好的实现验证模糊推理的智能辨 证功能。关键词:中医诊疗,信息处理,语义网络,模糊推理,知识获取ii河北工业大学硕士学位论文RESEARCHRESEARCH ONON INTELLIGENTINTELLIGENT I IN NF FO OR RMMA AT TI IO ON NPROCESSINGPROCESSING METHODMETHOD FOR

5、FOR TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL CHINESECHINESEMEDICALMEDICAL DIAGNOSISDIAGNOSIS ANDAND T TR RE EA AT TMME EA AN NT TABSTRACTABSTRACTChinese medicine is our national treasure, with thousands of years. It makes a great contribution for the health and survives of our nation. ”Look, smell, ask, and touch ”ar

6、e the main means of Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), which indicated that the TCM diagnosis is a dialectical, dynamic, comprehensive and integrated process. Because the traditional treatment model makes misdiagnosis, even, patients at the risk of lose life, many people began doubt the scientific o

7、f the TCM. In addition, the valuable knowledge of the TCM could not be saved and spread to the future generations. Thus, the TCM model has to change in this scientific and technological society. Many researches have proved that only by using the general information technology is difficult to reveal

8、the essence of TCM, because it actually is a complex, multi-domain and ambiguous information processing problem. In this dissertation, the information processing technology of TCM was researched, which focused on knowledge expression based on Semantic net, method of acquiring knowledge and reasoning

9、. The main works have been completed as follows: 1. The description of medical knowledge The knowledge of TCM and the types of knowledges relationship were described by Semantic Networks. This method intuitively expressed the complex and the potential knowledge. 2. The method of acquiring knowledge

10、by semantic Network nodes The knowledge described by semantic Networks included the complex relationship and the potential knowledge. The science knowledge was acquired according to the building expert database rules. 3. TCM based on fuzzy reasoning The TCM database and an intelligent computer syste

11、m were established. The computer -aided diagnoses and treatment,interactive information, determined the types of patient and the prescription were achieved by fuzzy reasoning mechanism. 4. Developed an experimental system The Chinese medical diagnosis system based on Visual C+ and Access platform ha

12、ve been developed. In the experiment, a typical case was selected, the results showed that the system is user-friendly and be able to use a fuzzy algorithm to verify the patients illness.KEYKEY WORDS:WORDS: Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment, information processing, semantic networks, fuzzy reasoning, knowledge acquisitioniii河北工业大学硕士学位论文目 录摘 要 i ii iABSTRACTABSTRACT i ii ii i目 录 i iv v第一章 绪论



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