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1、Unit1 culture relics,-writing,Model A:,Dear Johann, I must say that I agree with youIf you find something, it should belong to you because you are the person who found itEven if I lost something, I wouldnt expect to get it backOnce I lost a ringI decided not to look for it too muchPeople need to und

2、erstand that when they lose something they lose the right to own itYour letter helps me to remember that people need to be careful with their thingsThen they wont need to worry about losing themSo you see, Johann, I got two rewards: one I could give to others and one I could learn fromYours, Hu Xiao

3、min,Model B:,Dear Johann, I must say that I dont agree with youThough you find something, it doesnt mean it belongs to youIf you can find out who it belongs to, you should try to return itIm sure you would want someone to do the same for youOnce I found a beautiful pictureI wanted to keep itThen I r

4、emembered seeing one just like it in an officeI went to the office and found the person to whom it belongedThe lady was very happy to get it back and gave me some delicious applesSo you see, Johann, I got two rewards: one I could eat and one I could keep in my heartYours, Hu Xiaomin,百丈漈,洞头岛,南麂,楠溪江,乌

5、岩岭,玉苍山,江心寺双塔,龙湾炮台,蒲壮所城,明代章纶墓-虹桥,平阳古镇腾蛟-林景熙墓,雁荡山白云庵,Dear Classmates, As young people, we dont always want to think about the pastYet we often hear our grandfathers and grandmothers talk about cultural relicsThey say we must protect some of these relics because they are important to our cultureThey al

6、so say that these relics are important to us because they help us remember the lives of our ancestors and respect what they have done,Homework: You can use following model as a guide.,Im sure you will agreeAfter all, someday we will be older ourselves and will want our own children to protect themSo

7、 I have a plan for saving the painting above the old store, which is a fine cultural relic here in our hometown It can be found at Fuzhou Lu in the centre of the cityIt should be saved because it was painted by a famous artist of the early Qing Dynasty,My plan is to get students to take a trip to se

8、e it on a Saturday next month and then ask some important people to join usWe can also write an article about it for the town newspaperLater, when others begin to offer their help, perhaps we can raise enough money to help the museum buy itIf you like my plan, please give a note to your teacherThank

9、 youYour friend, Hu Xiaomin,胎牛血清是一种性状、外观 浅黄色澄清、无溶血、无异物稍粘稠液体。胎牛血清应取自剖腹产的胎牛;新牛血清取自出生24小时之内的新生牛;小牛血清取自出生1030天的小牛。 显然,胎牛血清是品质最高的,因为胎牛还未接触外界,血清中所含的抗体、补体等对细胞有害的成分最少。 Sigma胎牛血清 http:/ Sigma胎牛血清 wld39xoy 血清是由血浆去除纤维蛋白而形成的一种很复杂的混合物,其组成成份虽大部分已知,但还有一部分尚不清楚,且血清组成及含量常随供血动物的性别、年龄、生理条件和营养条件不同而异。血清中含有各种血浆蛋白、多肽、脂肪、碳水

10、化合物、生长因子、激素、无机物等,这些物质对促进细胞生长或抑制生长活性是达到生理平衡的。一步。”“嗯。”纪雪舟点点头,便带着纪雪芙、木月、初月三人一同上街了。 第004章 绝非池中物雪城中街道两旁开满了玉兰花,微风拂过夹杂着淡淡花香飘落几片花瓣,落在街道上,行人的肩膀上,小贩的摊铺上,赏花赏景更赏人。话说这时国师趁着城门大开寻路来到城主府,原是和预想的一样被拦在府外,但他交出虎皮璎珞,立马府丁请进定安堂,也就是雪城老太爷纪莫生的房里,一个时辰未出。纪雪舟和纪雪芙一行人穿过繁华的东市,来到了西市。西市不如东市商人多,但却是文人雅士聚集之地,都是贩卖文房四宝或才艺或画作之地。四人正看得饶有兴趣之时





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