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1、Festivals around the world,New words,starve: 饥饿 origin: 起源 ancestor: 祖先 Obon: 盂兰盆节(日本) grave: 坟墓;墓地 incense: 熏香 in memory of: 纪念 feast: 节日;盛宴,skull: 头骨 dress up: 打扮;盛装 play a trick on: 搞恶作剧 award: 奖品 rooster: 公鸡 energetic: 充满活力的 carnival: 狂欢节 parade: 游行,Warming up,Do you know these festivals? When d

2、o they take place? lunar calendar,Spring Festival January 1,Lantern Festival January 15,Dragon Boat Festival May 5,Mid-autumn Day August 15,Easter around March 22-April 25,Thanksgiving Day the last Thursday of November,Halloween October 31,Christmas Day December 25,Pre-reading,1. What festivals or c

3、elebrations do you have in your city or town? What part of a festival do you like best- the activities, the music, the sights, the food or the people who visit?,2. Look at the pictures and title of the passage below. What kind of information you think will be introduced in the passage.,Reading,Festi

4、vals around the world,How many types of festivals are mentioned in the passage?,1. Ancient festivals 2. Festivals of the Dead 3. Festivals to Honor the People 4. Harvest Festivals 5. Spring Festivals,Scanning,What festivals are mentioned in each paragraph?,P1. celebrate the end of the cold weather,

5、planting in spring and harvest in autumn; celebrate when hunters catch animals.,Skimming,P 2. Festivals of the Dead Japan -Obon Mexico-Day of the Dead America-Halloween,P 3. Festivals to Honour People Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day (India)October 2,Obon(盂兰盆) in Japan,Halloween (万圣节),Dragon Boat F

6、estival,Columbus Day,P 4. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving Festival Mid-Autumn festival,P 5. Spring festival Carnival Easter Cheery Blossom Festival,Harvest Festivals,The passage is mainly about different festivals and the ways of celebrations and also the reasons why people celebrate them

7、 all over the world.,Whats the main idea of the passage? Give one sentence to describe it.,Spring Summer Autumn Winter ,new life and planting, and hope for the future,enjoyment of good weather and hope for a good harvest,harvest and preparing for cold weather,safety, shelter and families,The ancient

8、 people neednt worry about their food. Halloween used to be a festival intended to honour the dead. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honour a lot in China. Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus.,F,T,T,F,F,T or F,They would starve if food

9、was difficult to find.,harvest,return,6.India have a national festivals on October 2 to celebrate the harvest.,F,honour Mahatma Gandhi,1. What can we learn from the passage? A. All festivals have been lasting for a long period. B. People like festivals just because they can eat a lot then. C. Differ

10、ent countries have different customs. D. People celebrate festivals in the same way.,C,2. Which of the following is not the reason why people love festivals according to the passage? A. Because festivals let us enjoy life. B. Because festivals make us proud of our customs. C. Because festivals can m

11、ake us have fun with each other. D. Because festivals can let us get money from the government.,D,长句难句: (supplementary reference materials) 一补充注释 1 . At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the clod winter months .在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿。,Starve (v.)

12、1) to cause a person or an animal to suffer severely or die from hunger 挨饿;饿死 Millions of people starved to death during the war. 战争中数百万人挨饿至死。,starve for sth ; starve sb of sth: ( cause sb to) suffer or long for sth greatly needed or wanted (使某人)得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物;缺乏 The homeless children were starve

13、d for love . 这些无家可归的孩子渴望得到爱。,3)to feel very hungry 感觉很饿。仅用于进行时态 When will dinner be ready ? Im starving. 晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。,starvation (n.) : (U) suffering or death caused by lack of food 挨饿;饿死 die of starvation 饿死 starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资,2. or satisfy the ancestors , who could return either to he

14、lp or to do harm. 或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也可能带来危害。 harm (n.): damage, injury 损害; 伤害,do harm to sb (习俗) = harm sb 伤害某人 come to harm: be injured physically , mentally or morally 身体上精神上或道义上受到损害,通常用于否定式 Ill go with her to make sure she comes to no harm. 我要和她一同去以免她受到伤害。,do more harm than good: hav

15、e an effect which is more damaging than helpful 弊大于利 If we solve the problem in this way, it may do more harm than good. 如果我们以这种方式处理问题,那可能是弊大于利。,harm (v.): cause harm to (sb / sth) 损害或伤害某人/某事物 This event didnt harm his reputation. 这个事件没有损害他的名誉。 Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the

16、return of the spirits of dead people. 万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。,origin (n.) : the place or situation in which something begins to exist 起源;由来,可用做可数名词或不可数名词,通常用作复数形式 The tradition has its origins in the Middle Ages . 这个传统发源于中世纪。,He told me it was a word of unknown origin. 他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。 belief (n.): an idea that you believe to be true, especially one that forms part of a system of ideas 信任;信心;信仰。 注意: belief 通常用作不可数名词,当作可数名词时,词义略不同于用作不可数名词时,


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