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1、九年级英语units11-12,词汇拓展,uncrowded,crowd,director,direction,leader,form,whose,mostly,full,costume,customer,重点短语,1buy shampoo 2get some magazines 3make a telephone call 4saveexchange money5buy some writing paper6take the elevatorescalator to,买洗发水,买杂志,打电话,存兑换钱,买书写纸,乘电梯扶梯到,7turn leftright 8take a vacation

2、9dress up as clowns10take dance lessons 11lend sbsthlend sthto sb 12ask for information or help,度假,打扮成小丑,上舞蹈课,把某物借给某人,询问信息或求助,向左右转,13make requests 14depend on 15lead into a question or request 16betweenand17a good place to eathang out,依靠,导入问题或要求,在和之间,吃饭闲逛的好地方,请求,18the worlds largest water slides 19o

3、n the other hand20in some situations21in order(not)to 22table manners,世界上最大的水滑道,在另一方面,在某些场合,为了(不),餐桌礼仪,23(not)talk at the table24pick up the bowl to eat25wipe your,mouth with your napkin 26(not)make noise while eating,(不要)在饭桌上说话,端起碗吃饭,用餐巾擦嘴,(不要)在吃东西时发出声音,27(not)stick the chopsticks into your food28(

4、not)point at anyone with your chopsticks29be supposed to do sth 30shake hands 31make mistakes,(不要)把筷子插入食物里,(不要)用筷子指向任何人,应该做某事,握手,犯错误,32be relaxed about 33drop by 34make plans to do sth 35getbe angry 36go out of ones way to do sth 37make sbfeel at home,对随意,顺便拜访,制订计划做某事,生气,特地(不怕麻烦)做某事,使某人感到宾至如归,38bege

5、t used to(doing)sth 39find it difficult to do sth 40make appointments 41give compliment 42make a toast 43have online conversations with sb,习惯于(做)某事,发现做某事困难,约会,赞美,恭维,祝酒;敬酒,和某人网上聊天,44make faces 45cant stop doing sth 46learnby oneself 47for the first time 48the wrong way 49on time 50the land of watches

6、,做鬼脸,禁不住做某事,自学,第一次,错误的方式,准时,手表王国,51after all 52first of all 53written English 54in the traditional way55at the proper time,毕竟,终究,首先,书面英语,用传统的方式,在适当的时间,重点句型,how to get to the post office,turn right,between,and,on your left,to watch,can find it at,the food is both delicious and cheap,depend on whom,be

7、come better at English or any other language you wish to speak,you are speaking to or how well you know them,supposed to,for,first,They are supposed to bow,Its rude to stick,11与家人和朋友一起共度时光对我们很重要。 _time with family and friends_ very important to us. 12对我来说最大的挑战是如何学好餐桌礼仪。 My biggest challenge is _.,Sp

8、ending,learning how to behave,at the dinner table,is,疑难突破,1. crowd v拥挤;充满 n群;人群 点拨 crowd为动词, 其形容词为crowded,意为“拥挤的”。be crowded with 充满了;装满了a crowd of people 一群人They crowded through the door. 他们挤过大门。,2 .point v指向, 指着 n小数点;得分 We won by 5 points. 我们赢了5分。 拓展 (1)point at 意为“指向”, 强调指向比较近的事物。 Dont point at m

9、e with your finger.别用你的手指指着我。,(2)point to 意为“指着”, 强调指向比较远的事物。 He pointed to the mountains far away.他指着远处的群山。 (3)point out 意为“指出”。 My math teacher often points out my mistakes. 我的数学老师经常指出我的错误。,When you are talking with others,dont point others with your chopsticksAof Bat C with Dfor 解析:指着某人,词组为point

10、at sb。 答案:B,3. wonder v想知道;觉得奇怪 点拨 (1)表示“想知道、不知道、纳闷”, 后常接why, who, where, what, when等引导的宾语从句, 也可接带疑问词的动词不定式。He wonders what to do next.他想知道下一步该干什么。,(2)表示“对感到惊讶”, 后接that引导的宾语从句或动词不定式。I wonder (that) you were able to escape. 你能逃脱, 我感到惊奇。,(3)表示一种委婉的请求或疑问, 后常接if或whether引导的宾语从句。 I wonder if youd give me

11、some advice. 我不知道你是否愿意给我些建议。wonder at 对感到惊异/惊讶wonder about 对感到疑惑,4. Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. Theres a bookstore on River Road. “打扰一下, 你能告诉我在哪儿能买到词典吗?” “当然可以, 江河大路上有一家书店。” 句型 常见的问路句型:,Could you please tell me whereis? =Could you please tell me how to get

12、 to? =Could you please tell me how I can get to? =Where is, please? =Could you please tell me the way to? =Which is the way to?,(十堰) Can you tell me ? His home is quite far away from the office。I thinkAwhen he got up Bwhere he worksCwhy he bought the car Dhow he likes his job 解析:根据回答“他家离办公室比较远”,知道问原

13、因。 答案:C,5. However, in order not to offend people, learning about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary. 然而, 为了不冒犯人, 学会语言礼节和学习语法或词汇一样重要。,句型 in order to do sth 意为“为了, 以便”, 在句中作目的状语, 可放在句首, 也可放在句中, 其否定形式为in order not to do sth (为了不做)。 In order to earn enough money,

14、he worked late into the night. 为了赚到足够的钱, 他工作到深夜。 Bob took down my telephone number in order not to forget it.,拓展 “in order that从句”也可表示“为了, 以便”的意思, 从句中常用can, may, could, might等情态动词。 My father works hard in order that he may support us. 我父亲辛苦地工作为了养家。,中考典例 2012连云港 A lot of famous doctors gathered in Ha

15、rbin _ save “ Chinas most beautiful teacher” Ms Zhang Lili. Aso that Bin order to Cin order that Das a result,解析 B 空格后的save是动词原形, 故可排除A、C、D, 选B。,6. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. 你应该问问你应该穿什么。 句型 “should have过去分词”表示“过去本应做某事(但没做)”, 其否定式表示“过去不该做某事(但做了)”。该句式含有不满或责备之意。,Youre right. I should have thought of that.你说得对。我应当想到那点(但没想到)。注意:“should have过去分词”还可表示“可能、揣测、推断”, 常译成“可能已经、应该已经” 。 Tom has done the work for three hours, so he should have finished it already. 汤姆已经工作了3个小时, 他应该已经做完了。,



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