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1、高中英语必修五高中英语必修五 unit5,using,language,unit5,using,language,教教 案案篇一:教育部参赛_Book2_Unit_5_Music_Using_language教学设计_吴碧慧教育部参赛_Book2 Unit 5 Music Using language教学设计_吴碧慧 This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. We can first review some important language points the students learned in the last several

2、periods. The emphasis of this period should be laid on listening, speaking and writing. The listening tells the story of Freddy and his band .The 教材 分析 exercises teach the students step by step to become more proficient listeners of English. Through listening and exercise, students learn how to give

3、 advice and the skill of giving advice. Speaking is an opportunity for the students to be more creative ,This exercise develops teamwork and co-operation. All of these lay the foundation for the next taskwriting. In this way, students feel that they have information to put out. And writing makes for

4、 the improvement of students writing ability. 学生学习情 况分析 教学策略 Students have learned the first reading part before this period, understood the text content and relevant background knowledge, basic mastered the key vocabulary and grammar text, based on this, we can strengthen the students listening, sp

5、eaking, reading and writing training. teaching and learning learning Approach Knowledge aims: the students to Learn some useful new words and expressions. the students to use the language by r(来自: 小龙文 档网:高中英语必修五 unit5,using,language,教案)eading, listening, speaking and writing Ability aims: 教学目标 1. De

6、velop the students reading , listening, speaking and writing skills . 2. Enable the students to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials Emotional aims: 1. Arouse the students great interest in music and bands . 2. Develop the students sense of group cooperat

7、ion 教学重点 1. Develop the reading and speaking skills. 2. Learn some important language points. 1. Learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on. 教学难点 2. Understand the implied meaning of the passage . 教具准备 The multimedia and other normal teaching tools. 教学主要过程和内容 教学 流程 教学内容 教师

8、活动 学生活动 设计意图 教学 用时 播放 视 频 导 入 Step1 课前预习反馈 Words and phrases preview(重点讲解 3、9、11、19) The voice of China let students enjoy the video of the voice of 学生欣赏视频,回答教师提出的问题,迅速进入最佳学习状态。 激发学生的学习欲望,营造 和谐的教学氛围, 引出本节课的话题。 3 分钟 视频专题宣传片。 China ( by asking the following questions) 1. Can you tell me some Chinese b

9、ands in China? 2. Do you know the voice of China? 课 堂 探 究 教师播放 PPT:展示下学生根据 PPT 说出列内容:_ 答案。小组合作抢_ 答比赛。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 播放配乐 PPT。 第一次播放课文听力录音。 第二次播放课文听力录音。 检查学生课前预习情况,及时巩固、补充、完善相关知识点,为以下的听、说、读写训练作准备。 5 分钟 Step2: Listening : 2. Listen to the story of “Freddy the Frog” (twice) a story about for a frog a

10、ccording to the pictures. 2. Listen to the tape and answer the question:Whats the main idea of the story? 3. Listen to the tape for the second time and do the true or false exercise. 1. 配乐 PPT 的播放为听力训练作铺垫。2.第一次播放录音,让学生了解故事大意,归纳中心意思。 3.第二次播放录音,让学生判断句子正误,进行深入理解,从而循序渐进地训练学生听的能力。 9 分钟 课 堂 探 究1Fast readi

11、ng and answer the question: (1)Did Freddy and his band get a great success in Britain? (2)What problem was caused after they became stars? 2Read the text in detail and answer the following questions. 3. Language points for Reading II 进行提问。 2.重点讲解以下语言点: was now quite confident when he went into a con

12、cert hall. be confident + 从句 对?有信心 be confident of 对?有信心 2. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed. 双重否定表肯定. not . without(没有?就不能)播放 PPT 引出讨论的话题。 组织学生进行小组内讨论。 引导学生选拔并组成表演小组成员。 及时调控,避免“冷场”或“虚热” 。 选择恰当的时候深入到讨论小组中,加入他们的讨论。对讨论中出现的问题及时给予引导,对讨论中的闪光点及时肯定和鼓励,对表现突出的同学给予精神和物质奖励。

13、对学生的讨论和表演进行必要的总结、拓展、升华。 1.播放 PPT,给出写作要求,并给学生提供写作帮助。the situation a question ask for an answer 浏览,了解课文大意,回答提出的问题。 2.理解并掌握重点语言知识。 细节,迅速捕捉信息,养成良好的阅读习惯,培养阅读技能。 Step4:Speaking Imagine you are Freddy and his group and you are back at the lake. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. 2. P

14、erformance Imagine you are going to form your own band. Have a discussion in a group then Perform. 1.讨论:小组内分成正方和反方,分别简述自己的观点,小组长对精彩的观点作好记录。 2.展示:小组长做好调控,一般让 B 层学生展示,展示时一定要脱稿。 3.点评:小组内一般让 A 层的同学进行点评,点评的同学要有拓展和深化,要体现自己的闪光点。 4.表演:参加表演的同学在课前一定要有充分的准备,在表演过程中尽力展示自己的风采。 按给出的要求进行写作。 2. 三位同学黑板展示。 3. 同桌互评,结合打

15、分表给出分数。 4.到黑板前点评的同学先浏览一分 培养学生对英语学习和运用的兴趣; 在实践中提高学生运用语言的能力和水平; 在讨论中学会尊重别人的意见,养成合作精神和团队意识。 从而变浅层次的参与为深层次的参与,把教学活动变成真正的交际活动。 10 分钟 Step5: Writing Write an email to Freddy ,tell him your ideas and ask him for advice on how to make your band successful. 围绕前面所涉及的话题,练习写求助信,训练表达建议的语言功能,同时训练英语书信的写作能力。 10 分钟

16、堂 探 究课 后 提 升should I play? 2)How often should I practice ? 3)Could you please tell me? 2. 出示自评打分表,让学生同桌互评。 3.教师展示范文、点评、总结、方法规律指导。 和补充。 5. 自我修改、完善作文。 Task1 播放 PPT,给出具体要 Fill in the blanks 求。according to your background knowledge. Task 2 Revise your letter according to your partners suggestions and the teachers instructions. 1.根据要求完成短文填空并上交。 2.根据课堂讨论情况,在总结书信写作方法规律的基础上,进一步完善自己的作文。 将课堂小组活动 延伸到课外, 学生通过相互合作完成短文填空和写作任



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