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1、高中英语介词教案高中英语介词教案篇一:高中英语 介词专题 1 教案(学生用)学大教育个性化教案 教学过程 一、复习预习 介词概述 介词又称前置词,一般放在名词的前面。介词属于虚词,不能独自作为句子成分,必须与名词或代词等词类一起构成介词短语,才可以充当句子成分。 二、知识讲解与例题精析 高中英语介词专题 (以字母为序) 注:为拓宽同学们的知识面,同时列举出介词作为副词的用法及短语。 一、about 【释义】 1. 关于;对于 My mother often spoke to me about you. 家母常和我谈起你。 2. 在.的附近;在.的周围She sat up and looked

2、about her. 她坐了起来,环顾四周。 3. 在.的身边 I had no money about me. 我身边没有带钱。 4. 大约在.时候 It happened about 5 oclock in the morning. 这事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候。 5. 从事于 What the hell are you about? 你到底在做什么? 6. 在.身上;在.的性格中 What I like about him is his sense of humor. 【短语】 arrange about安排 argue about 辩论 ask about 询问 come about

3、 发生 bring about 带来 care about 在意;关心;担心 go about 着手;到处走动 set about 开始做某事;攻击某人 inquire about 打听 see about 负责;处理 worry about 着急;担心 be about to-when-正要-在那时 【高考链接】 (XX 辽宁卷) People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began. A. in B. at C. of D. about (XX 湖南卷) Its already 10 o

4、clock I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came over B. came outC. came about D. came up (XX 浙江卷)Were trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we _ your number incorrectly. A. looked up B. took down C. worked out D. brought about (XX 陕西卷) Gun control is a subjec

5、t Americans have argued for a long time. A. of which B. with which C about which D. into which 二、across 【释义】 1. 横越,穿过 We walked across the street. 我们穿过马路。 2. 在.那边 He stared at the Englishman across the table. 他两眼一直盯着坐在桌子对面的那个英国人。 3. 与.相交叉 The two lines cut across each other. 两条线相互交叉。 【短语】 get across

6、 (将)清楚;(使)被了解;克服;达成;说明 cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过;走捷径,抄近路 go across 穿过,渡过;不顺利 come across 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;口给人印象 【高考链接】 run across 穿越,横穿;偶然碰到 across from 在对面 across measure 横量;横度 across the world 全世界;世界各地;整个世界 (XX 江苏卷) We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _ continent. A

7、. the; the B.不填;the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填 (XX 江苏卷) Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, reduce unemployment pressures. A. help B. to have helpedC. to help D. having helped 三、against 【释义】 1. 反

8、对;违反 The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的战斗已展开近两年了。 2. 逆;对着 They sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies. 对于这种种倾向,他们发出了严厉的警告。 3. 倚;靠 His desk is against the wall. 他的办公桌靠墙放着。 4. 以.为背景 The little red house looks so beautiful against the green woods.

9、那座红色的小屋在翠绿的森林衬托下显得很美。 5. 防备;预防 We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter. 我们添置了一些御寒的衣服以迎接即将来临的冬季。 6. 不利于 She has said nothing against you. 【短语】turn against 背叛 defend against 防卫.以免于. 【高考链接】 (XX 天津卷) My father warned me _ going to the West Coast because it was crowed with tourists. A. by B

10、. onC. for D. against (XX 四川卷 A. in B. belowC. besideD. against 四、as 【释义】 as 的介词意思为“作为”时常用搭配有:(1) act/work/serve as 充当 /担任 (2) treat/regard/consider/think of/look upon/refer toas把看成(3) be known/famous as作为而闻名 【高考链接】 (XX 广东卷) I feel that one of my main duties_ a teacher is to help the students to bec

11、ome better learners. A. for B. by C. asD. with (XX 全国卷 I) Lets learn to use the problem we are facing _ a stepping-stone to future success. A. toB. for C. asD. by 1. as 用于倍数表达法: A)倍数+asas 是几倍 B)倍数+the (size/length/width/height) of 体积(长、宽、高)是的几倍 【高考链接】 (XX 湖北卷) What a table! Ive never seen such a thi

12、ng before. It is_it is long. A. half not as wide asB. wide not as half as C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half (XX 上海卷) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _Great Britain. A. three times the size asB. the size three times ofC. three times as the size ofD. three times the size of 用于比较级表达法: A) as

13、+形容词/副词+.as 和一样B) not so/as+形容词/副词+as不如 【高考链接】 ( XX 湖南卷)The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _ I did A. as much asB. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as 解析:as much as I did :跟我以前做过的事那样多,在这里表示爱他跟以前自己做过的事那样多,意译就是:尽可能多的爱他。整句句意是:我想他想得越多,就越能找到更多尽可能多的爱他的理由。 (XX 北京卷) Our nei

14、ghbor has_ ours. A. as a big house asB. as big a house asC. the same big house asD. a house the same big 用于“as+形容词/副词+as”表程度。意为:长(高,宽,厚,重等)达 【高考链接】 (XX 上海春) After supper she would sit by the fire sometimes for _an hour, thinking of her young and happy days. A. as long as B. as soon asC. as much as D

15、. as many as (XX 安徽) John is the tallest boy in the class, _according to himself. A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot eight C. as five foot eight tall asD. as tall five foot right 引导非限定性定语从句的用法。意为:“正如;就象” 。 注意::as 和 which 引导非限定性定语从句的区别:位置比较灵活,可以放在句中,句首,句尾。不可以放在句首位置。 【高考链接】 (XX 浙江卷)

16、 _I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. A. When B .AfterC. As D. Since (04 江苏卷)_is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B. WhenC. WhatD. As 用于引导让步状语从(转 载于: 小 龙 文档网:高中英语介词教案)句用倒装句 其结构为:形容词/副词/名词/动词原型+as (though)+其它。注意:当表语为名词时,则名词前不加任何冠词。



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