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1、Warm up: Do you know this book?,Quiz: Test yourself,drink,cosmetics,car,Property,film,print,computer,1. The worlds tallest man is _ A. 2.35m B. 2.45m C. 2.55,Americas Robert Wadlow who still towers above the rest at 8ft 11.1 inches.,2. The youngest college graduate was_ 10 years old 12 years old 14

2、years old3. The highest number of goals in a soccer career is _ 1279 546 3850,4. The longest beard is _ A. 73cm B. 1.83 cm C. 2.33,Shamsher Singh of Punjab, India,Scan the text and answer the questions.,1.Who was Sir Hugh Beaver?2.When was the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records publ

3、ished?,Sir Hugh Beaver was the director of the Guinness Brewery.,In 1955.,3.How long was the longest moustache in the world?4.What Guinness records were set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?5.Who won the Tour de France in 2003?,1.6 meters.,Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea. A special and delicious

4、record was set in 1997 to celebrate ,Lance Armstrong.,Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.,1.How did Sir Hugh Beaver come up with the idea for the Guinness Book of World Records?2.What are the categories in the Guinness Book of World Records?3.Why are Lance Armstrongs records

5、special?4.What types of record attempts are not allowed?5.Why do you think many people are interested in world records?,when he wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.,The human body, amazing feats, the natural world, ,Because he suffered from cancer but recovered and set more

6、 records.,Record attempts that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are not allowed.,Match the following sentences with its paragraphs.,A. The Guinness Book of World Records is popular becausepeople enjoy reading about strange facts and exciting achievements. B. The editors

7、of the book collect all the records and put them into different groups. C. Sir Hugh Beaver decided to write the book as the result of an argument with a friend. D. Even though the records themselves are amazing, the stories of the people who set the records are often evenmore interesting. E. A new G

8、uinness World record will only be accepted if it is safe and has been done according to the rules. F. “I just love reading about people who do amazing things, such as swimming a long river or running across a country. The stories inspire me and are fun to read.”,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 1,P

9、aragraph 4,Paragraph 6,Paragraph 3,Language Points,Language points:,1.settle vt. 解决;调停;决定,e.g. He settled the matter quickly.,使定居;安顿 settle down 定居,e.g. They settled down and lived a happy life.,2.hire v. 雇佣,employ,hire sb. to do sth.,e.g. He hired ten people to help him with the task.,3.set down 记下

10、;写下 write down,e.g. Youd better set down the telephone number before you forget it.,set about set out set off set up set aside,开始做;着手,出发;开始做,出发;启程,建立;树立;开办,把置于一旁,+ doing sth,+ to do sth,4.keep track of 记录, 保持与的联系 keep in touch with,lose track of 与失去联系 lose touch with,5. stand out 突出;杰出,e.g. A tall m

11、an stands out in a crowd.,stand for stand up stand by,代表;主张,站起;经久;耐用,支持,6. in the first place 首先;第一点,firstly,e.g. I want to talk about education in the first place.,7. make for 可造成;可成为;有利于,有助于,e.g. Does early rising make for good health?,Sentence pattern:Impressive as the record is, it fades next to

12、 the story of Armstrongs struggle against disease.,as conj. 虽然;尽管 引导让步状语从句,= Although / Though the record is impressive, it fades,常用结构: A. adj. / adv. + as / though + 主语 + 谓语动词, + 主句,Cold as it was, they went on working on the farm.,Much as I like the necklace, I will not buy it.,B. n. + as +主语 + 谓语

13、动词, + 主句,Child as he is, he has been to many places.,注: 名词前不加冠词.,C. v. + as + 主语 + 情态动词(助动词), + 主句,Try as she might, she couldnt open the door.,Retell: Sir Hugh Beaver 1951 settle an argument; conclude The 1st edition 1955 publish; best-seller New records 60,000 not all printed; categories; chapters

14、 on. The world of sports stand out; moving life stories, Armstrong Why? Curiosity possible & how far push ourselvesentertainment How to apply for? contact - decide (suitable)-send rules & forms - inspect your attempt - confirm - get a certificate,Homework:Find a Guinness world record and write it do

15、wn & share with classmates to see whose is more interesting.,; http:/ 太阳gg娱乐 gwh52iyc 珞。宝音需要这些信息,才能及时决定下一步措施。“少姨娘怎么对笙儿这样好?”宝音叩问。“从前,妾身对表 ,其实并不是很周到,真真的惭愧得紧。”柳少姨娘回答。“那现在”“听说姑娘险些死过去一次?活过来后,连老太太都疼惜姑娘。”柳少姨娘道。“笙儿侥幸。”宝音回答。柳少姨娘微笑。一笑,鼻尖耸起,眼睛下面打起微微的细纹,像只心里顶顶有数的和善狐狸。宝音呆在老太太身边的日子,她曾去请安,一眼就看见这女孩子身上发生的变化。她当时没说什么,

16、回到自己屋里,慢慢的等。在这个大宅门里,人和人之间,总需要结盟,而改换了气性之后的表 ,几乎可说举目无依,一定会自动到她身边来,似风把浮萍吹到石头边。她不急。“我的母亲也曾差点病死过去一次。”柳少姨娘忽对宝音讲起故事来,“从前她是个很不称职的诸人,忽然醒过来,说有神君放她回来的,从此后她变了,人人都夸她是个勤快媳妇。”她从没对府里其他 少爷们讲过身世。宝音心头突突的跳:“哦。”“姑娘一定有事瞒得住妾身,但您沉得住气。”柳少姨娘赞赏道。宝音沉默片刻,忽而笑了:“您看我想做什么事呢?”她是一个鬼,披着人皮,想复仇,但见不得阳光。柳少姨娘却把话题荡开去:“如今给姑娘请脉的小刘大夫,长得极其俊俏。”对

17、,俊俏得叫丫头们都忍不住咬耳朵使眼色的八卦。但柳少姨娘跟没出阁的 说这做什么?“小粉蝶或许恋花,但仙鹤志向高远,仰首向蓝天白云,自然意趣不同。”柳少姨娘欠欠身:“姑娘不必对妾身说任何话,但凡有需要,记得妾身在这儿。”她的需要宝音明白了。柳少姨娘猜她志向高远,也许是想进宫。她愿意烧烧宝音这口冷灶。宝音唇边,笑容潋滟,重新向柳少姨娘行礼,不再继续这个话题,却问:“少姨娘对四姐姐,也是这样么?”第四十五章 毓秀垂钟附眉刀(2) “”宝音不知说什么好。“所以表 千万要当心、保重。”柳少姨娘又道。宝音已经没法说什么了。老太太院里有两个丫头出来,迎住她们,朗声问她们的安。这时候晓晖初透,东边天际长长一带绚丽朝霞。老太太正堂这儿布置得宜、金碧交辉,好一群人,花团锦簇,都聚在此处,专等着老太太。老太太还没起床。作女儿、媳妇的时候,她每天鸡才叫,就得起来梳妆,平头整脸正衣裳,去给长辈们请安高门大户里的诸人,也不是这么容易做的等她自己当上了婆婆,就可以稍微懒怠点儿了,再等她上头没什么长辈了,她就明目张胆的赖起床了。其实到这把岁数,老太太的睡眠已经很短了,前半夜躺下,到后半夜就会醒过来,再要睡也不怎么睡得着。但年青时没得懒觉享受的日子实在太痛苦了,她宁愿赖在床上磨蹭来磨蹭去,等太阳高,



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