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1、英语书信作星英语书信作星篇一:英语书信作文高考英语“书信、电子邮件、留言条”经典作文范文20 篇 经典范文 1 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友 Patrick 给你发来一封电子邮件。他想在今年暑假到广州学习汉语,请你帮忙找一所汉语学校。你恰好看到下面的海报,请根据海报提供的信息,给 Patrick 回一封电子邮件介绍学习课程的相关情况。 LETS TALK IN CHINESE Course: Chinese for beginners Time: 26 July-25 August Place: Guangzhou Guangming Language School Tuition(学费) :

2、RMB 2,000 For more information: www. gzgm. org 注意: 1可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2词数:100 左右。 Dear Patrick, Im so delighted to leam that youre coming to Cuangzhou to leam Chinese. Ive got some information about foreigners leaming Chinese. Here Id like to recommend a famous lanSuage school-Guangzhou Guangmin

3、g Language School, which offers such a Chinese trainina course as will satisfy your demands. The course starts on 26 July and lasts a month till 25 August. Its intended for beginners like you. Besides, the tuition, which is only RMB 2,000, is hope it will fit you well. If you have any question, plea

4、se let me know or just visit www. gzgm. org. Hope to see you in Guangzhou soon. Yours Li Hua 经典范文 2 下面是某中学生写给中学生英语报的一封信,请你以中学生英语报编辑的身份就信 中提到的问题写一封回信。 注意:词数 100 左右。 Dear Editor, Im a senior middle school student. Many students in our class have computers at home. They often chat with friends, send em

5、ails to each other and leam English on the Intemet. As my English is not good enough,1 want to ask my parents to buy one for me. But when I think of my family which isnt rich,I feel worried. What should I do? Li Ming Dear Li Ming, Ican understand how you feel now. Personally,I think there is no need

6、 for you to buy a computer. First, as you mentioned in your letter, your family isnt rich enough. It will be a burden for your parents. Second, having a computer isnt the only way to learn English well. In fact, students today enjoy easy access to learning and educational resources, such as librarie

7、s, morries, TV, tape- recorders as well as computers and the Intemet. Youd better make full use of these learning resources. Whats more, asa senior middle school student, your time is limited. Please focus your attention on your studies. Im sure you can do well in English as long as you put your hea

8、rt into it. In a word,I think you should search for more practical leaming resources apart from computers. Yours sincerely, Editor 经典范文 3 假设你叫李华,你的笔友王林来信说,班里有一个同学老是挑他的缺点,他为此很苦恼。 请你根据下面的提示,给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1简述与同学和睦相处的重要性; 2如何对待同学所指出的缺点;3希望自己的建议对王林有用。 注意: 1短文需包括以上所有内容; 2词数:120 150。 Dear Wang Lin, Im gl

9、ad you trust me and tell me about your shall be pleased to talk over the matter with you. As we know, getting on well with our classmates is very important. The harmonious relationship between students make us in a relaxed moodr which in tum has agreat effect on our study. As for the“shortcomings“ y

10、our classmate pointed out,I think you should critically absorb them. If you do have the shortcomings, you should thank your classmate, and then correct them, which can help you do better in the future. For something like “too thin“ or “too short“, just ignore them. In addition, youd better have a ta

11、lk with him. I hope my advice will prove more or less helpful. Yours Li Hua 经典范文 4 假设你叫李敏,你的笔友 Bob 在电子邮件中要求你对你们班的同学就“影响你选择音乐的 因素是什么”这一问题展开调查,并通过电子邮件告诉他调查的结果。以下是你在班级中调查 的结果,请根据下列图表所反映的情况给Bob 回电子邮件。 词数要求:120 150。 Dear Bob, How nice to receive your email! Recently I have carried out the survey among; s

12、tudents in our class to find out what influences the music we listen to. According to the survey, TV and films have the greatest effect on our choice of music, 40 percent of the students sharing the opinion. About 30 percent of the students say they are influenced by friends when deciding what to li

13、sten to. Radio comes third, with 20 percent of the students choosing it. Parents seem to have very little influence. Only 10 percent of the students say they listen to what their parents recommend. In my oEinion, one of the major reasons why TV and films influence our choice of music so much is that

14、 the music in the TV and the film usually f;oes with beautiful pictures, or expresses certain feelings of heroes. Cood music, as is often the case, can accompany a persons entire life. With best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Min 经典范文 5 假如你是李华,你校校刊“Our Steps”的招聘启事引起了你的兴趣,请根据下列信息用英文 写一封自荐信。 注意 : i.词数不少

15、于 60;. Dear Harry, Im writing to apply for the photographer for Our Steps. Im Li Hua, a boy of sixteen, presently in my first year of high school. Im outgoing and energetic. Im interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. Last year I won the second prize

16、 in youth group at Peking Photography Competition. Besides, Im good at writing, which might be helpful for the work. Takint! part in all kinds of outdoor activities is also one of my hobbies. I would like to work for Our Steps since it would be a great opportunity for me to join in social activities and eich my life. Im looking forward to hearing from you. Yours 8incerely, Li Hua 经典范文 6 为了帮助中学生度过一个精彩的暑假,EF 国际语言学校(the EF Intemation


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