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1、Unit Four【词汇】1. then and now 过去和现在2. ago 以前3. yesterday 昨天 4. use 使用,利用5. telephone 电话6. office办公室7. mobile phone 移动电话,手机8. anywhere 随处,到处9. radio 收音机10. newspaper 报纸11. news 新闻12. watch 观看13. e-book 电子书14. TV 电视15. look out of 朝外看16. go on 继续17. still 仍然 18. What day is it today?19. spell 拼读,拼写20.

2、make a sentence 造句21. with 用【词组】1. six years ago 六年前 2. do many things 做许多事情3. twenty years ago 二十年前4. write letters (to sb.) (给某人)写信5. at home 在家6. in the office 在办公室7. call sb. 给某人打电话8. a mobile phone 一部手机9. write emails 写电子邮件10. listen to the radio 听收音机11. read newspapers for news 看报纸获取新闻12. on t

3、he Internet 在网上13. read e-books 看电子书14. make friends 交朋友15. at school 在学校16. buy things from shops 从商店买东西17. do shopping 购物18. all over the world 全世界,世界各地19. read and watch news 看新闻20. an English lesson 一节英语课21. look out of the window 朝窗外看22. listen to me 听我说23. go on 继续24. What day is it today? 今天星

4、期几?25. get angry 变得生气26. make a sentence with 用造句27. eat a cake 吃块蛋糕28. wait for 等候,等待29. wait for the answer 等答案30. then and now 过去和现在31. on holiday 在度假32. six years old 六岁33. a photo of yourself 你自己的一张照片34. in the cake 在蛋糕里35. work hard 努力工作36. every day 每天【语法】一般过去时在前面的三个单元加上本单元,我们学习了一般过去时。本单元重在复习

5、一般疑问句,所以老师要给学生对这四个单元所学的与一般过去时有关的内容进行归纳和,在查漏补缺的过程中巩固所学内容。多做些笔头练习,仔细讲解,使学生将一般过去时学得扎实些。在教学中不要忘了:1. 与一般过去时相关的时间状语 yesterday, yesterday, ago, last等。2. 一般过去时肯定句、否定句及其回答、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句等句式结构。3. 动词过去式的变化形式,尤其是到目前为止学生所学过的不规则动词的变化,要求学生能熟记。小结如下:become became, fly flew, bring brought, fly flew, can could, lose lost

6、, find found, get got, do did, meet met, hold held, take took, say said, make made, think thought, write wrote, eat ate, come came, do did, go went, see saw, catch caught, eat ate, get got, give gave, have had, wear wore, meet met, read read, draw drew, buy bought, is was, arewere,come came, catch c

7、aught, choose chose, drink drank, feel felt, forget forgot, grow grew, know knew, learn learnt, let let, put put, run ran, ride rode, ring rang, sing sang, sit sat, sleep slept, speak spoke, spend spent, stand stood, steal stole, sweep swept, swim swam, teach taught, tell told注:蓝色单词为旧教材中学过的动词不规则变化汇总

8、。建议在以后的教学中,如遇到有不规则动词的要及时告诉学生。【知识点分析】1. Six years ago,I couldnt write. 六年前,我不会写。六年前,我不会写。ago 表示“以前” ,通常与时间短语连用构成表示过去的时间短语,如:five years ago, three weeks ago,two days agocouldnt = could not2. Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.三十年前,迈克的爷爷通过听收音机和看报纸来获得新闻。三十

9、年前,迈克的爷爷通过听收音机和看报纸来获得新闻。关于“news”单词的由来。News 的四个字母分别是英文东(east) 、西(west) 、南(south) 、北(north)的第一个字母组合而成,表示“消息、新闻”来自东南西北、四面八方。3. 本单元 cartoon time 中出现了三种时态的表达,老师们在教学时要注意了。如:一般现在时:The lesson goes on.Miss Fox waits for the answer.现在进行时:Bobby is looking out of the window.Now Bobby and Sam are talking.一般过去时:I

10、 ate a cake yesterday.The egg was in the cake.【语音】Er /三步曲:嘴角微微张开;舌头自然放松;舌中部微微隆起。teacher, farmer, sister, brother, paper, number, perhaps, order, winter, summer, brother, mother, father, driver, worker, waiter【课堂训练】一、写出下列单词的过去式1. have_ 2. can_3. get_ 4. get_5. go_ 6. eat_7. see_ 8. take_9. bring_ 10.

11、 fly_二、翻译词组1十五年前_ 2. 写一封电子邮件_3. 听收音机_ 4. 全世界 _5. 交朋友_ 6. 朝外看_7. 造句_ 8. 生气_9. 看报纸 _ 10. 在网上 _三、用所给词的正确形式填空1. The students are _ (have) an English lesson.2. How many _ (class) are there in your school?3. He could not _(draw) five years ago.4. She _ (get) up at six oclock yesterday.5. Listen, the boy _

12、 (sing) an English song.6. Do you have _ (some) story books?7. My brother _ (be) a teacher three years ago.8. The girls sang and _ (dance) last night.9. Who _(meet) the woman a moment ago?10. He _ (live) near the river last year.四、连词成句。1. father, the, all, has, my, e-friends, over, world(.)_2. Brown, friends, school, at, Mrs, made, ago, twenty, years(.) _3. Internet, she, shopping, does, the, too, on(.)_4. of, Bobby, looking, is, out, window, the(.)_5. hard, mother, day, works, my, every(.)_Unit Four 单元练习卷单元练习卷班级_ 姓名 _得分_听力部分(听力部分(30 分)分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分。



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