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1、选词填空-六级必过The secret to happiness is keeping busy, research has found. Keeping the mind 3K6 with tasks-no matter how meaningless-staves off(赶走) negative emotions, the study found.However, the bad news is that humans seem hard-wired (天生的) to be lazy in order to save energy, according to Professor Chri

2、stopher Hsee, a behavioral scientist at Chicago University.In a study 98 students were asked to complete two surveys. After they had completed the first they were made to wait 15 minutes to receive the next one. They were given a choice of either handing in the first 3I7 nearby or at a more distant

3、location they had to walk to. Whichever option they chose, they received a chocolate bar. Two- thirds (68 per cent) chose the lazy 3D8 . Those who had taken the walk reported feeling happier than those who bad stayed 3N9Prof Hsee 4L0 keeping busy helped keep people happy. He said the findings, repor

4、ted in the journal Psychological Science, had policy 4H1 “Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are 4O2 useless,“ he proposed. At the individual Ievel, he advised, “Get up and do something. Anything. Even if there really is no point to what you are

5、 doing, you will feel better for it. “ He 4B3 , “Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self- reflection 4M4 as keeping busy, too. You do not need to be running around-you just need to be 4E5 , either physically or mentally. “ A study B addedC thoughtD optionE engaged F especiallyG increasedH

6、implicationsI surveyJ solutions K occupied L concluded M countsN putO actuallyWomen in 2011 made no significant gains in winning more top US business jobs, according to a study, but the head of the study said women are poised to make J36 in the year ahead.The number of women who were board directors

7、, corporate officers or top earners at Fortune 500 companies remained 3I7 unchanged, said the study by Catalyst, a nonprofit group that 3K8 opportunities for women in business.The percentage of companies with women on the board of directors was 15.1 percent this year, compared with 14.8 percent in 2

8、010, Catalyst said.Also, the percentage of corporate officer positions 3N9 by women was 15.7 percent in 2011 and 15.4 percent in 2010, it said. The percentage of top earners in 2011 who were women was 6.2 percent, compared to 6.7 percent in 2010, it said.The research on the Fortune 500 companies was

9、 4C0 on data as of March 31, 2011. The slight changes in the numbers are not considered 4L1 significant, Catalyst said.Nevertheless, given the changes in U.S. politics, the future for women in business looks more 4F2 , said Ilene Lang, president and chief executive 43 of Catalyst.“Overall were 4O4 t

10、o see change next year,“ Lang said. “When we look at shareholders, decision makers, the general public, theyre looking for change. “What theyre basically saying is, Dont give us 4E5 of the status quo (现状). Get new ideas in there, get some fresh faces,“ she said. A officer B changes C based D positio

11、ns E more F promising G businesslike H surveyingI essentiallyJ stridesK promotes L statistically M confused N heldO expectingNearly a third of women are the main breadwinners in their household in Britain, according to a major survey.Researchers said that in many relationships it was no longer assum

12、ed that the man would bring in the bigger income, I36 in a time of widespread redundancies (裁员).In a O 37 shift in attitudes, four out often women said that the career of whichever partner had the highest income would take A 38 in the relationship.In one in ten families, a house husband looks after

13、the children and does the L39 while their female partner works full time. Ten percent of women admitted this role 40 had put strains on their relationship and some said it had even led to them J41 company.The Women and Work Survey 2010, commissioned (受委托) by Grazia magazine, found that almost half o

14、f full-time mothers M42 not earning their own money.And two thirds of the mothers among the 2,000 women in the survey said they wanted to keep working in some way after having children.A D 43 higher number of those with children under three said they would prefer to work-preferably part- time-rather

15、 than stay at home.Victoria Harper of Grazia said,“Women are getting good jobs when they graduate, and working up the career E 44 faster than they have ever done.“This means that there has to be more N45 between the roles of men and women in a relationship and when they have children. Aprecedence BconnectionCprospect Dslightly E ladder FfavoredGplan HreversalIespeciallyJpartingKoppositeLchoresMdislikedNfluidityO significant36、根据下列短与答案,填写 36-46 题。Cancer is the worlds top “economic killer“ as well as its likely leading cause of death. Cancer costs more in I and lost life than


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