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1、新课程理念在高中英语 课堂教学中的实施,张颖,导语 备课 课型研究(听说、写作) 案例分析,问题,课时与教材内容的矛盾如何 处理? Workbook如何处理? 听力练习如何处理?,导语,课程改革的核心环节是课程实施课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学,教学过程是师生互动、共同发展的过程。 知识技能、过程方法及情感态度价值观的整合是新课程的价值追求。 教学是预设与生成、封闭与开放的矛盾统一体。要切实提高学生的表达、实践和运用能力。 关键字:理念 课堂 实施,新课程教学理念,一、整合教学与课程 二、强调互动的师生关系 三、构建素质教育课堂教学目标体系 四、构建充满生命力的课堂教学运行体系 五、转变学生的学

2、习方式,多维备课,传统备课备教材 备学生 备教法 新课程的备课备课标 备育人 备资源备教材 备学生 备教法,整合,多维备课,课标理念 目标定位 资源整合 教材处理,课标理念,课程目标:综合语言运用能力- 语言技能.语言知识.情感态度.学习策略.文化意识等素养学习方式: 体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究,目标定位,(单元目标)教参、教材 + 学生、教师*,M8U4,资源整合,教材观,课本教材,补充教材,方法,英语课程标准指出:“教师要善于结合教学实际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍和调整。”,优化教材 提高效果,一、删除 二、调整 三、补充 四

3、、替换 五、扩展 六、合并,案例分析,Moduel 1 Unit 5 Earthquake,一、删除,Warming Up 本部分提供了两个城市的图片,分别是中国河北省的唐山市和美国西海岸加利福尼亚州的旧金山市,这两个城市在20世纪都曾发生过大地震,要求学生描述地震对这两个城市造成的危害,并展开讨论。,处理方式,删除Warming Up这一环节,向学生介绍一位朋友Mr. Nature并结合图片让学生回答问题 1:When he is cheerful, what can you see?(blue sky, green forest, bright sunshine, and so on )

4、2:When he gets angry, what will happen?(natural disasters, such as flood,fire, earthquake,etc. ),导出地震这一话题,并以Brainstorming的形式让学生讨论问题:When you see the word“ Earthquake”, what do you think of ?引导学生一步步地得出以下结论:,二、调整,本单元的“读前”Pre-reading部分设计了两个有关地震方面的问题让学生回答。 第一个问题是让学生设想一下:地震发生后的瞬间你在离开住房前只来得及带走一件东西,你要带什么,为

5、什么要带这件物品? 第二个问题是让学生看图回答地震前夕动物和自然界奇特的异常变化。,Workbook(第67页) Speaking Task (In pairs you are to choose eight things from the lists below to put into your personal earthquake bag. Remember these may be the only things you have, so make sure that you only take essential things with you. They must last you

6、 five days.) 将他们整和在一起放在Reading后作为Discussion让学生分小组讨论。,第二个问题与Reading部分第一段的内容重复,调整到让学生阅读完第一段之后来完成。 According to the pictures, try to describe the signs before the earthquakes. 在阅读的同时又借此机会让学生提高口头表达的能力,可谓一举两得。,三、补充,本单元的“听力”Listening部分是一名记者采访1906年美国旧金山大地震幸存者的材料,围绕该篇听力内容设计了四个练习。 练习1是组织学生两人一组的活动,归纳在突遇的灾难面前用

7、来表达感情的形容词。 练习2是让学生听采访材料,判断所给句子的正误,并说明其理由。,练习3组织学生再听材料,分小组或两人一组根据录音练习讨论、回答问题。 练习4引导学生练习朗读句子,注意其中的连读与不完全爆破。,补充材料,1Pick up the words you hear. five oclock shaking winds fires bricks sheep police boat cows trees New York soldiers,2True or false.(原有的练习2) (1) The man was sleeping downstairs when the earth

8、quake happened. (2) Many huge buildings were shaking bricks were falling. (3) A lot of people were buried under the ruins. (4) Some cows were killed in the fires. (5) He felt safer because he got away easily.,3. Fill in the blanks. (1)It was about _ in the morning. I remember, I _ up when I was thro

9、wn out of the bed. I felt terrified and _ downstairs. (2)It seemed as if the end of the world came. People were _, _ and _ everywhere. Bricks were _ down from some buildings while big ones were _. Lots of people were getting _ under bricks.,(3)I asked a man standing next to me what happened. _ he co

10、uld answer, some _ fell on him and he was _. Some frightened cows rushed up Market Street and _ into one of the cracks. I will never forget the _ they made.,四、替换,本单元的“语言学习”Learning about Language 部分由“词汇学习”和“语法学习”两项内容组成。 “语法学习”部分主要是帮助学生了解、熟悉并初步掌握由关系代词(whom, who, which, whose, that)引导的定语从句,有3个练习:,四、替换

11、,练习1要求学生了解定语从句的意义、引导词与构成方式,并能从课文中找出含有定语从句的句子; 练习2要求学生能用whom, who, which, whose, that完成定语从句,并译成汉语,引导他们进行汉英句子结构的比较; 练习3要求学生能用whom, who, which, whose, that完成句子。,定语从句是语法学习的重点和难点,学生在第一次接触定语从句时,一定要让他们弄清楚基本的原理并通过各种形式让学生对它感兴趣。,1Introduce the positions of the attribute(定语的位置). (1) It is a water bottle.(Word)

12、 (2) It is a bottle full of water. (Phrase) (3) It is a bottle that is full of water. (Clause) 归纳:单个的词作定语时要放于被修饰词的前面,短语或从句作定语时要放于被修饰词的后面。,2Introduce Antecedent(先行词), Relative Pronoun(关系代词),and the Attributive Clause(定语从句). 概念:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 Lily is an English teacher who likes pop songs.

13、先行词 关系代词 定语从句,3Read the sentences and find out Antecedent(先行词), Relative Pronoun(关系代词),and the Attributive Clause(定语从句). (1)Mr. Chen Jiageng is the man that built JiMei Middle School. (2)The girl whom we saw yesterday is his sister.,让学生通过实例分辨先行词、关系代词和定语从句,帮助他们弄清楚基本的概念同时由学生自己找出规律: 先行词为人时,关系代词用whom, w

14、ho, that; 先行词为物时,关系代词用which, that; 先行词(人或物)与定语从句中的主语表所属关系时,关系代词用whose。,4Divide the sentences into two parts and get the result listed in the table. Example: Lily is an English teacher who likes pop songs. Lily is an English teacher. She likes pop songs. (1)Mr. Chen Jiageng is the man that built JiMe

15、i Middle School. (2)The girl whom we saw yesterday is his sister.,通过练习让学生明白先行词在定语从句中充当主语、宾语和定语时如何选用关系代词。,5Join two sentences into one Attributive Clause, using as many relative pronouns as possible. Example: The woman is a teacher. The woman lives next door. The woman who/that lives next door is a t

16、eacher. (1) The nurse is kind. The nurse looks after my sister. (2) We watched the play “ Teahouse”.The play was written by Lao She.,6Competition in Groups:Describe pictures according to the given words,using the Attributive Clause. 7Read the passage through on Workbook(第64页)and complete the sentences, using different relative pronouns.(内容略) 6、7两个步骤是知识的综合运用与提高,小组竞赛激发了学生的兴趣,又让学生体验了合作学习的快乐。,


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