2018年外研版高中英语必修五课件:Module 1 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills(共23张PPT)

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1、Section Integrating Skills,.根据词性及汉语提示写出相关单词 1.announce v.宣布,宣告;声称 n.声明,宣告 2.linguistics n.语言学 n. 语言学家 3.add v.增加;把加起来 vi.(to)增添 n.加,加法;增加的人(或物) 4.present v.陈述,提出 n.现在;礼物 5.simple adj.简单的;朴素的 v.简化,使简明simplicity n.简单,简易;朴素 6. v.结合,联合,使结合combination n.结合(体),联合(体),化合 7.refer v.指的是;参考 n.提到;查阅;参考书目,announ

2、cement,linguist,addition,present,simplify,combine,reference,.短语互译 A.温故:从文中找出与下列释义对应的英文 1.习惯于 2.到目前为止 3.一对 4.属于 5.对有影响,get used to so far a couple of. belong to have an influence on,B.知新:从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思 1.thanks to 2.make a fuss of 3.in favour of 4.refer to.as. 5.attempt to do sth. municate with,

3、幸亏,多亏 过分关心 同意;支持 称为 试图做某事 与交流,.阅读课文The Man Who Made Spelling Simple,完成下列各题 1.翻译句子 In English the spelling of words does not always represent the sound.2.Webster was best known for his American Dictionary of the English Language,which first appeared in (year). 答案:1.在英语中,单词的拼写不是总能代表发音。 2.1828,1,2,3,1.

4、he prime minister is making an important announcement at the moment. 首相此刻正在做一项重要的声明。,1,2,3,考点:make an announcement 做出重要声明 announcement n.发表,公告,告知 They are expected to make an announcement later on today. 预计今天晚些时候他们会宣布一项通告。 考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义 They announced their engagement to the family. 他们向家

5、里宣布他们已经订婚了。 词性:动词 含义:宣布;述说 The announcement will appear in tomorrows newspapers. 该通告将于明日见报。 词性:名词 含义:发表,公告,告知,1,2,3,2)阅读下列句子,体会announce短语的搭配和意义 Please announce to your classmates that there is no class tomorrow. 请对班上的学生宣布明天不上课。 搭配:announce to sb.that. 意义:向某人宣布 It is announced that the sports meet wi

6、ll be held next Tuesday. 据宣布,运动会将在下周二举行。 搭配:It is announced that. 意义:据宣布,1,2,3,make an announcement 做出重要声明 announce to sb.that.向某人宣布 It is announced that.据宣布,1,2,3,即学即用,1,2,3,2.resent your ideas to the rest of the class. 把你的观点陈述给班里的其他同学。 考点:present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);介绍,引荐 adj.在场的;现存的,现有的 n.礼物;现在 We w

7、ould like to present some suggestions which would help settle the question. 我们愿提出一些可能有助于解决这个问题的建议。,1,2,3,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会present的词性及含义 Ive got enough money for the present,but I must go to the bank tomorrow. 我的钱现在还够用,但我明天就必须去银行(取款)了。 词性:名词 含义:现在 May I present Mr Robinson to you? 可否让我向你介绍一下罗宾逊先生? 词性:

8、动词 含义:介绍,1,2,3,He will be present at the meeting in person. 他将亲自参加会议。 词性:形容词 含义:在场的,出席的 On the day Joe graduated,he presented the teacher with his most precious possessionthe picture of a bright yellow sun. 乔毕业的那天,他赠给老师他最珍爱的东西一幅明亮的金黄色太阳画。 词性:动词 含义:赠送,1,2,3,At present,the girl present at the party is

9、 considering asking her father for the prize that just has been presented to him as a birthday present. 现在,参加宴会的那个女孩正考虑向她父亲要那个刚颁发给他的奖品作为自己的生日礼物。,2)present为形容词,意为“出席的,在场的”,做定语时要后置。 Everybody present welcomed the decision. 出席的人都欢迎那个决议。,1,2,3,present有三种词性。1)动词的含义是:陈述;提出;介绍,引荐;赠送 2)名词的含义是:礼物;现在 3)形容词的含义

10、是:在场的;现存的;现有的,1,2,3,即学即用,1,2,3,1,2,3,3.an you see any similarities between Websters work and attempts to simplify Chinese? 你能看出韦伯斯特的工作和尝试简化汉语之间的相似之处吗? 考点:attempt n.努力,尝试 【高考典句】(2015湖北高考)These problems partly involve Brookss attempt to translate his tale into science. 这些问题在一定程度上涉及了布鲁克斯尝试把自己讲述的故事阐述成科学

11、理论。,1,2,3,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会attempt的词性及含义 I failed in my attempt to persuade her. 我未能说服她。 词性:名词 含义:尝试 They attempted to finish the work within a month. 他们试图在一个月内完成这项工作。 词性:动词 含义:努力,试图,1,2,3,2)阅读下列句子,体会attempt相关短语的搭配与意义 He is attempting to swim from England to France. 他正试图从英国游到法国。 搭配:attempt to do sth.

12、 意义:试图做某事 Just one third said they were willing to make an attempt at speaking a foreign language while on holiday. 只有三分之一的人说他们愿意在出国度假时尝试着去说一门外语。 搭配:make an attempt at doing sth. 意义:尝试做某事 Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt. 第一次就能回答这个问题的人并不很多。 搭配:at ones first attempt 意义:第一次尝试,1,2,3,attempt to do sth.尝试做某事 make an attempt to do sth.(at doing sth.)尝试做某事 at ones first attempt第一次尝试,1,2,3,即学即用,1,2,3,



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