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1、1上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 20172017 届九年级英语届九年级英语 9 9 月月考试题月月考试题(满分(满分 150150 分,考试时间分,考试时间 100100 分钟)分钟) PaperPaper OneOne ListeningListeningI.I.A.A. ListenListen andand choosechoose thethe rightright picturepicture 6%6%( A ) ( B ) ( C ) (D)(D) ( ( E E ) ) ( ( F)F) ( ( G G ) ) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _ 6._B.B. List

2、enListen toto thethe dialoguedialogue andand choosechoose thethe bestbest answeranswer toto thethe questionquestion youyou hear:8%hear:8%( )7. A. The 1st floor. B. The 2nd floor. C. The 3rd floor. D. The 4th floor.( )8. A. To a store. B. To his physics class.C. To a cooking class.D. To a restaurant.

3、( )9. A. She doesnt know Wei Dong.B. Wei Dong used to be her teacher.C. Wei Dong is her good friend now.D. Wei Dong is no longer her good friend.( )10. A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00.C. At 8:00. D. At 9:00.( )11. A. He can join the club each Tuesday.B. He is free every day except Tuesday.C. John is a good p

4、iano player but he is too busy.2D. The girl had better invite John to join the club.( )12. A. Husband and wife.B. Passenger and driver.C. Salesgirl and customer.D. Teacher and student.( )13 A. Went skating. B. Played table tennis.C. Went swimming.D. Played basketball.( )14. A. Flight No.112 at 9:00

5、pm.B. Flight No.211 at 11:40 pm.C. Flight No.112 at 11:40 pm.D. Flight No.211 at 12:20 pm.C.C. ListenListen toto thethe passagepassage andand telltell whetherwhether thethe followingfollowing statementsstatements areare truetrue oror false:false: 6%6%( )15. The writer went to England in the autumn o

6、nly because of the weather.( )16. In London, taxis werent very expensive and neither were bus tickets.( )17. They walked and did most of their sightseeing.( )18 The wife didnt enjoy travelling by underground.( )19. The plays in their hometown are more wonderful than those in London.( )20. They think

7、 that English food is nice.D.D. ListenListen toto thethe dialoguedialogue andand completecomplete thethe form:form: 10%10%21. This taped tour will introduce you to _ _.22. There are books on humanities(人文学科) subjects such as Chinese, English, history, etc., and our _ _.23. On Floor Two, you will fin

8、d our _ _, magazines and newspapers, as well as our photocopy machines.24. _ _ rooms and the multimedia center are located on Floor Four.25. It is open on weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m, and on _ from 9:00 a.m. to _ p.m.PaperPaper TwoTwo VocabularyVocabulary andand grammargrammarII.II. ChooseChoos

9、e thethe bestbest answers:answers: 20%20%( )26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A. There is a beautiful lake over there.3B. Could you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?C. I bought a birthday cake for my mum yesterday.D. We always have a day off

10、 on National Day. ( )27. There are many shops on _ sides of street. A. all B. both C. either D. Neither.( ) 28. My father has _ to Beijing. He will be back in a week.A. gone B. been C. come D. got( )29. You _ stay in bed all day, you can take a walk sometimes. A. neednt to B. dont have to C. dont ne

11、ed D. need( )30. I saw many students _ trees along the river just now. A. planted B. planting C. were planting D. to plant( )31. The teacher often tells us _ talk loudly in the library.A. dont B. to not C. not to D. didnt ( )32. Her voice sounds _. A. gently and sweetly B. nice and sweetly C. gentle

12、 and sweet D. gently and nice( )33. _it snowed heavily, _ Jenny still went to school early.A. Althoughbut B. Although / C. Because/ D. /although( )34. Im sorry to tell you that the film _ for twenty minutes. A. had begun B. has begun C. has started D. has been on ( )35. The whole bus was empty_ the

13、driver.A. except B except for C. besides D. including( )36. _ lucky you are to have a chance to be a volunteer in the World Expo! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a( )37. - Who wrote the book ? - The book _ by Tom.A. is written B. was written C. wrote D. was wrote( )38. Our plane will take off shortl

14、y, please make sure that your seat belt is _ fastened.A. securely B. clearly C. loudly D heavily( )39. The plane _ fifteen minutes ago.4A. arrived B. arrived at C. reached D. got to( )40. - I dont know if we _ a football match this afternoon.-Ill tell you about it at once if we _ one. A. will have, will have B. will have, have C. have, will h



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