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1、小学英语老师演讲稿小学英语老师演讲稿篇一:小学英语教师口语比赛演讲稿演讲稿 Ladies and Gentlemen, Its an honor for me to be here to make a speech Hope you enjoy a wonderful time! First I want to say is here my topic, which is how to make my class active and interactive. Actually , when I stepped to the 3-foot platform to be an English t

2、eacher , I tried my best to make my students practice the patterns time after time , I hoped that they would get high marks in test .However , my students didnt care about it , they showed less attention to my class. Until one day, a student had a talk with me. He said : ”Im learning many things tha

3、t are boring, useless and not valuable. So Im tired of studying. Miss Ma , can you understand me? ”At that time, I felt my class was lack of active and interactive patterns. Then I gradually found that make class active and interactive is from active learning to interactive teaching. First , we shou

4、ld be energetic and encouraging .Because our passion can make class want to learn English, they will act with nature and show more potential abilities. Also,we should praise in various ways. In our class we often say “good, very good”, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also fos

5、ter their sense of achievement in future learing Secondly, we should make class meaningful and creative. In class, we can use the short and simple sentence, use the body language to communicate with students .We should give students clear purpose and offer them opportunities to try, to create and al

6、low them to fail. Make sure the class relaxing and interactive, be familiar to the feeling of English language. Coming up next is organizing games and activities .You know, activity is the key part of class. Including paired work, competitions, role play, guessing game, TPR activities, and so on. Wh

7、atever I use , I should often change the way. From students and I; student and student ;to students and students. Make all class. The last but not the least is helping the class feel comfortable with asking me questions and answering my questions. To do this, do not criticize any questions from stud

8、ents .This will insure that students will continue to ask questions. Do give more chance to students ask and answer , make students and ourselves learn interactively. So after class students can listen, read, write, think without force and pressure, keeping interests and motivation . This is my talk

9、 from my experience, sharing with you today . Thank you for your attention! 篇二:小学英语教师演讲稿小学英语教师演讲稿 I am very glad to make a speech here in this class! This time, Id like to talk something about our nature. My topic is Caring for Nature. 非常高兴可以在这里做一次演讲。这次我想谈谈自然。我的话题是关爱自然。 What is nature? Its everythin

10、g existing in the world, such as plants, animals, earths, rocks, the water and the weather. 什么是自然?它是世间万物,比如植物动物土地岩石水和天气。 Human being depands on the nature. No nature, no life. Thanks to the help of the nature, we live a happy life for a long time. When we realize the use of nature, we begin to gain

11、everything from it. As the time goes by, the water has become dirty, the air has been polluted, forests have been cut over, the number of kinds of animals and plants has become smaller and smaller. 人类依赖于自然。没有自然,没有生命。由于自然的帮助,我们才得以长时间的生活快乐无忧。当我们意识到自然的作 用,我们开始无限制的索取。时光流逝,水源不洁,空气污染,森林消失,植物和动物的种类越来越少。Let

12、 we see our environment again, the crowded streets, the noisy cars, the dirty air, almost everything makes us more and more tired. At this time, we begin to want to go back to the nature to have a good rest, but the nature has already been destroyed by ourselves. It refuses us. 让我们再来审视我们周围的环境。拥挤的街道,

13、吵闹的汽车,肮脏的空气,几乎每件事物都使我们越加疲惫。此时,我们开始想要回归自然好好休息,然而自然已经被我们破坏了,它把我们拒之门外。 There is no chance that can give us to rewrite the history, so we can only do everything that we can do now to care for our nature. When we are driving, we can drive slowly to reduce the dust and noise; when we buy a refrigerator, w

14、e should choose a green one; when we are going to throw something, we should make sure whether it can be reuse or not. We can also plant trees, refuse to eat wild animals. 重写历史是不可能的,所以我们只能做我们可以做的每一件事来关爱自然。当我们开车时,我们可以开的慢一些来减少灰尘与噪音;当我们买冰箱时,我们应该选择绿色冰箱;当我们想要扔东西时,我们应该确定它是否可以重新利用。我们也可以植树造林,拒绝使用野生动物Loving

15、nature is loving ourselves, every drop that we give nature will be given back. Nature does not belong to somebody, everyone has his duty to do everything he can to protect it. By protecting nature, we protect ourselves, lets unit together, hand in hand, make our world more and more beautiful! 爱自然就是爱

16、自己,我们为自然做的一点一滴都会得到回报。自然并不属于某个人,每个人都有责任去做他可以做的每一件事去保护它。通过保护自然,我们得以保护自身。让我们团结起来,手牵手,让我们的世界变的更美好!Thank you! 篇三:小学英语教师家长会发言稿小学英语教师家长会发言稿 尊敬的各位家长,下午好: 首先,欢迎各位家长的到来。随着时间的流逝,孩子们在渐渐地长大,一转眼,一学期又要结束了。小学六年级,是学生在小学学习生活中最后一个阶段,是学生终生学习的一个中转站,也是小学与初中的接轨点,即将面临到一个新的环境中受到一个新的挑战、新的评价。俗话说,好的开端是成功的一半。今天我们聚在一起:“一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切!” 下面我想利用这个机会,把我班学生的英语成绩和对学生英语学习情况的了解来与各位家长分享和探讨。 学期已经快要结束,最近我们组织了多次的复习考试,对学生一学期来的学习作了简单的检测,也通过这些测试,了解学生的在学习方面的不足,以便在接下来的一个月的期终复习有所侧重。几份调研试卷,有深有浅,学生的情况大致如下:总分 100 分,班级最高分 100 分,优秀的学生有李雨



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