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1、书信商务应用书信商务应用篇一:商务信函写作1. Compose a Letter of Enquiry with the Following Particulars: The addressee: Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son, 19 Cheapside, London, E C 2 ? You have the addressees name and address from China Council for the promotion of International Trade. ? You wish to buy 100 sets of Automatic Di

2、shwasher. ? You wish to know clearly the price terms, payment terms, time of shipment, packing conditions, etc. ? Ask for illustrated catalogues. Dear Sirs, Your Company has been recommended to us by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, who has informed us that you are dealing in

3、the export of Automatic Dishwasher. We are now in the market for 100sets of this article and should be pleased if you could notify us by return whether you are able to supply us. If so, please quote us your best price on CIF Guangzhou basis, stating terms of payment, packing conditions and time of s

4、hipment, and let us have your illustrated catalogues for our careful study. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, 签名 2. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter. ? 1) Senders name : Hunan International Trading Corp.? 2) Senders a

5、ddress: 48 Huangxi Road, Changsha, Hunan, China ? 3) Senders telephone: 4435298 ? 4) Senders cable address: 5527CS ? 5) Senders telex address:3328cs CN ? 6) Date: September15, XX ? 7) Receivers name: Standard Oil Company ? 8) Receivers address: 38 Fifth Avenue, London, UK ? 9) Subject: Refrigerator

6、? 10) The message: Hunan International Trading Corp. 48 Huangxi Road, Changsha, Hunan, China Tel: 4435298 Cable address: 5527CS Telex address:3328cs CN 15 September XX Standard Oil Company 38 Fifth Avenue, London, UK Dear sir or madam: Subject:Refrigerators (message) Yours sincerely, 签名 篇二:商务书信格式无论商

7、务书信的目的如何,大多数商务书信都由于以下七个基本部分组成: 1、lettered 信头 2、dateline 日期行 3、inside address 封内地址 4、salutation 称呼 5、body of the letter 正文 6、complimentary close 结尾谦称 7、signature 签名 8、reference number 存档编号 9、attention line 经办人姓名 10、subject line 事由或标题 11、reference 归档或参考行 12、enclosures 附件 13、carbon copy notation 抄送 14.

8、 postscript 再启 1 The Heading or Letter-head 信头 公司名称和地址 电话、电传、传真号码、电报挂号(telegraphic address)、e-mail 2 The Date / Date Line 日期 1) 年份应完全写出:eg. 1998 2) 月份应用英文,不用数字 3) 月份名称可缩写:Aug. , Oct. 4) 24th March, XX(Br. Style) March 24, XX ( AmE. Style) 3 The Inside Name and Address 封内名称,地址 (1) 从小到大,公司名 信箱,门牌号码和街名

9、,所在城市、州、县名及邮编,国名 (2) C/O: care of 转交 (3) 行名前(以人名为行名)冠以“Messrs”,表客气 4 The Salutation 称呼 商业函件多用 Dear Sirs, 不能单独用 Sirs;公事函件用 Dear Sir.;半公半私用 Dear Mr.;美国人常用Gentlemen, 后用冒号;Dear Sirs 后用逗号 5 The Body 开头语+信的正文+结尾语 6 The Complimentary Close 结束语,结尾敬语 Formal : Dear Sirs, . Yours faithfully Gentlemen: Truly yo

10、urs Less formal: Dear Mr. Hey: Yours sincerely Dear Ms. Smith: Yours cordially 2) 正式程度 Very sincerely yoursYours very sincerelyYours sincerelySincerely yoursSincerely 7 The Signature 签名;商号名称用大写,再由负责人签名,用图章有欠礼貌。() Seven Optional Parts 选择部分 1 The Reference Number / The references 存档编号,案号 Eg. Our ref.:

11、 LGB /Your ref: JDM / je 1) 便于发信人编号归档,以便将来查阅。 2) 便于写信人或对方将回函与以往的信件联系起来。2 The Attention Line 注意事项,致收信人 需注明对方经办人,希望收信商号将信迅速交经办人办理,可用 Attention / Attention of, 用于称呼上两行,加底线。 Eg. For the attention of Mr. Smith Attention: Mr. Smith Attention of Mr. Smith, Export Manager Attention of Purchasing Manager 3 T

12、he Subject Line / Re Line / The Subject Heading or Caption 事由,事由栏 主标题;分标题 标题分为主标题和分段标题。主标题在称呼下面空两行,加下横线。 分段标题放在每段之首, 表示这一段所涉及的主题。 4 The Reference Notation 经办人代号 主办人代号: reference initials Identification Mark / The identification line 将主稿人和速记员的姓名第一个字母连续打出,两者之间用冒号或斜线分开可以全部大写,或全部小写,或只将口述人姓名首字母大写。以便日后查对由

13、何人主稿,由何人速记打字。 Eg. HW / JZHW: JZHW :jz HW / jz 5 The Enclosure 附件 如果有附件,要注明“Enclosure” 或缩写 Encl.在左下角,后加上附件数量或注明内容 Eg. Enclosure: Price list Enclosures: 4 Encl. As stated. Encls.: 2 Invoices 6 The Carbon Copy Notation 抄送 信件的内容需抄送第三方时, 可在签名或附件下两行沿左边缘线打上 cc /CC, 再打上抄送对象的名称即可。 但在有些国家,由于商界几乎已全部采用影印件来抄送,故往往用 Xerox 来代替 cc. Eg. cc: Shanghai Branch Office 7 The Postscript / 附言 以示亲切;为加深印象,将最有说服力的论点归纳在附言中;补充 一、Formats 1、block style(齐头式或平头式) 信头 - 日期 - 封内地址 - 称呼 - 正文 - -



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