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1、中职英语模块中职英语模块 3 3 期中考试卷期中考试卷总分 100 分 出卷人 聂艳梅学部学部 班级班级 姓名姓名 分数分数 一、词义配对:根据对所提供单词的理解,找出其对应的正确解释。 (10*1=10 分)( )1.festival A like better( )2.prefer B. a day or occasion for celebration( )3.millionaire C. turn or be turned into ice or another solid by cold( )4.freeze D. make or get ready for( )5.prepare

2、E. a person whose wealth amounts to at least a million dollars( )6.cash F. put,fit,place something into( )7.insert G put money in( )8.overdraft H. put or store for safe-keeping( )9.deposit I obtain or pay money for( )10.invent E. amount of money by which a back account is overdrawn二、单词拼写:根据所给句子的意思及所

3、缺单词的首字母及第二个字母,在横线上写出该单词,是句子意思完整、通顺,合乎语法。 (10*1=10 分)11.Thats not a big de_.12. I have telling stories in pu _.13. A Christmas party?It sounds interesting but I pr _ to stay at home.14. On Halloween people dress up and hold parties to ce _the holiday.15. My brother de _ to buy himself a gift if he pa

4、sses the exam.16. You should insert your ca _ first.17. You should ap _ for this job.18. When you are traveling , you can ask a lo _ person as tour guide.19. Great teamwork en _ me to work under unhappiness through the past years.20. I can support myself in a foreign country , and do not need fi_ he

5、lp from my parents.三、单项选择:在每小题列出的四个备选答案中,只有一个是符合题目要求的。错选、多选或未选均无分。 (20*1=20 分)( )21.I usually go there by train.Why not _by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going( )22.Little Jim should love _to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. to take C. being take

6、n D. taking( )23.There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant make up my mind_ to buy.A. what B. which C. how D. where( )24.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. playing B. to be playingC. play D. to play( )25.I regret _you that we are unable to offer you employment.A.

7、 informingB. having informedC. to informD. to informing( )26.The matter had better _as it is.A. leave B. being leftC. leaving D. be left( )27.The problem is difficult _.A. to answer B. to be answeredC. answer D. answering( )28.She is looking forward to _from me.A. hear B. hearingC. be heard D. be he

8、aring( )29.How much time do you spend _ English every day?A. learned B. to learnC. on learn D. learning( )30.The more you practice _English , the better your _ English will be.A. to speak; speaking B. speaking;spokenC. spoken; spoken D. spoken;speaking( )31.It is hard for the Chinese students _Russi

9、an .A. to learn B. learningC. learn D. to learning( )32.My bike is broken , so it needs _.A. repair B. to repair C. repaired D. repairing( )33.My son refused _at the party.A. singing B. singC. to sing D. sang( )34.You can find our homepage on the Internet and fill _ the application from.A. of B. inC

10、. on C. at( )35._in a foreign country is not easy , but I will never give up.A. Studying B. StudyC. Studies D. Studied ( )36.Zhang Lin is _ English course this term.A. apply for B. applied C. applied for D. applying for( )37.When you choose a training school , you should know _you can sign up online

11、 or not.A. if B. if notC. whether D. whether not( )38.The teaching materials in our school always keep _ with the latest development.A. step B. following C. pace D. space( )39.It is known to all _Liu Xiao is a hero.A. what B. whether or notC. that D. when ( )40._difficulties we may come across , well help one another to overcome them.A. However B. WheneverC. Wherever D. Whatever四、完形填空:在每小题列出的四个备选答案中,只有一个答案是符合题目要求的。错选、多选或未选均无分。 (10*1=10 分)Now you can do your _ and pay your bills from just about _ your home or your office.You can draw cash , make deposits or _your ai



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