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1、2013年4月19日,一、什么是阅读表达?,“阅读表达”顾名思义,就是将阅读 理解和书面表达结合在了一起。要求 学生在阅读理解的基础上,将理解的 内容根据短文后的题目要求书面表达 出来,并且还得用简洁、准确的句子。,2013年4月19日,二、阅读表达怎么考?,阅读表达要求学生阅读一篇300词左右的短文,并根据短文后的要求用英语回答问题,完成任务。有五个小题,每小题2分,共计10分。答题时间约为10-15分钟。问题的设置分为:主旨概括、补全句子、封闭型问题、开放型问题及其它类型,2013年4月19日,三、我们如何去应对?,发现学生暴露出来的问题 :,1.审题不清。包括: (1)未理解命题人的设题

2、目的,答非所问。(2)不按题目要求答题,格式、字数等出现问题。,2.理解偏差。,2013年4月19日,3、表达有误。包括: (1)单词拼写有误,大小写混乱,造成表达不清。 (2)无语法可言,组不成完整的句子。 (3)词汇量有限,用词不准确,词不达义。 (4)书写较差,字迹潦草 ,难以辨认。,2013年4月19日,参考评分标准,2013年4月19日,(一) 主旨概括,1.What is the main idea of the passage?2.What would be the best title of the passage?3.Whats the purpose of the pass

3、age?4.What does the writer say about sth. in the second paragraph?5.How does the writer introduce the topic?,2013年4月19日,答题技巧,1. 通览全文, 分析文章结构, 把握作者观点、态度及语气2. 找出文章中心所在, 如首段、尾段3. 概括归纳: 回答需准确、简洁,防止以偏概全或过于笼统,2013年4月19日,注意事项:,1. title最好总结成短语,也可以是短句,但要力求精辟,简洁。可参照答题模式:How to Ways to Tips on doingAdvice on h

4、ow to2. main idea 可以根据文章内容总结成短句。3. purpose 要总结成to do不定式的形式。尽量用完整句子来回答。The purpose is to-,2013年4月19日,4. 标题中大小写、格式一般不作严格要求。通常采用以下几种方式: 1).第一单词首字母大写:(专有词汇需大写的除外,如:China) How to deal with stress 2).实词首字母大写: How to Deal with Stress 3).所有字母都大写: HOW TO DEAL WITH STRESS 5.标题中一般不用句号,但其他标点要标出。例如:Fire! Why do

5、we need dictionaries?,2013年4月19日,The question is, why do they have this addiction ? There isnt a specific reason. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems. Shopaholics say that they feel

6、 more important and better after they buy something. They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.,Question: What is the main idea of this paragraph ? (within 8words),Answer: Why people have shopping addiction. The reasons why people have shopping addition . The reasons for peoples ad

7、dition to shopping.,【主旨概括(08)】,2013年4月19日,评分标准:答案中含有表达原因的词、短语或句型给1分;有表达购物的词、短语或句型给1分、有表达成瘾的词、短语或句型给1分。,3分档答案: The reason(s) why people turn into shopaholics. The reason(s) why people are addicted to shopping. Reason(s) for peoples addiction to shopping.,【主旨概括(08)】,2分档答案: Why do they have shopping ad

8、diction? Why do some people have this addiction? The reason why some people have this addiction. The reason(s) why they have shopping addiction.,1分档答案: Why do they have this addiction? The reason(s) why they have this addiction,2013年4月19日,2、句子填空 / 补全句子 关键: 方法:,把握语境和上下文之间的逻辑关系,1)在理解全文的基础上把握上下文之间 的逻辑关

9、系,确定需要填写的是短语还是完整句子; 2)注意书写时的问题,如大小写、时态、语态、单复数、字数等。 3)代入答案检查,看上下文是否通顺,能 否恢复文章作者原本想表达的思想、内容或意图。,2013年4月19日,The first auxiliary (辅助) rule for becoming rich is to _ or, if out of school, go back to it. Of course, to stay in school isnt enough and they will learn something worth the time and effort. It n

10、ever has been easier to get an education.,2013年4月19日,1分档答案 to study hard hold on your education,0分档答案 get a high school education,2 分档答案 stay in/at school get an education go on study go to college go to school get a college education get a great education study more in school,2013年4月19日,3、封闭性问题:,常见

11、问法:Regular Wh-/H-Questions based on the passage. 例如: 1)What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words) 2)List three effects of smiling on health according to the text.(within 8 words.)(2009 山东)(1) lowering blood pressure (2) relieving stress (3)boosting happiness 3) Why / How / When /

12、WhereBecause they / To do ,2013年4月19日,答题方法,1. 忠于原文,在文章中找出依据,回答要有针对性,避免答非所问;给出答案时不需要加入自己的观点。 2. 注意归纳、概括,根据问题信息确定回答应用短语,还是句子。总结一定要点化,注意词数限制。,2013年4月19日,Critics often speak of “the rich” as if those at the very top of the income ladder are dishonest, or as if becoming rich is difficult and means others

13、 must become poorer. However, we must add that achieving the status of “the rich” is not particularly difficult, contrary to popular wisdom.,What impression do the rich often leave on critics? (No more than 5 words),2013年4月19日,2分档答案 The rich(people) are dishonest. Dishonest.,1分档答案 Dishonest and diff

14、icult. Dishonest ,difficult, others become poorer. Dishonest ,becoming rich is difficult.,0分档答案 The income ladder are dishonest. Becoming rich is difficult. Its dishonest.,2013年4月19日,To have a good chance at being rich, most individuals will need at least a college education, which will double their

15、 incomes over what they would have earned with only a high school diploma. A professional degree will result in an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates.,Why is a college education essential to become wealthy? (No more than 10 words),2013年4月19日,2分档答案 Because a higher/college

16、 educationmeans a higher income. Because a higher/college education will/can help to get a higher income. Because itll double incomes than those with high school diploma.,2013年4月19日,1分档答案 (1)Because it helps them earn twice ashigh school graduates. (2)Because it will double our income. (3)Because it will double incomes over a high school diploma. (4)Because they doubles peoples incomewith only high school diplomas. (5)Because it can give us good chances. (6)Because it doubles peoples incomes over those dont have.,


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